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This week we are talking about the words in a summary or topics alluded to that automatically make us pick up a book! We've decided to do a collab post this time!
Jana's Picks:
I have an obsession with Italy, books set in Italy, Italian characters, etc. I went on a huge vacation there last year, and just fell in love. If a book can give me a small piece of that back, I'm all over it.
Books set on a cruise ship are also MY FAVE. I love cruising, and go on a cruise every year. I'm kind of weird when it comes to themed reads, and always want to read a cruise book while on board. If you have cruise book recs, please let me know!
Kimberly's Picks
Love a character that has a snarky sense of humor.Inquisitive
Can anyone resist a character that is curious?Quirky
I'm quirky, I like my books being quirky, a fun quirky character is irresistible. Luna Lovegood anyone?Jen's Picks
"road-trip", "travel" and "wanderlust"
These 3 words automatically catch my attention. I love all things travel related, especially if it is an overseas adventure!
And if a book is referred to as "coming of age" or "contemporary" I'll pick it and at least read the back cover to see if I'd be interested in it.
Kelly's Picks
The words "time travel" or "reincarnation" will always catch my attention! Both ideas are fascinating to me and I love discovering different ways authors can play with and flesh out all of the possibilities.
I love music and am immediately drawn to books focusing on the subject. It can either be a book where songs are sort of a backdrop, such as Amy & Roger's Epic Detour, or a biography of a favorite musician/band.
Bridget's Picks:
If I see the words "thriller" or "fast-paced" anywhere in the summary/on the cover, I'll at least strongly consider picking up the book.
Tahleen's Picks
Most books that are set in Hawaii will get my attention. Or books set in the Southwest United States. I like a good road trip novel too. (Apparently I'm not a fan of reading books set in my part of the country.)