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Daisy's Picks
1. Books set in space: I'm not even sure why this is, but books (and also movies, with the exception of Star Wars, because AWESOME) set in space don't work for me usually. Sadly, this limits my scifi-exposure greatly.
2. Angels; I've had a lot of misses when it comes to books about angels or angel-like species (with the exception of the Unearthly series by Cynthia Hand which I LOVED), so this is pretty much a turn off for me.
3. Fae: the classic fae stories don't seem to work for me, I do love The Falconer series by Elizabeth May and A Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J. Maas, but mostly, it's just not my thing.
4. World War II: Maybe it's because my grandma lived through this in the Netherlands and it's just a little too close for comfort for me, but I find myself shying away from book that are set in this time period.
Jamie's Picks
5. If it sounds too manicpixiedreamgirl: I've loved books with this trope but the older I'm getting the harder time I'm having to want to read it if I feel like the summary eludes to it.
6. Any book that seems like it is glorifying abusive or super aggressively alpha males: I'm just so not into it.
7. (DON'T JUDGE ME) But if a book has a reallyyyyyyy low rating on Goodreads: I know, I know. I mean, some books I love have kind of low ratings on Goodreads and I don't care because I love them. BUT if a book has like a REALLY low rating and I wasn't THAT excited about just semi's a pretty big turnoff even though I've been really trying to not put so much stock into ratings.
Julia's Picks
9. First person POV: This one I will usually bend on, especially in YA. But most often as soon as I see the "I", I groan.
Jamie's Picks
5. If it sounds too manicpixiedreamgirl: I've loved books with this trope but the older I'm getting the harder time I'm having to want to read it if I feel like the summary eludes to it.
6. Any book that seems like it is glorifying abusive or super aggressively alpha males: I'm just so not into it.
7. (DON'T JUDGE ME) But if a book has a reallyyyyyyy low rating on Goodreads: I know, I know. I mean, some books I love have kind of low ratings on Goodreads and I don't care because I love them. BUT if a book has like a REALLY low rating and I wasn't THAT excited about just semi's a pretty big turnoff even though I've been really trying to not put so much stock into ratings.
Julia's Picks
8. Love Triangles: I'm sick of them at this point. Can't there be an engaging story with an awesome heroine who only has one love interest? Or even dare I say zero?
Kimberly's Pick
10. Animal abuse. I'll never understand why authors think this is something that is okay to add. It's disgusting and I hate it and will refuse to read a book if it contains this.