Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Jamie's Top Ten Books She Wants To See Made Into Movies

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This meme was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists! Each week we will post a new Top Ten list complete with one of our bloggers’ answers. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND fill out Mr. Linky  . I
If you can't come up with ten, don't worry about it---post as many as you can!

This Top Ten Tuesday is set in a perfect world...in which movies don't butcher the books I love. Most of these books have been reviewed over at my personal blog if you want to check them out!

1) The Bird Sisters by Rebecca Rasmussen: This was one of those books were I could just picture this as a movie reel in my mind. It would be so charming and wonderful and heartbreaking. It just really had the elements (for me) to see it as a movie. Ooh and this book came out today!!! :) You can read my review here.

2) Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins: I seriously think this would be such a cute, fun movie. I want to see me some St. Clair tooo. And really..I can't get enough of movies set in Paris.

3) Silver Phoenix by Cindy Pon: I could see this being a kickass fantasy movie. It had action to boot and some epic battle scenes that I would love to see played out.

4) The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting: This would totally be a Veronica Mars mixed with Medium or Ghost Whisperer and it would be totally creepy.

5) Wither by Lauren DeStefano: I still haven't totally sold myself on this one as a movie but I keep seeing bits and pieces of it VIVIDLY in its movie form in my head so I felt I should add it. It would be so unique and interesting!

6) Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson: I love me a good road trip movie!! And it would have the most fantastic soundtrack to go with it!

7) The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield: I loved this book something fierce and it would be a pretty interesting movie IMO. When I read it (a while ago) I had all these thoughts about who would be awesome if it was ever a movie..but now I can't remember at all. lol.

8) Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer: I really loved the movie for Everything Is Illuminated (also by JSF) and I think this one could translate really well into a movie...IF you found the perfect Oskar!!

9) The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky: I could see this as an awesome indie flick. In fact, I think that's the only way I'd want to see this movie done. I wouldn't want super well known actors.

10) Those Who Save Us by Jenna Blum: I think this would be a very powerful movie set during WW2. I feel like I haven't seen a really excellent movie set during this time in a while and I think this book is definitely compelling enough to be a movie.

NEXT WEEK: Top Ten Tuesday Rewind -- Pick a past Top Ten Tuesday that we've done that you didn't get a chance to participate in. Look here for past topics.


  1. They are making a movie for Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Sandra Bullock is involved.

  2. Great list! The Thirteenth Tale would definitely make an interesting movie =)

  3. Perks of Being a Wallflower is also being made into a movie, I think filming now. With Emma Watson: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1659337/

    I would LOVE to see Anna and the French Kiss as a movie. <3

  4. Anna and the French Kiss and the Body Finder would make amazing movies!!!

  5. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close made my list too! Nice choices here.

  6. I also put Wither on my list because there are parts that I see in movie format too. I'd so watch Anna and the French Kiss if it was made into a movie!

  7. Some good ones here. The Perks of being a Wallflower is actually currently being made into a film, not sure when it gets released though. Id watch most of the ones on your list.

  8. I like your list! The Body Finder and Wither would be really interesting movies! I also have Anna and Amy & Roger on my list.

  9. Great list - mine is up. We don't have any crossovers at all. The magic of literature!

    I have signed up for next week, too.

  10. I couldn't believe how many of the novels in my bookshelf have been made into movies, especially all the old classics!

  11. I would love to see Anna and the French Kiss as a movie too. Such a great love story and ST Clair is totally swoon worthy! The Body Finder would also make a great film as the mystery and the relationship between Violet and Jay would be great to see.

  12. Totally agree about thirteenth tale - it was one of my picks as well.

    here are mine;


  13. I would definitely watch The Body Finder. I haven't read it, or the other ones, but the description sounds really good.

  14. I completely agree with you regarding Anna and the French Kiss. I think it would make a really cute movie; plus, it's Paris!! I forgot about The Body Finder....definitely a good one for a movie. Great list, Jamie!

  15. Great list! Some of these are on my list also (Amy and Roger's Epic Detour, Silver Phoenix) and The Body Finder almost made my list. I think it would make a great movie too.

  16. I agree with you on many other those on your list! Jasmine added Wither to her list as well!

  17. Wow, what an awesome idea! Loved picking my top 10, and yours sound like great choices.

  18. The Thirteenth Tale made a FANTASTIC book and would make a great movie as well!

  19. Love this week's topic! You're absolutely correct, finding the right Oskar would really be make or break for getting a good movie version of EL&IC.

  20. The Body Finder and Silver Phoenix were ones I considered too. Fun list!

  21. I picked Anna and the French Kiss and Wither too. Great list!

  22. Yes we agree on Anna and the French Kiss!

    Yara @ Once Upon a Twilight!

  23. Nice movie choices, some of the books I've heard of and some I haven't. I just picked up Wither and am eager to read it. Maybe I'll end up supporting the bid to make this a movie.

  24. omg YES to Amy & Roger!! dude that would be so epic (ok that was cheesy lol!) but seriously - I would love to watch that movie :-)

  25. I loved Extrememly Loud and Incredibly Close. Good call!

  26. I would definitely watch Silver Phoenix and Those Who Save Us. Both were great books with lots of film potential!

  27. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close made my list as well. But you're right - only if you found the perfect Oskar!

  28. WITHER! ANNA! AMY & ROGER! Yes to all of these!

  29. The Thirteenth Tale: perfect! And like EL&IC, the success of the movie might well depend upon who lands the lead (to echo Red).
    I chose a completely different take on this one as a nod to Nat. Poetry Month by featuring poets with world-changing or surprising life stories that I suspect we'd all love to see as biopics, and I threw a few casting calls into the mix...
    Thanks for this Top 10: Some fun!

  30. Good choices! I agree on "The Perks of Being a Wallflower"!!

  31. Some on this list I haven't seen anywhere else. The Thirteenth Tale has such a wonderful setting. I'd like to see that in a movie. Great ideas!

  32. i thought about Wither but i decided i need to wait and read the rest of the trilogy before i decide. Amy and Roger definitely! That would be amazing. Especially if they could figure out a good way to maintain the mixed media-ness of it somehow.

  33. I totally agree about Anna and the French Kiss!!

  34. fun list--I think this weeks topic will produce some interesting suggestions. Producers should browse a few and see what people are interested in. http://brokeandbookish.blogspot.com/2011/04/jamies-top-ten-books-she-wants-to-see.html

  35. Oh! We both have The Bird Sisters on our list, but there's no surprise there really. ;o)

    And so many others! I really had to think about whether to add Wither or not. In the end I didn't, but mostly because I think there will be quite a few others who do.

    Great choices!

  36. I'm with you on The Perks of Being a Wallflower. It would make a great indie flick! Once again, I'm surprised this hasn't been done yet.

  37. This is such a fun meme! I just decided to join myself :)

  38. I think The Thirteenth Tale would make an amazing movie. Great choice.

  39. Don't know if someone mentioned this already, but there is a Perks of Being a Wallflower in the works. Emma Watson is going to be in it, and Chbosky wrote the screenplay so it'll at least be good, if not as good as the books.

  40. I would have to add a few Anne Rice novels to the mix like The Witching Hour and Lasher.

  41. Anna and the French Kiss made my list too. I also think The Thirteenth Tale would make a good movie.

  42. I haven't read any of the books in today's post. I need to add them to my TBR list. :)

  43. I've only read #8 out of your list. It's hard to find good child actors that aren't annoying though!

  44. Haven't read any of these, but I'm adding some titles to my TBR Mountain.

    I posted my own list on my blog just a few minutes ago.

    Great meme. I'm having so much fun working on it every Tuesday.

  45. Huh, I never thought of the Perks of Being a Wallflower as a movie, since so much of the book is in his head... that would be really interesting if done well.

    I, as always, stick to my #1 book-to-movie dream: Ender's Game.

  46. Funny, I haven't read a single one of those books.

  47. I also loved Everything is Illuminated! It had the perfect balance of warmth and humor. I haven't read Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.

    Totally agree on Those Who Save Us - it would make an excellent movie!

    Great list!

  48. I am right there with you for Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close!
    (P.S. I think I accidentally posted my Top Ten Tuesday link twice, once on the wrong post--sorry about that. This whole blogging thing is new to me. :-P) Love your blog, btw.

  49. Grea choices! I have Those Who Save Us in my TBR pile.

  50. I am excited for the Extrememly Close movie! I read it just before they talked about turning it into a movie and ever since then I've been wondering how they will capture Oskar's voice.

  51. The bookish community seems to be pretty divided on The Thirteenth Tale. I wonder if a movie adaptation would make things better or worse. :p

  52. Omg! You have awesome picks. I would LOVE to see Anna and Amy & Roger as well. I love me some comtemps!


  53. I was going to add Perks of Being a Wallflower to my list too, but I knew about the movie already...I'm nervous to see how that will play out!

  54. I love this meme!

  55. This is a great list/ Of course, I would need to read them all first!

  56. I love lists! Here is a shortlink to my top ten

  57. This is a really great idea for a top ten list. I actually have ten books this week, unlike last week when I could only come up with a paltry two.

  58. Wow! I've read none of those but I have heard of a couple.

    Our list is up-- gotta go check out all the others!

  59. I agree with you that Wither would make a good movie.

  60. Wither should DEFINITELY be a movie. Great Picks :D!

  61. Great list! Thank you for hosting these meme.

    My list is up :)

  62. Extremely Loud is being made into a movie, actually, with Sandra Bullock.

    Also, Emma Watson (Hermione) is starring in a movie of The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

    So there goes your desire to see it with no well-known actors :)

  63. This took me forever!!! Funtimes! LOL.

    Stacy @demureconnoisseur

  64. Hey, just posted my link for the same! This was so much fun, though I did run out of steam after the seventh book. ;)
    Hope you like the list. The Bird Sisters and The Thirteenth Tale sound really good. Will check them out, thanks.

  65. Hey, just posted my link for the same! This was so much fun, though I did run out of steam after the seventh book. ;)
    Hope you like the list. The Bird Sisters and the Thirteenth Tale sound really good. Will check them out, thanks.

  66. ¡Hola! Ya no está para poner los enlaces, por lo que te lo dejo por aqui. ¡Ha sido divertido! :D

    ¡Un besito!^^


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