Friday, April 10, 2015

Julia reviews The Silkworm by Robert Galbraith

Title/Author: The Silkworm by Robert Galbraith
Publisher/Year Published:  June 2014 by Mulholland
How I got this book: My coworker let me borrow it
Rating: 4.5 stars

When novelist Owen Quine goes missing, his wife calls in private detective Cormoran Strike. At first, Mrs. Quine just thinks her husband has gone off by himself for a few days—as he has done before—and she wants Strike to find him and bring him home.

But as Strike investigates, it becomes clear that there is more to Quine's disappearance than his wife realizes. The novelist has just completed a manuscript featuring poisonous pen-portraits of almost everyone he knows. If the novel were to be published, it would ruin lives—meaning that there are a lot of people who might want him silenced.

When Quine is found brutally murdered under bizarre circumstances, it becomes a race against time to understand the motivation of a ruthless killer, a killer unlike any Strike has encountered before...

Well the second book did not disappoint, that's for sure! I don't read a lot of mystery or crime but I really enjoy this series. I only mention that I dont read a lot of it because I have heard that this series doesnt hold up for people who are like diehard crime fans. But I enjoy it.

The funny thing about this series is Galbraith manages to give me all the clues to figure out who did it and then manages to convince me that I am wrong and it cannot be that person at all! I bounce back and forth between people more than a pinball.

As much praise as I have for this book and the series, I have to say that some of the characterization is a little flat on people who are not Strike (the lead). Strike is a great hero. I love how his mind works and following him as he figures it all out for himself. But Robin, the second lead, has only a minuscule amount of development. Hopefully the next book (which I am assuming with happen) gives us more development for her than relationship problems.

The other thing that is sort of problematic is the repetition of some of the facts to the point where it is like, "I get it. He has no leg" or something. It had me skimming a bit.

But I honestly enjoy the hell out of this series. I get sucked in so quickly and just enjoy the ride the book takes me on.

It's nice to know that Rowling is still having a big impact on the books that I enjoy.

Cross-posted somewhat to my Booklikes blog. And for those of you who do not know, Robert Galbraith is another pseudonym for JK Rowling.


  1. I'm definitely hoping for more from Robin in future books, too. I love her and want more of her! I definitely agree with you about Strike making me guess time and again, and I'm still always wrong. The ending for this book threw me for even more of a wrench than the first one. I can't wait for more Cormoran Strike books -- excellent review! ♥

    1. I think a 3rd book is in the works as we speak :) I cannot wait, I loved these books.

      Melissa @

    2. Goodreads says it comes out in 2016! I'm not happy about the wait, but at least it'll be on shelves eventually!

  2. I love this series too! I think this book was actually better than the first. I think it is set up for more Robin development in the next book definitely. Can't wait for more - great review!

  3. other books is the series are not as good as the first one that for sure ,but its good you liked it I haven't read that much mysteries so I might read this series

    Nejoud @ NejoudIsCurrentlyReading

  4. Not heard of this series but it sounds interesting so I will go check it out. :)


  5. So glad to see another nice review of this book! I mean to start the first one soon :D

  6. I LOVE this series! I actually really like how both Strike and Robin are being portrayed, how their characters are more fleshed out as the series progresses (Galbraith is writing book 3 right now, I believe), and I can't wait to get to know both of them even better. I do hope Robin will move past her relationship trouble, though! It's quite obvious that that marriage just isn't really working.
    Oh, and then there are the amazing cases, of course. They're just so intricate and mind-blowing, I love it!

  7. Sounds like some of the issues with the first book carried over into this one. Which is unfortunate, but I could still see myself reading this.

  8. I don't read a lot of mystery or crime either but this sounds like a good series! Love the cover :D
    Great review


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