Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Top Ten Series Bridget Would Like to Start But Hasn't Yet

We interrupt your regular Top Ten Tuesday to let you know we've been nominated for Best Meme! It takes one click HERE to vote if you feel so inclined! :) This honor really has more to do with YOU guys and how you've made this into a day I look forward to every week!

For future Top Ten Tuesday topics & info on how to participate, click here!

Hi friends! Today’s topic is going to be a little difficult for me, so the large majority of these will probably be more like “series a lot of my friends like that I’ve sort of tried but not really and would like to try again more seriously.” Because there are a lot of series that I’ve tried but not necessarily been able to get into, like the ones below.

1. Lord of the Rings. I guess technically I started this a long time ago when a) I read The Hobbit (hated it, btw) and when I got the LOTR trilogy in one giant anthology for Christmas or a birthday one year (got as far as “eleventy first birthday” and put it down). But this year I am determined to read the series all the way through. Except The Hobbit, I guess, because I have no idea at all where my copy could be.

2. Game of Thrones. This is another one that I’ve technically started, but I only made it about 70 pages into the first book before giving up. But I’ll give it the old college try again someday--I just don’t know if it’ll be this year.

3. The Wheel of Time. Okay, this is a total lie because I’ve already started The Eye of the World, but even though I’m about a hundred pages in I still feel like I’m barely scratching the surface. I’m doing okay with Eye of the World so far but I’m not totally hooked yet.

4. The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Again, I’ve started this series--my fiance has the full anthology--but I only made it through two of the books. And I mean, out of five that’s not bad, but it’s been several years since my first attempt and I can only remember little bits and pieces, like the little fish you stick in your ear so you can understand any language and the fact that the main character’s name is Arthur Dent. Or something like that.

5. The Ender’s Game sequels. I have (or had, at one point) all of the older Ender novels: Ender’s Game, Speaker For The Dead, Xenocide, and Children of the Mind. Wikipedia tells me that there are two more now: Ender in Exile, a prequel to Speaker For The Dead, and Earth Unaware, a prequel to the entire series. I tried reading Speaker after reading Ender’s Game for the first time, but I think I was too young to really get it. I’d like to find those books again and give them another try. I’d also be interested to read Earth Unaware as well as the Shadow series, which follows Bean.

6. The Dark Tower series. Again, I’ve already read the first book of this one (here’s my review of The Gunslinger) and I really wasn’t crazy about it, which is saying something when it comes to Stephen King’s works. Fantasy is just really not my genre, even though I’m trying to get more into it. And I especially want to read this because I think SK kind of considers it his magnum opus.

7. Matched series. One of my friends read both the first and the second--liked the first, thought the second was okay, but wasn’t going to be waiting in line for the third. I’m not a huge fan of YA, but I do love me some dystopia, and Matched sounds pretty dystopian.

Tahleen jumping in here! I've got a bunch of series I've been meaning to start, but the life of a librarian is a busy one, especially when it comes to which books to read. Here are three of my picks:

1. Beautiful Creatures series by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. This is especially true since the movie came out. I won the first two in the series right before the third one came out, so they've been sitting on my shelf for a while. But the timing has never felt right. And right now I'm focusing on reading winners of the Youth Media Awards as I'm working on a challenge. Anyway, I want to get to these sometime.

2. The King Raven series (trilogy?) by Stephen Lawhead. This is a fantasy version of Robin Hood, written for an adult audience (I usually read teen stuff). I have the first one and it sounds really good, but again, timing.

3. The Jessica Darling series by Megan McCafferty. Everyone LOVES this series, so I feel like I should at least read the first one, which I luckily now have (thanks Secret Santa!). I will get to this soon. I hope.


  1. My Jessica Darling evangelism knows no bounds -- read it! SO GOOD!

  2. I've been meaning to start the Beautiful Creatures series, too, but never got around to it... (soon!)

    And I have to say I liked the first three World of Time books, and I read up through 6, but I never got around to finishing that series. Hope you enjoy them!

  3. Yes! Dark Tower series! I tried reading the first one and couldn't get into it but many have told me to stick through it..... :)

    Michele | TTT

  4. The Jessica Darling books made my list too. And as far as Ender goes I highly highly recommend reading the Shadow books first. They are much more similar to Ender's Game compared to the rest of the Ender books. And I even think the shadow books are even BETTER than Ender's Game. BTW it's not just Bean it follows it's most of the other battle school kids!

    Marissa @ Rae Gun Ramblings

  5. <3 LOTR, GOT & the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy! I got through the first book of the Wheel of Time series but I don't think I'll be getting around to the other books. I might try the graphic novels for The Dark Tower series; I also wasn't very blown away by the first book but thought it would look pretty cool on-screen =)

    Never thought about getting around to the other Ender books but perhaps I should look into them! =)

    My TTT

  6. I love Hitchhiker's Guide. I read it back in high school because it was the boy I liked favourite series :P Yep... I was that pathetic. But I love the nonsensicalness of it all.

    I recently read the first Beautiful Creatures book. I won't be reading the second. It was just... too much effort for not enough reward.

    Matched is also on my list!

  7. VOTED!!!!!

    Love this meme, Congrats!!!

  8. I tried to read the A Song of Fire and Ice series (a Game of Thrones) but it was So much like the tv show and SO long that I gave up. Someday. I also haven't read The Lord of the Rings, and I don't think that I will (shhh, don't tell anyone).

    Happy Reading.

  9. I couldn't think of ten either! So I cheated and went with 6. :)

    Wheel of Time and Game of Thrones are on my list too.

  10. Can't wait to start A Game of Thrones and Matched soon and finish reading BC so I can get to the rest of the Caster Chronicles!

  11. I could only think of eight, and most of them are trilogies. Beautiful Creatures is one of them, as I really enjoy reading the book(s) before their movie.

  12. LOTR is a must read series for fantasy lovers :) It was beautiful.

    <a href="http://bookchilla.wordpress.com/2013/03/05/top-ten-series-id-like-to-start-but-havent-yet/>My TTT</a>

  13. Eye of the World starts out kind of slow--I think it took me rereading it again later after I'd caught up with the series to actually figure out everything that was going on and who everyone was. the series is well worth the read though!

  14. Read Lord of the Rings (including the Hobbit) twice. Going to be going through my third read of Wheel of Time once I get the last one. Right after I've read all the Discworld novels (nearly there).

    Tried Game of Thrones but really couldn't get into it. But I do have the Darktower Series in my TBR pile.

  15. Of course I vote for u guys! i let you my list of ten series! see u next thuesday and I hope u win!

  16. I also have yet to read The Lord of The Rings and Beautiful Creatures. Matched is, well, okay, but I got bored easily on it. I only read Reached for several pages and then closed it, decided to continue it someday /:
    Great list and thank you for sharing! =)

  17. I got ten, pretty much all urban fantasy, or some other kind, but hey. That's pretty much what I review. No matches here, though. I might check out a few of yours! I kind of agree with LOTR though. Like the movies, just find that Tolkien's writing can feel a little boring for me and I can't figure out why. :'(

  18. Bridget, we've got some overlap! I also started the Dark Tower series, read three books, and put it on my list this week as a reminder that I need to finish it. Give LOTR and GOT another chance -- love them! I put Ender's and Wheel of Time on my list as well. Great topic!

  19. This was a week where I could have gone with more than ten, but I did stop at 10 anyway.

    I somehow put the link to another of my posts in the linky - sorry about that!

  20. Matched is on my list too. I loved the Beautiful Creatures series. I only read Sloppy Firsts and was one of the few people to not like it and didn't continue the series. Maybe you'll have better luck :)

  21. I just started The Wheel of Time and it's good! (I hear it only gets better). Annnnd MATCHED. IS FREAKING BRILLIANT. Crossed and Reached made me bawl my eyes out, they were so powerful and raw and gorgeous.

    Also, I read half of the first King Raven trilogy book and it was good, but not enough to keep me into it. I think I might enjoy it more now (my dad, who reads really slowly, plowed through it, so I think it was just my age when I read it before). I hope you love all of these on your list(s)! :)

    Sierra @ Yearning to Read

  22. I haven't had a problem at all to think of ten series. For me it was more difficult to decide which one should I include. I love series! So, if you're looking for some suggestions, read my TTT.

  23. If you don't start any other series, make sure you get to Game of Thrones! It is OUT OF THIS WORLD GOOD!

  24. I'm reading Crossed (Matched #2) at the moment and I'm not really enjoying it. I wasn't such a fan of Matched, but I preferred it to Crossed. Hopefully it will get better though! :) I also have the Beautiful Creatures series on my list lol! :P

    Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
    My TTT Post

  25. Sad to say... I had a hard time narrowing it down to just 10! There are so many good books out there, that I haven't tackled yet.

  26. The only book I've read (and remember enough about) that's on that list is The Eye Of The World. You are so right in that you've barely scratched the surface (there are so many plots within plots and added characters that you'll feel that way for over half the series), but I fell in love with it. It's got more readality than a lot of epic fantasies, too, in my opinion.

    No wait, I lied! I read Game Of Thrones, too. Didn't leave a huge impression on me, though.

  27. I've tried to read the LOTR at least 4 times now, but I can't make it through.. I did read the Hobbit and I also hated it like you :p But one day, I will read the LOTR books, because I absolutely adore the movies.

    Games of Thrones is a series I can't wait to start. Sounds great.
    The dark towers & Beautiful creatures, another two I need to read.

    Great picks! :)
    Top 10 Tuesday - Mel@thedailyprophecy.

  28. Its a pretty decent list... Game of Thrones is something that I have been meaning to get too but am a little bit scared of it at the same time.

    By the way. You are in the lead with the votes. :)

  29. I'm sorry.. but you got to get onto LotR and Game of Thrones...

    Oh wait I can't talk because I have Wheel of Time on my list.

    My TTT.

  30. Oh you definitely need to start the Jessica Darling series - she is the perfect angsty teenager!

  31. Also I really liked Matched; Crossed was a little slow, but Reached picked up quite a bit. I think they are worth trying if you like that genre. You can read my full review here: http://kristinharkins.blogspot.com/2013/01/recommendation-matched-trilogy-by-ally.html

  32. I read LOTR long long time ago as a teen and I keep thinking that I should read it as an adult again.
    I read 'Game of Thrones' and although at first it was one of my favorite fantasy series, the latest books kinda cooled me down a little bit. Especially 'Dance with Dragons' which is full of major cliffhanger...
    I read 'The Wheel Of Time' until book #5 and then Jordan died and I quit since I thought the series will not be finished. I really should/continue start over again. But the amount of pages to read is intimidating...
    'The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy' I read twice. Second time because I could not understand half of the references to the book and needed to 'freshen up' my memory. I will probably have to read it the third time, since it's so full of details. But it's fun & quick read, at least to me. :)
    I read whole 'The Dark Tower' and it's definitely different than usual Stephen King books, more fantasy I think. I liked it, but I could not catch a lot of reference because he mentions a lot of places and characters from his previous works and although I read some of them I for example didn't read 'The Stand' and 'Salem's Lot'. I think when they call it magnus opus I think they do not mean it's his best work - they think he enveloped all his other imaginary worlds in this book...
    I didn't read 'The Ender’s Game' & Matched but they are on my tbr..
    Sorry for rambling a lot but you mentioned some of my favorites. ;)

  33. I haven't read Beautiful Creatures either. This is a perfect list for me; I feel like I'm so far behind in the book series department.

  34. I think the same thing frequently about the Jessica Darling series- but somehow I STILL haven't picked it up!

  35. As far as the Ender's Game series goes, I have to say that I enjoyed the Shadow books more than the original series. Bean is a very interesting character, and so much was hidden from Ender when he was going through Battle School. Bean finds out a lot of stuff and it's really neat to see things from a completely different point of view.

    And yay for the King Raven trilogy! I love those books! Stephen Lawhead also has a King Arthur series, the Pendragon Cycle, that is also quite good.

  36. I think my TBR list is going to be heaving after this meme lol!

  37. I had the same feelings about The Gunslinger. I wanted to like it, but for some reason I couldn't concentrate on the words in front of me and would drift off and not absorb any of the information I had read. It's a shame because I loved the introduction by King that was included in my version, as I could hear his voice in my head, and it seems to be a very popular series. Maybe it gets better and I shouldn't be a quitter?

  38. The first three on your list, LOTR, WoT and GoT are like my three favorite series of all time! They're so fabulous! You really gotta read them! I just read the first Beautiful Creatures book and liked it a lot. :D Great list!
    My TTT.

  39. How do I delete my name ? I accidentally put myself down twice !

  40. I wish I put the Dark Tower series on my list. I'm married to a King fanatic who has read the whole series plus the ancillary books. I want to read the series but it is such a huge commitment. So many books!

  41. I have the Matched series on my list as well. My friends have all really enjoyed it, but we read a lot of YA.

  42. You definitely don't have to read the Hobbit to enjoy Lord of the Rings. They're hefty books, but reading them is worth it. I think you need to be in the right mood though.

    (I also loved The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy and the Dark Tower series.)

  43. I've only read 1 of the series on the list(The Lord of the Rings). It's pretty different from the Hobbit, so that might help. Same world, but I like Lord of the Rings MUCH much better than The Hobbit.

  44. Oh, I'm glad I'm not the only one who hasn't read Game of Thrones! (Actually, I think No Page Left Behind had them on her list, too. And they're not actually on my list, because I'm not really sure I want to read them, even though they seem to be required reading these days.)

    I'll reiterate what others have said: you can read LOTR without reading The Hobbit. In fact, the tone of the books is rather different, and some people who love one don't care as much for the other (counting LOTR as one book here.) I love both, but in different ways, and of the two, LOTR is definitely my favorite.

    I loved Ender's Game, but for some reason I had a harder time getting into Speaker for the Dead (though I did finish it eventually.)

    I wish you both luck finding time to read all these lovely series!

  45. Bridget the Shadow Series is SO GOOD. I just recommended Ender's Game to one of my students, and she's flying through the Shadow series right now.

  46. Great picks. I still need to read some of those as well.

  47. Ooh the Dark Tower series is one I've been meaning to check out as well - completely forgot about that! Matched is one of my favourite trilogies, but it is one where the first and second books have a different feel. I thought the final book was a great balance of the two though. I've only got one book left to read of A Song of Ice and Fire. The first 4 books or so were amazing but I've been left disappointed by the later books :(

    Great selections!

  48. Jessica Darling made my list as well, although I've been thinking about reading Hitchhiker's Guide and The Wheel Of Time (even though they didn't make my list). And Beautiful Creatures was on my list...until I started to read it. I'm absolutely loving it so far!

    Great list!

  49. Oh, Dark Tower books. <3 Though I might be missing it, but it doesn't seem like your link to The Gunslinger review is active? I'd very much like to see that. :)

  50. Jessica Darling is a must. I really should reread them. I also should give LOTR another shot. Read The Hobbit and Fellowship way back in high school but never got into it. I also have Beautiful Creatures on my list!

  51. I am really looking forward to reading matched! :) Here is my list


  52. I read the first book of the Matched series, I really enjoyed it! Haven't read any of the others!

  53. O so many good series on that list! You will enjoy them! happy reading!
    @ Escape TO New Worlds

  54. I love the Beautiful Creatures series!
    I really want to read Lord of the Rings & Game of Thrones too!
    Hope you get to read them soon :)

  55. I liked Matched myself but know a few people who were less than thrilled by it. I suppose it is preference :-) I have the Ender's Quintet on my list as well.

  56. I read The Lord of the Rings books sometime in between movie releases. I liked the books and was quite impressed with how well the movies stayed true to the novels. I didn't like The Hobbit quite as much so hopefully you'll like the others better too. I'm the same as your friend for Matched, loved the first but thought the 2nd had a bit of the sophomore slump. Definitely need to see how it wraps up. Great list! I hope you get to read them soon! :)

  57. Oh no, you hated the Hobbit? Well, Lord of the Rings is very different in style so you might prefer it, but personally I found Lord of the Rings a bit boring at points and overly wistful for a kind of ideal long lost England, or something. The elves annoyed me too. Hehe, I know I'm in the minority on that one. The films are fantastic though! :-) I forgot to put The Dark Tower series on my list, but it's one I really really keep meaning to start.

  58. Game of Thrones is... i have no words.

  59. How could I forget the Dark Tower series. I haven't read any of those yet! Or any from the Jessica Darling series... both are high on my TBR list. :)
    My Top Ten Tuesday!

  60. congratulations on your nomination and great lists today. kelley—the road goes ever ever on

  61. The Jessica Darling series is on my list too. Guess we better get on that. :-)

  62. Wheel of Time series starts out kind of slow. But once they leave their town, stuff starts happening and the book gets really good.

  63. I have the first book in the Beautiful Creatures series but I haven't read it yet. :( I'd also like to eventually start the Jessica Darling series.

  64. Great list. I forgot about Matched. So many great series that need to be started. Not enough time!

  65. I have too much series I want to start! :D

  66. To all those who are about to read the Jessica Darling series: It is AH-MAZING! Enjoy! :)

  67. Voted! Oh and we pretty much have the same series on our lists, lol :)

  68. This is my first time doing this! Thank you so much. I had a lot of fun and found it harder than I thought to come up with 10 series!!!

  69. Congrats on the nomination! You got my vote :) This is one of the few memes where I actually really enjoy reading everyone's responses even when I have a huge backlog of them in my reader! You learn a lot about other people from the lists they post. I've connected with so many new bloggers whom I have reading interest in common with through this meme, so thank you! :)

  70. Finally finally hopping on the Top Ten bandwagon! Thanks for putting together such a great series/meme!

    Eva @ All Books Considered

  71. Congrats on your nomination! I definitely love your meme the best and voted. :)

    LotR and Wheel of Time made my list too.

  72. So many books that I need to add to my TBR list now LOL Great lists! Here's mine: http://www.swoonyboyspodcast.com/best-of/top-10-series-wed-like-to-start-but-havent-yet

  73. My very first meme, hope I'm doing it right :) What a topic to start with, my to-read shelf is straining under all the pressure!

  74. Here's my post for this week's top 10 :) http://sincerelystephh.blogspot.ca/2013/03/top-ten-tuesday-series-i-would-like-to.html

  75. Technically I started Lord of the Rings a few times, but I've never ot past the forming of the Fellowship. I will try again, some day.

  76. A few of these were on my list too. But not the Hitchhiker's Guide... I detested those books!
    Congrats on the nomination too! Very exciting!

  77. Great book choices! Congrats on the nomination!

  78. GAME OF THRONES!!! So amazing. GAH

  79. I have two the same as you. Concerning Matched... loved the first book, the second was just OK, and the third one started out promising but ended up feeling a little lame by the end of it. It's not a terrible series, but it wasn't exactly what I hoped for.
    My post: http://odetojoandkatniss.wordpress.com/2013/03/05/top-ten-book-series-i-would-like-to-read-but-havent-yet/

  80. I'm glad I found the Meme and blog. It looks great. Congratulations for being nominated for Best Meme.

  81. Wow that post took me a long time to make, but I'm finally joining top ten tuesday. You have some great series up there.

  82. My first participation on this weekly meme! Yay ^^ I'm new in the blogging world http://booksunderthesky.blogspot.com/

  83. This is my first Top Ten Tuesday, it's an amazing meme congrats on the nomination! You guys have a great list. I loved Game of Thrones and Beautiful Creatures! I feel the same way about Lord of the Rings.. need to read it and just haven't been able to get into it yet.

  84. I have to read Wheel of Time and Game of Thrones, too. I've already been waiting too long! Hopefully 2013 will be the year!

  85. I'm a new Top Ten Tuesday linker :) Great meme. I have lots of books I want to start reading but haven't yet. Happy reading to everyone!!!

  86. Many of those are on my favorites list, or on my TBR list! My husband and I really love the Ender's Saga, though I have not read all of the novels in the series. I also want to read The Dark Tower series. I have been reading Stephen King since I was young, and I can't believe I never read it! I might have to check out that Matched series you mentioned, too.

  87. I'm afraid to read the Ender's Game sequels!!!! I'd love to read the Hitchiker's Guide To The Galexy, though. I should have added it to my list! I read The Dark Tower too, but not the other books yet! Great list! My TTT

  88. Participated for the first time last week--- but just found Mister Linky today. :) Looking forward to more top tens!!

  89. Awesome list and quite a few of these are on my wishlist!

  90. I'm a bit of a Dark Tower and Game of Thrones fanatic, so glad to see those on the list!

  91. I tried to find where to link up, and couldn't find it, however I did my first post of TopTen,and I Loved it,thank you!! I am a newbie, just got my first book for review, which I am really excited about, and cant wait to keep joining meme's like this one.


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