Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Top Ten Bookish Things (That Aren't Books) That Lori Would Like To Own

To learn more about Top Ten Tuesday or see a list of future topics click here!

1.  To the Lighthouse Book Cover T-Shirt--I LOVE this shirt!  (And so many other shirts from Out of Print Clothing).  I will totally buy it one day...but I feel like I need to actually read the book before I buy the shirt.

2.  She is too fond of books Necklace--I saw this piece on a book blog I follow.  I absolutely love it!  You can buy it on Etsy.

3.  We do things My Way or the Hemingway shirt--Why would I not want this?  My friend owns it and he let me borrow it for my MA thesis defense.  Unfortunately, I was unable to style the t-shirt with something acceptable for such an occasion.  But I totally dig it.

4.  Book Clutch--I cannot remember which ones, but I know that Kate Spade at one point had several different classic book clutches.  I was able to find a picture of A Tale of Two Cities.  I think it's a fun way to carry some of your essentials.  Definitely a great conversation starter!

5.  Alice in Wonderland Flask--Uh, awesome!  I totally have to get one!  These are available on Etsy.

6.  Bookish Cardigan--I love cardigans!  I wear the all the stinking time.  Even in the summer because my office is freezing!  This is a really fun print, but it's not totally overwhelming, so you could totally wear it a lot of places.

7.  Leo Tolstoy Library Diffuser--So I'm not usually too big on scents, but I think it would be pretty cool to see what scents certain authors might evoke.  Currently, they have Dickens, Tolstoy, Austen, Wilde and a few others.  I hope they expand their collection to include more authors.  I would love an Ernest Hemingway one...but they have to make it first!

8.  Game of Thrones Mug Set--I'm not into Game of Thrones, but my boyfriend is.  I saw these mugs and think that they're super cool.  And I know he'd appreciate them because of the GoT theme.

9.  Harry Potter Title Hoodie--I've seen a few things listing the titles in order, but I really liked this one the best.  Maybe it's that the text is on the back.  I don't know.  Anyway, this is really cool and it's on Etsy.

10.  Clear Book Weight--This would be super handy.  Whenever I try to read, I frequently set my book down because I need to use my hand or hands and this would be a great way to not lose my place and keep reading.  Also good for windy days.

What sorts of bookish things are on your wishlist??


  1. I would love that Harry Potter hoodie! And the clear book weight would be so useful for reading outside, or even just to hold the page in place while taking notes.

  2. A book clutch made my list too, and that clear book weight is awesome! :)

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  3. The Potter hoodie made my list as well. Love it!

  4. Great list! I want #10! I already have three different Harry Potter hoodies and am no longer permitted to buy said hoodies or any for that matter. =)

  5. Isn't that clear book weight a great idea?! I saw it online somewhere else too and I know I have to buy it for my husband. That HP hoodie is adorable too!

  6. I also put a Harry Potter shirt, a hunger games shirt, and a kindle fire.

  7. Hi. I have publish my post and put link on the ever growing list. I like the idea of the clear paper weight. Great post. X

  8. Ooh I like the Lighthouse tee, I want that! I'm not sure about the clear book weight, while it looks useful it also looks impractical... like where would you keep it? And if it's made of glass, how would you keep it safe? I think a bookmark is probably the better option? D:

    Under The Mountain's reading rooms that will make you drool. Hopefully.

  9. I LOVE that HP sweatshirt! And the clear book weight is awesome. Great list!

    TTT @ Krista's Dust Jacket

  10. I can't believe the cardigan is sold out!!! I want it!

    Our TTT:

  11. These are great. Would love a book clutch and that clear book weight. This actually inspired me to think about possible book decor for our home. I think it would be a great theme for the entire house.

  12. I really REALLY want that Harry Potter Hoodie!! I love the style in which they present all the titles and the overall comfy look! Great list!

  13. That hoodie is amazing! Now I want one too.

  14. The Alice In Wonderland flask is amazing! Great picks :)

  15. Hmm, a hoodie would be nice, and the glass thingy would be so helpful! Awesome list!
    Ari @ ReadingAfterMidnight

  16. I need those GoT mugs! Seriously, off to order them right now. I don't need anymore coffee mugs - and the fiancee will attest to that - but I love these so much! That hoodie is adorable too!

    My TTT!

  17. Fantastic topic, as always. Made me dream about different things than books. ;-)

    Marianne from Let's Read

  18. I love the drink me flask that is awesome! And of course the harry potter shirt! :)

    My Top Ten Tuesday
    Whitney@Shooting Stars Reviews

  19. I love all the fun bookish jewelry available. fun list today. kelley—the road goes ever ever on

  20. Um yeah. This week's theme cost me $112. Yikes! So much good stuff out there.

  21. That clear bookweight looks like the handiest thing if I were on the treadmill. So often, my pages turn about when I'm trying to get some running time in.

    Here are my top 10 things: all clothing related!

  22. Those are some terrific finds.

  23. Okay, I forgot about the Kate Spade book clutches when I made my list. Those are pretty cute!

  24. That Alice in Wonderland flask is awesome! And, of course, I love everything to do with Harry Potter so I MUST HAVE THAT SWEATSHIRT.

  25. LOVE 7; such a good idea! I would definitely be friends with someone wearing #3 shirt :)

  26. I love the flask. No clue what I'd use it for, but so cool!

  27. I almost put the HP hoodie on my list! I adore the BookFiend shop on Etsy and I actually own that exact "too fond of books" necklace! Awesome list. This was a really fun week to take part in!

  28. I need that cardigan! I just sent it to my husband with "b-day present? hint hint" - so many lovely finds!


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