Monday, March 6, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: Still on Hiatus BUT freebie linkup & upcoming schedule

Hello hello! Jamie here! The hiatus I had planned to get my crap together wasn't as productive as I had hoped and I kind of lost track of time and thus we are not back today like I planned. So much going on in my life!  My apologies for not being back this week!

However maybe you can forgive me because:

1) a linky is down below if you did a freebie top ten tuesday while we are on hiatus (not just from this week -- any week since)

2) I've got the schedule for the next couple weeks and will continue adding to it on the official schedule page this week but wanted to give you guys the next few:

March 14: Top Ten Books On My Spring TBR
March 21: Read In One Sitting Theme: ten of the shortest books I've read, top ten books I read in one sitting, ten books to read when you are short on time, top ten books that will make you read the whole day away, etc.
March 28: Top Ten Authors I'm Dying To Meet / Ten Authors I Can't Believe I've Met  (some other "meeting authors" type spin you want to do)
April 4: Fandom Freebie -- top ten fandoms I'm in, 10 reasons X fandom is the best, must have merchandise for x fandom, etc. etc.

Hope you all are well and ready to get back to list-making with us!



  1. Hope things are going okay with you, Jamie. Wishing you all the best. Looking forward to these new topics, and no apologies. Life tends to get in the way of things like blogging or reading a little too often. :)

  2. I haven't had my crap together enough to do this either so I certainly won't judge :) But I'm glad to have topics for the next few weeks. Yay!

  3. So excited for March, no pressure about life getting in the way :D

  4. Hope things are going better, but everyone needs a break now and then. Wishing you lots of health, rest and time to do things you want to do.


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