Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Kelly's Top Ten Favorite Authors in X Genre

Future TTTs can be found here

Top 10 Favorite Authors In X Genre

This week's Top Ten Tuesday lets you choose your favorite authors in a specific genre, be it sci-fi, romance, nonfiction....anything that strikes your fancy! This should be VERY easy! I have divided my ten picks between my two favorite genres: historical fiction and fantasy. I realize that these two practically opposite genres, but I love reading about worlds I will never know. Also, they have some of the prettiest covers!

Historical fiction:
  1. Margaret George - she's written some mammoth books about some excellent historical figures such as Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, Cleopatra, and Helen of Troy. Even if you are not into historical fiction, she's highly recommended (if you can handle the 10 pound books!). 
  2. Jean Plaidy/Victoria Holt - Jean Plaidy (also known by a dozen other names) has written literally hundreds of historical fiction books and they are all amazing. Her book about Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard are what really got me into the genre a few years ago.
  3. Susan Holloway Scott - her books are mainly set in 17th century England, but her style is very personal and, well, romantic. She brings the good out in sometimes unsullied historical figures. I am also slightly biased because my first ever signed book came from her!
  4. Alison Weir - one of the BEST writers in the HF genre. She is the author of a book that is probably in my top 5 all-time favorites, Innocent Traitor. Best of all, she is very factually accurate.
  5. Anya Seton - my favorite part of Anya Seton's work is the interesting and untypical worlds she chooses to place her stories, whether it be 10th century Greenland with Leif Erickson or 17th century Massachusetts with the Winthrops.
  1. JRR Tolkien - aka the KING of fantasy, undisputed.
  2. JK Rowling - DUH. This is a given, isn't it?
  3. Cassandra Clare - my favorite part of her books are how wonderfully she brings to life a myriad of mythical creatures. It was her books that really made me appreciate the fantasy genre like I never had before (minus Harry Potter, of course!) 
  4. George RR Martin - sometimes you forget that Martin writes fantasy books...his main theme seem to simply be humanity. But then suddenly a dragon or a fire priestess pops up to remind you of the truth again.
  5. Maggie Stiefvater - because of her books, I've actually come to like werewolves, which I never had before (except, you guessed it, in Harry Potter. Harry is always the exception. Always).


  1. J.K. Rowling and Cassandra Clare are both on my fantasy list! (: Anya Seton's books seem really interesting- I'll have to check them out!

  2. Wonderful list(s)! Historical fiction was my first choice, but I couldn't come up with enough for a Top 10, so I went with children's books. I'm stoked to see Alison Weir on your list, though! Thanks for the great TTT prompt, as always!

  3. Great list! Tolkien and GRRM both made it on my list this week ;)

  4. Love Rowling and Clare SO SO much! I"m such a fantasy gal so I pushed myself and did a contemporary list this week.

    Thanks for giving us a fun place to link up :)

    here's my my TTT

  5. I'm so embarrassed that I haven't read LoTR, GoT and HP. I have the need to apologize every time they're mentioned, so I'm really, really sorry. *sob* :D

  6. It is difficult to list ten favorite authors in just one genre! I'm glad you cheated too. I thought about doing historical fiction for my other genre, but picked biography instead since I thought that might be more unusual. Alison Weir is therefore on my list as one of my favorite biographers. I don't like her fiction as much (though I appreciate the research) since her protagonists seem a little too meta to me.

    I've read all the other authors you've listed, but I definitely need to check out Susan Holloway Scott and Anya Seton! Thanks!

  7. Love it- Harry is always the exception. Always.
    Pretty much!

    I've only read a few of these authors, mainly J.K! (: I'm loving this top ten!

  8. Yay! J. K. Rowling and Cassandra Clare are on mine too :-)
    I haven't read much Historical fiction but i am adding some of yours to my TBR pile.
    So thanks :-)



  9. Great list! I have a few of those same ones! :D My TTTs are at Musings on Fantasia and LKHill. Happy Tuesday! :D

  10. Great TTT and list! We share a few fantasy authors :)

    My TTT

  11. Harry Potter!! And I love Cassandra Clare and Maggie Stiefvater too :D
    Check out my top ten favourite paranormal authors here - http://ecstatic-for-books.blogspot.in/2012/10/top-ten-tuesday-2-top-ten-favourite.html

  12. I posted historical fiction authors too!! (with a little non-fiction thrown in). I will have to read Jean Plaidy and Anya Seton.

  13. Lovely list :) I decided to list my favourite chick lit authors this week :) I probably could have come up with 20 easily!

  14. I was thinking about doing two genres, but chose one in the end! And I absolutely agree with you that Tolkien is the king of fantasy! His books are amazing!

    My TTT

  15. I'm exactly the same! I read historical fiction and after that, I switch so fantasy :p I have heard of your 5 historical authors, but I haven't got the time to read any of their books. I recently enjoyed Michelle Diener's work and I love Philippa Gregory (even when she isn't so accurate with history, I believe :p)

    And no fantasy list is complete without Rowling!

    TTT fairytale authors @thedailyprophecy

  16. Nice list - I'm not usually a fan of fantasy or historicals, but I do love me some JK Rowling and Tolkien.

    MyTTT - contemps authors

  17. i love that shiver series! great picks!

    Katie @ Inkk


  18. Ahhhh GREAT list! I've gone and checked out your top 2 picks in historical fiction so thank you so much for sharing.

    And I obviously LOVE your fantasy list, you had me at your top 2 picks (and of course the fact that Harry Potter is your (and my) exception to all rules! :D

    Here's my TTT post

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows

  19. Some great new authors for me to try in Historical. Love your fantasy list too except for Martin. I think you said it right: it's more humanity than fantasy.

  20. I love Victoria Holt and have read her books for 40 years. And I agree Tolkien is the King.

  21. Great list! I haven't really read much historical fiction, but it has really boomed lately. I can't wait to read Queen of Waves by Janice Thompson.

  22. This was challenging but fun! Did you read the recent blog post that Cassandra Clare wrote about haters? A great response to some scary bullies.

  23. Ok, so I'm more familiar with the fantasy side of things. And Maggie Stiefvater. LOVE. Love so much I no longer have to double check how to spell her last name. I think that puts us on bff level - you know, if only she knew who I was...Ha.

    What I'm really lusting after is the Cassandra Clare mention. I have the first of the mortal instruments on my Nook. And I feel like I need to do them soon. I'm ready to devour the series...I only hope it's as good as I'm expecting it to be!

  24. This was much harder than I'd thought it would be!

  25. I only have one overlap with you in fantasy, GRRM. And if I had to write a historical fiction list, I'd probably have just one overlap there, too, with Margaret George.

    Hm, since I didn't write a list for historical fiction, I'll just point out Sharon Kay Penman as a favorite.

  26. I am a huge historical fiction fan so I will definitely check out these authors. Completely agree that Harry is always the exception to every literary complaint I have.

  27. I totally agree with you about Maggie Stiefvater! Have you read Scorpio Races? LOVED that book.

    Shannon @ Rex Robot Reviews

  28. Oh, I love your fantasy selections. Some of those authors should be on my list, but I didn't think of them...

  29. Love both of these genres but seem to go through phases with them. I love George, Plaidy and Tolkein.

  30. I love historical fiction!

    Here's my TTT: http://aliceinreaderland.wordpress.com/2012/10/16/top-ten-favorite-contemporary-ya-authors/

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  31. If you haven't already, you should check out historical fiction's James Alexander Thom. Wonderful author AND person.

  32. I LOVE historical fiction!! And Cassandra Clare is definitely one of my fave fantasy authors (along with Rowling and Tolkien, obviously). Love this week's theme! Here's mine: http://wp.me/p2zoUo-bW

  33. Ohhh I am excited to do this. Very, very excited to do this.

  34. Harry is always the exception. Always.

    I see what you did there. :D

    Great list! I really ought to read Cassandra Clare, and more Maggie Stiefvater--The Scorpio Races was a stunning book.

  35. I thoroughly enjoyed participating this week. I think this is my favorite blog meme.

  36. My TTT is up late today, but it is up! I also did my top ten fantasy authors, and we had two in common! Bet you can't guess which ones! ;)

  37. I have never been one for historical fiction, but the authors you listed sound intriguing. I chose to do the top ten authors for children's books, although it could have been top 50 and I still would have had more to add to the list.

  38. That was way harder than I expected ... I started struggling a bit at 5! I will have to check out Cassandra Clare, I've never even heard of her!

  39. Yeah, I couldn't pick a single genre, so I just went for a melange of my favorites :)

  40. I served up some science fiction. That's a great list of fantasy authors!

  41. Yay! Excited to participate in my first blog hop! :D I agree with you regarding the authors of fantasy. Tolkien's definitely the king!

  42. Yes to fantasy authors (except for Stiefvater)!

  43. Wow! I feel like I hit the jack pot, with all of the resources you have given. I LOVE historical fiction and am still having a difficult time narrowing my list down. One thing I do know however is that there is one particular historical fiction author that is definitely my top choice...J. Arthur Moore. I just LOVE his books on the Civil War- his 2nd book, "Up From Corinth: Book 2 of Journey Into Darkness" is amazing! I will try to work on narrowing down my next 4 top choices. This is so much fun!



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