Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Top Ten Things That Will Make Us Instantly NOT Want To Read A Book

For a list of past and future Top Ten Tuesday topics and to find out more about Top Ten Tuesday, click here!

Daisy's Picks

1. Books set in space: I'm not even sure why this is, but books (and also movies, with the exception of Star Wars, because AWESOME) set in space don't work for me usually. Sadly, this limits my scifi-exposure greatly.

2. Angels; I've had a lot of misses when it comes to books about angels or angel-like species (with the exception of the Unearthly series by Cynthia Hand which I LOVED), so this is pretty much a turn off for me.

3. Fae: the classic fae stories don't seem to work for me, I do love The Falconer series by Elizabeth May and A Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J. Maas, but mostly, it's just not my thing.

4. World War II: Maybe it's because my grandma lived through this in the Netherlands and it's just a little too close for comfort for me, but I find myself shying away from book that are set in this time period.

Jamie's Picks

5. If it sounds too manicpixiedreamgirl: I've loved books with this trope but the older I'm getting the harder time I'm having to want to read it if I feel like the summary eludes to it.

6. Any book that seems like it is glorifying abusive or super aggressively alpha males: I'm just so not into it. 

7. (DON'T JUDGE ME) But if a book has a reallyyyyyyy low rating on Goodreads: I know, I know. I mean, some books I love have kind of low ratings on Goodreads and I don't care because I love them. BUT if a book has like a REALLY low rating and I wasn't THAT excited about it...like just semi interested...it's a pretty big turnoff even though I've been really trying to not put so much stock into ratings. 

Julia's Picks  

8. Love Triangles: I'm sick of them at this point. Can't there be an engaging story with an awesome heroine who only has one love interest? Or even dare I say zero? 

9. First person POV: This one I will usually bend on, especially in YA. But most often as soon as I see the "I", I groan.

 Kimberly's Pick

10.  Animal abuse. I'll never understand why authors think this is something that is okay to add. It's disgusting and I hate it and will refuse to read a book if it contains this. 

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Top Ten Things That Will Make Us Instantly Want To Read A Book

For future Top Ten Tuesday topics & info on how to participate, click here!

Happy Tuesday everyone! Today we are talking about those things that will just instantly make us want to read a book!

Jamie's Picks

1. Even a whiff of a hate-to-love romance type relationship: Listen, if it even hints at it in any type of book (even if it isn't a romance/rom com) I'm going to add it to my TBR.

2. Road trip: If I see the word road trip in a summary (honestly though...any kind of huge travel plot) I'm game.

3. Loss of a parent: Oookay this one probably feels like a downer but apparently this is my thing. A few years after I lost my mom in 2006 I started really gravitating towards books about losing a parent. IDK WHY. I know some avoid it for the same reason if they've gone through it but for me it's apparently cathartic and a thing I enjoy (weird word...probably not what I'm going for) so if I see that a book deals with a loss of a parent (especially a mom) in any way it's like Jamiebait. 

Kimberly's Picks

4. Magic - I'm such a sucker for fantasy reads. If the description of a book mentions magic, it immediately goes on my tbr. 

5. Horses- The 10 year old in me just can't let this go. I've always loved horses (I grew up with a Wyoming rancher for a grandpa, so it was inevitable) and stories about them just make me happy. 

Jana's Picks

6. Pirates: I'm a sucker for books with pirates in them! I've probably got a crush on every literary pirate.

7. Mermaids: Underwater worlds and mermaids are my favorite!

8. Travel: If the book has traveling in it I'm all over it!

9. Nerdy Characters: I love adorkable/nerdy/bookish characters so much! 

10. Holidays: I love books centered around different holidays. It's so much fun reading Halloween books in October and Christmas ones in December. 

Bridget's Pick

11.  Any sort of endorsement by one of my favorite authors (Stephen King, JK Rowling, Gillian Flynn, etc)

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Top Ten Most Unique Books We've Read

For future Top Ten Tuesday topics and info on how to participate, click here!

This week we're sharing some of the most unique books we've ever read! And it'll jue be five since we weren't super on top of things this week! Whoops!

Lauren's Picks

The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman
This little gem was a fairy tale, a mystery, and a fantasy novel all rolled together. It was cute and made me so curious, I just flew through this book! 

The Devil Crept In by Ania Ahlborn
I know I always fangirl over all of Ahlborn's books, but this one stood out from the rest for me. It still embodied everything creepy and tragic, but it intrigued me more than I expected. This is a must read for any horror fan!

Kimberly's Picks

Magonia by Maria Dahvana Headley 
I was warned going into this that it was "weird". But was also told it was for fans of Neil Gaiman, which instantly drew my attention. This book is so fun and so intriguing. The world building is fantastic. I loved every minute of it!

Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
I love all of his books!! He's one of my favorite authors, and honestly, any of his books could go on this list. Neverwhere was my first by him and holds a place in my heart for that reason.

Jana's Pick

Stolen by Lucy Christopher
It's written like a letter and I got Stockholm Syndrome. What the crap?

What are some of the most unique books you've ever read?

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Top Ten Fandoms We're a Part Of

For future Top Ten Tuesday topics and info on how to participate, click here!

This week you get to show off your inner (or outer, because let's be honest here...) nerd with a fandom freebie! We decided to tell you what fandoms we belong to! 

Jana's Picks

The Sound of Music: Ok, so I'm not sure if there's an official fandom or not, but I've made one and I'm all over this movie. It has been my favorite since I was a little girl. I love the music, the scenery, the story, Julie Andrews, and Christopher Plummer. 

Saved By the Bell: Yeah... I own all the funkos, I own all the seasons (even The College Years), and I own the movies (Hawaiian Style and Wedding in Las Vegas). When I was a kid I learned the I'm So Excited dance routine and the exercise routine for the girls' music video. I wanted to be Kelly, I wanted to date Zack. So much nostalgia here. 

Friends: I'm kind of a diehard. I was late to the Friends bandwagon (like... the complete series boxed set was available on DVD WAY before I even watched one episode), but I have made up for lost time! I've watched the series from beginning to end probably 15 times now.

A Court of Thorns and Roses Series by Sarah J. Maas: I've never been so passionate about a book series in my life, but there you have it. 

Mary Poppins: Again, is there such a thing? I love the movie (I think I'm in the Julie Andrews fandom, too), the music, the Broadway show (I saw it in NYC at Christmas--major bucket list item), and the cute little funko sitting on my shelf! 

Veronica Mars: Another fandom I'm late to (I just watched this series for the fist time a couple years ago), but I'm a marshmallow!

Julia's Picks

Game of Throne/A Song of Ice and Fire: This is probably the most active fandom that I am in at the moment. I read theories and anxiously await any new information the show or the book can give us. 

Disney: Yeah I guess this is a weird one, and I would say I am full out fandom, but I do follow all the new additions coming to the parks, the new live action movie news, the musicals and where they are coming (I literally had a freak out moment last night when I saw that The Hunchback of Notre Dame is going to be performed in Cleveland this fall). So I am going to count this. 

Westworld: I was definitely on the edge of fandom when this show was one. Holy cow was there so much to theorize about. I hadn't had that much fandom thinking/scheming fun since the days I was really into Lost. Great show. Great season. I can't wait to see where they go. So many possibilities!!

His Dark Materials: So this I am not currently involved in, but I am thinking about diving back in after my current reread. Ever since they announced the next book finally coming out this fall, I've wanted to dive back into the world, find some active discussions, reread my old fanfic... I am so happy this is finally a thing again. 

Let's talk fandoms!!!

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