Dearest blogging friends,
It's a struggle to write this post today. Why? Because I am in a blogging slump. A slump for the ages. Anyone who follows my blog knows I haven't posted in a few weeks. Why? Not because I haven't been reading (I have been) and not because I haven't had the time (I have) but because...I don't feel like it. I haven't even been keeping up with the books I've read by marking them in Goodreads, and that takes like three seconds. I haven't even looked at my blog dashboard in weeks.
Which I suppose I'm entitled to, because it's not like I'm getting paid for blogging. But I have followers, and I have a responsibility to them. But for whatever reason, I just can't get myself to sit down and write.
What's really dumb about it is that when I do write, I remember how much I enjoy it. I wrote a review of a website for a tech blog I'm helping get off the ground, and I had FUN doing it! I thought, "Hey, maybe now I'll be out of my slump." Buuuuuuut I'm not.
My question to you is this: What do you do to get out of your writing slumps? Do you just bully yourself into doing it because you know you should? Or do you just wait for it to pass? I've done both in the past and I guess they have an equal amount of effectiveness, but this time I kind of feel like just waiting it out because as you can tell from this post, I don't write well when writing is something that I don't really feel like doing.
Anyway, any ideas or tips you have, my lovely fellow bloggers, leave them here! And keep your fingers crossed I get out of this slump soon... :)
I'm a bully, I'm afraid. I'm currently studying the Bar and it's important that I get all my work done, so I have to bully myself into that because I don't have a choice. Thing is, it's then second nature to do the same with my blog.
ReplyDeleteI've just come out of a slump actually. I didn't post as often as I used to, nowhere near, but I'm okay with that. I think you have to do what you can, but accept that it's okay if you let it slide a bit.
I normally take a step back for a couple of days, grab my besties and cause mayhem. If that doesn't work, I'll record a video (sounds weird but it works) and talk out the problems I'm having. Why the blog isn't working, why I can't be bothered etc. Just saying it out loud helps sometimes.
ReplyDeleteHope things start to look up for you :)
I know how you feel! Lately, I have only been posting for maybe 1-2 times every few weeks...I just don't feel like sitting myself down to write, which I know is quite pathetic. I have been really busy with school, and I sadly barely have time to even read books. I have been trying to get myself out, but...alas, I haven't found a cure for my writing slump. When I do write a review, I enjoy it alot and takes little time, but then a day later, I just don't feel like writing anything...I'm going to find a cure...hopefully! Good luck with our writing slump and sorry I couldn't answer your question. :)
ReplyDeleteI wish I had the answer to this! Or at least a suggestion! But I don't :( All I can say is I've been there (actually, I'm still kind of there) and if you find out how to get out of these slumps be sure to share it with us! :)
ReplyDeleteI generally try and slog my way forward. But now with my wife fighting advanced (terminal) cancer,I find myself posting just for the stress release. I don't always get to write but whenever I do find myself stuck for a topic,I use a current issue of the day for my subject. Its not always exciting but it keeps fresh content going for your readers.
I know a lot of people have been feeling this way lately. Winter slump, perhaps? With my personal blog I don't push so hard because the majority of my readers are friends and family anyway. But back when I had a more focused blog I would like to post at least once a week, even if just a short one. I would say that since you are still enjoying writing when you do it, to bully yourself a little more... but then, that might turn it into something you don't enjoy and make it worse, so... in the end it comes down to you. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI went through it before. It's hard to keep churning out post after post and make sure to keep a blog updated constantly. I have moments where I'll be ahead of the game for a month, then the next month comes and I have nothing and I can't come up with anything. Then I get frustrated. It happens to all of us. I pretty much just take it as it comes and do what I can. Something I've heard of doing is writing about something completely different, like just something you like that's non-book related. At some point, you'll feel the urge to write something again. Sometimes taking a few weeks or a month off can help clear your head. Then you'll come right back in like before. It's happened to me a lot. Hang in there! You'll make it through! :D
ReplyDeleteI know how you feel. I haven't posted to mine since January. I've just been spending my time reading, cross stitching or playing computer games instead. I tried to sit down and do a Mailbox Monday a week or two ago....but I didn't get farther than a picture. I was hoping for someone to help nag me, but not gotten that yet.
ReplyDeleteHopefully someone has good ideas.
I know how you feel. I haven't posted to mine since January. I've just been spending my time reading, cross stitching or playing computer games instead. I tried to sit down and do a Mailbox Monday a week or two ago....but I didn't get farther than a picture. I was hoping for someone to help nag me, but not gotten that yet.
ReplyDeleteHope you get good ideas
I write in a lot of different capacities and styles for different things. I'm studying writing, have done writing internships, write creatively for fun, write for my blog, etc. I spend a good chunk of time every day writing, and sometimes for me, the best way to get out of a blogging slump is to write something else. It sort of jump-starts those creative juices while focusing on a different subject. I've found it works for blogging slumps.
ReplyDeleteOf course, I then get in just general writing slumps, which are harder to deal with, but so far they've been few and far in between(fingers crossed).
I'm just coming out of a long, depression induced blogging slump. Like you I was still reading, quite a lot actually, but couldn't be bothered with blogging. For me, I just waited it out, picking up some books in a different genre to mix things up a bit, and it seemed to work. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI go through slumps like this pretty often. Each one tends to be different for me. Sometimes bullying works, other times I just have to let the slump ride itself out. The most common denominator I found in not being able to post, was an issue regarding my personal life. Either I was depressed, felt guilty over blogging instead of doing school work or household chores, etc. My advice would be to write when you have the urge, but don't put too much pressure on yourself. Try sitting down to write a post every couple of days, but analyze the feelings you have when you do. Do you feel anxious or impatient like something more pressing should be getting done? Do you feel in a depressed fun and just don't feel like writing? Or, is the post boring or frustrating or are you approaching it from the wrong angle for you? Sometimes the questions can help pinpoint what exactly is causing the slump and possibly hint at a solution of how to get out of it.
ReplyDeleteJust do what you feel is right for you and your writing! :)
I've been reading loads, but I keep putting off writing reviews. I do enjoy constructing reviews, but not all the time. Sometimes when I have reviews piling up, I get into a blogging slump. Sometimes I wait it out. Sometimes I bully myself. Sometimes I write things other than review posts or my usual memes or usual posts. I like to surf around the other blogs and get ideas. Sometimes that inspires a new series of posts, and suddenly my blogging slump ends! Don't bully yourself though. That will make the task of blogging even more daunting than it currently seems.
ReplyDeleteI think that this is a tough situation. You really have to find what works for you and unfortunately the same thing won't always work. Personally I take a step back. I too don't write well if I don't enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteI think it is always a good idea to take a step back and find your passion again. Maybe that involves only reading for fun or maybe that means you start writing for fun on your own time--maybe create a story. Or maybe it means taking a step back from all of it for a while.
We all get into slumps now and then and you have to find something to rekindle that passion you have for all things with your blog! I know you will work it out and the blogging community will be here when you return.
The important thing is to do what is good for you. If you are not happy a break can be a good thing. Don't feel guilty about not blogging. You are allowed to take a break!!!! I know a lot of us bloggers don't feel that way, but you are. As you said you are not doing this for money. So if you need a break then take a break!
Well that's it I will stop rambling now! Hope you find your mojo!
For me it's the contrary. I find it amazing to blog but sometimes I just don't feel like reading. Yeah, sometimes I bully myself into doing what I don't feel like doing. But I guess blogging or reading or any other hobby stops being a hobby when you feel that you are forced to do it. Don't bully yourself to the point of hating to do it any more. I try my best to keep it so. For example, I have to read Robinson Crusoe and Faerie Queen this month but I still don't feel like doing it. So I wait until I have a slight, even the slightest desire to do so.
ReplyDeleteHope to read from your blog in near future.
I (1) remind myself that this is a hobby and it's only for fun and I don't have to do anything if I don't want to and (2) post something spontaneously like a photo or a recipe that is just barely barely about books and (3) sometimes I just do a meme now and then. Like the mantra of one of my favorite people, CB, "It's all good."
ReplyDeleteWhen I get writers blues, I just read the stuff I've written in the past. Something I liked, a good post, or a short story, a song... Anything.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I don't know where you are from, but maybe it's the change of weather. It makes us feel a bit more tired.
I think the key is to remember that you do this because you enjoy it! It's not a job, and you don't have to post every day. Take some time for yourself. Read something silly, take a walk, go to the park. Just let yourself wind down and you'll find that you're okay coming back again :). I've been through this tons of times and it always seems to go away when I remember why I loved blogging in the first place!
ReplyDeleteI used to bull myself (and I guess I still do to a degree) but that was when I felt I had to blog EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. When I found out that I don't have to...well...then things changed a bit. I still have to force myself to write (mostly for reviews) but, overall, knowing that I don't have to do it everyday and that I can take time off, gets the pressure off my back which was the reason for why I got into the slump in the first place.
ReplyDeleteI think some time away is good but because blogs are something we can't expect outside motivation from, we need to occasionally bully ourselves into getting some work done. Also, reading other people's blog posts helps too because they'll spark up an idea/discussion that you're passionate about or inspire you to write for your own blog.
Sit it out and be content with the idea that if you are done blogging - well, then you are done blogging. You have to allow yourself the option to move on. I just redesigned my blog and was sure I was going to ramp up my blogging now that I am done with college, etc. I haven't done much differently at all. I even thought about giving it up. Except, my blog is where I keep track of my total reads and how I keep up with blogs that I love. I realized that my blog is as much an organizational tool for me as it is for fellow bloggers to read and then I realized I am doing this for me and when I'm doing it for me, I'm done. It's all good.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you need to make the writing fun again? Perhaps you're lacking incentive? Usually when I go through slumps, it's with reading and I can usually get out of them by powering through something that's awesome ... That gets me excited for reading again. But for writing, I'm not so sure. Maybe you need to write something fun? Step outside your comfort zone? Try something new? Maybe write something differently? Perhaps try a new format for writing reviews?
ReplyDeleteI hope you can find something that works!
Sometimes you need a break to recharge, whether you blog or write novels. When I'm in a slump, I have to do something else: reconnect with friends, read books outside my genre, whatever makes me relax. Give yourself permission to play and recharge.
ReplyDeleteEven though your previous comments probably mention this, you are doing this blog for your own personal pleasure, so don't stress yourself out! It's great to want to respect your followers by posting often, but ultimately, this blog is yours and you can do whatever you want with it!
ReplyDeleteMy suggestions would be to try free-writing, or write something fun and silly just to get those creative juices flowing again. You might check out some other bloggers and see things they've written to get some ideas. Even if it's the silliest thing you've ever written, I still think any writing is awesome because it helps you practice and can also help you overcome burnout!
Don't put too much pressure on yourself, though! Do what you want to do - whether it's taking a break or figuring it out later! Just have fun with it! :)
No helpful advice because I've only been a blogger for 2.5 months. Just wanted to say I recognize your frustration and hope find the fun in it - otherwise, IMHO, it's not worth it. :)
ReplyDeleteFor me, personally, I always just take a step back and do other things when I don't feel like blogging. I think that sometimes, we all just need to take our time and enjoy our lives and give ourselves a break so that we can get back to the point where we miss blogging and miss doing it and want to do it.
ReplyDeleteBut I hear ya with the struggling to blog! I have reviews I need to write, but I just do not feel like doing it right now.
Write off topic. Or post a cutesy 'Be back in 5 days' sign on your blog. I think it's okay to take time for yourself. Good luck 'unslumping yourself.'
ReplyDelete~Sabrina@iheart y.a.fiction
Honestly, you don't have a responsibility to anyone. Write when you feel like it, forget it when you don't. That's what I do and my blog hasn't really suffered for it.
ReplyDeleteWhen I'm in a slump, I don't push myself to read or write on my blog. It's less enjoyable if I stress about it, and this should be fun. I go watch a movie or a show, and then come back to it later when I feel like it. Or I go shopping or relax. I just basically do anything but read or write.