Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Ten Books We'll PROBABLY Never Read

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We aren't trying to be a bunch of meanies here but as a reader sometimes you just KNOW you aren't going to read some books....ever. Like EVER EVER.

Jamie's Picks

1. 50 Shades of Grey: I'm just not interested in erotica personally in general (I do like romance though) but with all the crap surrounding this and how much I already KNOW about it without having read it...NOPE. Seconded by Jana!

2. Anything by James Frey: I can usually separate author from books but I'm sorry I can't. I won't have anything to do with his adult or YA. Nor anything he writes under a pen name. NOOOPE.

Lori's Picks

3.  The Jungle by Upton Sinclair:  Part of me does want to read it because it takes place during one of my favorite time periods.  On the other hand, I really do not want to know that much about the meat industry.  I like my steak and I want to keep it that way.

4.  A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce:  I may one day finish Ulysses, via audiobook, because I'm already almost halfway-ish (I think; it's been a year since I last touched it).  But I don't think I'll ever voluntarily read something else by Joyce because he makes my hair hurt.

Julia's Picks

5. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green: Yup. Just send the hate mail to me directly. I just don't think I am ever going to read this. 1) It's too hyped up 2) I have a pre-existing opinion of the author that I believe would color the reading of his books for me 3) the concept doesn't really interest me. I also think I am too far past adolescence to connect with the characters. Maybe, maybe not, but yeah, I'll probably give this one a pass.

6. The rest of the books in the Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon: I've read the first book, and I didn't like it all that much. It was just too wordy and extended way past where it should have stopped. I just can't continue reading that for another seven or however many books. That said, I am really enjoyed the Starz Outlander series. I think the difference is that the TV series filters everything down into easy to digest one hour segments, whereas it was just too easy to get lost or bored in the actual book series itself. Plus you know, the gorgeous Scotsmen are images instead of imaginations.

Bridget's Picks

7. All The Pretty Horses – Cormac McCarthy. This really goes for pretty much anything by him; I hated The Road, particularly because he apparently feels that he’s above punctuation (NOBODY IS ABOVE PUNCTUATION) and I don’t feel comfortable supporting such obvious flouting of the rules of the English language for no effect other than complete annoyance to the reader. And by the reader I mean me, because apparently some people don’t mind, but screw them, they’re wrong. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

8. The Five People You Meet in Heaven – Mitch Albom. Schmaltzy, inspirational books are decidedly not my taste—I thought The Alchemist was the stupidest thing I ever read, and though I enjoyed Tuesdays With Morrie when I read it, I don’t really have any desire to read it again.

Jana's Picks

9. The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness. I was warned by a friend, who told me that there is some very traumatizing animal violence in this book, and that is a total deal breaker for me. I don't even care what redeeming qualities this book has. If you brutally kill a sweet animal, you and all the rest of your books are blacklisted in my book.

10. Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake. Same as above! I'm so grateful to my blogging friends who have warned me about so many books containing animal violence. If you know of more I need to know about, please tell me in the comments so I can avoid them!

Tell us..what books are you PROBABLY never going to read?


  1. I was wondering if there were going to be any books that rose to the top and showed up on lots of people's list. I thought it might be 50 shades which made my list as well:). I guess we shall see. I didn't think it would be Outlander which also made my list (but for a different reason). I think I may be on board with never reading The Fault in Our Stars even though I didn't list it. It just sounds too unbearably sad.

  2. I'll probably never read 50 Shades of Grey either, nor Twilight, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, or any other massively overhyped books. I'll probably never read The Fault in Our Stars either, because it's also too overhyped, and I wasn't that blown away by John Green's writing in the other book by him I've read.

  3. Agree with not reading the 50 Shades Of Grey book, just not something I'm interested in. As well as the Outlander series, to be honest I am a little hesitant to read that..

  4. I go back and forth on the Outlander series. I have read 50 Shades just to know what all the talk was about. I loved The Fault in Our Stars and The Five People You Meet in Heaven.

  5. Just to warn Jana, Lisa Gail Green wrote a really good book Soul Crossed, but it did have some animal violence. I pretty much skipped those paragraphs because I couldn't read without crying. So just wanted to warn you about that one just in case! ;)

  6. Julia I will never read the fault in our stars either. I have the movie but thats where it stops. And the Outlander books nope prob will never read those either. Im having to much fun watching the show.

  7. PS thanks for this great meme. I was trying to find something to add to my site. This works great!!!

  8. I've not read most of the books on the list you guys shared. I have read Outlander - twice. And listened to it once. Still have not made it to the other books and I suspect that I will not. Think maybe it's just a one book deal for me. LOL

  9. I enjoyed the first book of Outlander so much that I'm afraid to read the rest so I haven't and not sure I ever will! TFIOS was one of those books that I shouldn't have read being an oncology nurse. I pretty much started and ended the book crying! The Five People You Meet in Heaven I loved, but I'm slightly biased as I just love the author ;) I've read all of his books! The Knife of Never Letting Go I own, but made my list too. I'm just not interested in reading it now.

  10. I actually like McCarthy, but he's definitely someone to be waded through, so I only read one book or so by him a year. The Jungle is a good pick. I probably wouldn't read that either. I've always wanted to read Ulysses, but haven't been able to goad myself into doing it yet. :D Great list!

    1. I think I would have liked The Road a lot more if he had just used quotation marks, for God's sake!!! Ugh. I love apocalyptic novels, but this one just totally fell flat for me.

  11. It's nice to see someone else have The Fault in the Stars on their list. :)

  12. Outlander series was on my list too. Too many books in the series to read about so-so characters!

  13. This is my first time participating in this meme. A fun topic!

  14. Re: Jana and her stance on animal violence... are you a vegetarian? I'm asking this as a vegetarian myself, because i find it hugely hypocritical when meat eaters talk about how horrible animal cruelty is.
    Also, fictional animal cruelty in and of itself does not bother me... it is when it is pointless or unnecessarily gratuitous that it starts to become offensive.

  15. The Knife of Never Letting Go was super interesting and I enjoyed it. But yeah, there is definitely a sad animal part.

  16. Lori, I put Ulysses on my list because I've had the misfortune of suffering through Portrait...I definitely don't recommend it, it was absolutely awful.

  17. I had to read A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man for a college class, and it was torture. It’s one of the most tedious books I’ve ever encountered. You’re smart to avoid it.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  18. 50 Shades & Fault in Our Stars also made it to my list, very similar reasons. I'm also reconsidering reading Anna Dressed in Blood...I'd been told it was good, but now...eh. Haven't read most of the others on your list, either.

    Jen @ EbonyInkReviews

  19. I forgot about The Knife of Never Letting Go. That's on my NO list, too. I can't handle violence towards animals. I didn't know about Anna Dressed in Blood. Thanks for the heads up.

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

  20. Glad I'm not the only one who picked The Fault in Our Stars

  21. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's never going to read The Fault in Our Stars or 50 Shades of Grey. I have read the whole Outlander series though (at the behest of my mother).

  22. I don't remember anything particularly violent in Anna Dressed in Blood... And I'm super sensitive about stuff like that. Maybe I blocked it from my memory.
    An animal dies? NOPE. Just nope. Will not read.

  23. Couple of these on my list as well.. but... The Jungle... ugh. That was assigned reading for one of my American Studies classes -- over THANKSGIVING BREAK...
    Actually, though, it's on my re-read list because I seem to recall it wasn't too bad, and had some interesting cultural/societal stuff in it.

  24. @Jana: I cried when I read the animal part in The Knife Of Never Letting Go... It's always the animals I care about the most :D When a human character dies I never cry.
    But could you please tell me what was violent in Anna dressed in blood? I read it and I... oh. All right. I remember :D I'm sorry. The presence of the very creepy evil person in the scene overshadowed that event in my memory.
    What about fantasy animals? If you don't like them mistreated or tortured to death, you might not want to read Heir Of Fire (if you haven't already). (You could skip the scene though, (if you're not angry with the author for killing a fantasy animal) it's not crucial.)

  25. totally with you on the 50 shades :) it made my top ten as well ;)

  26. I'm so glad about seeing other people saying they just don't see the appeal in The Fault in Our Stars!

  27. Hah, this one got a lot of responses :) I know I picked some popular books too. I am with you on most of your picks, but I actually enjoy Cormac McCarthy. Fun topic.

    1. A lot of people do! I just don't see the appeal. Oh well, to each his/her own :)

    2. If we all agreed, TTT would be boring :p And McCarthy is in the Faulkner camp: super subjective, and takes some getting used to.

  28. I will probably never read The Fault in Our Stars either. I'm kind of interested in Paper Towns though. And I would probably never have read Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man if not for a class, but I don't regret it.

  29. Interesting how much overlap seems to be happening with the 50 Shades of Grey trilogy. Hmm... this list was scary to write and kind of eye-opening with how many "popular" books ended up showing up.

  30. A great list! Fifty Shades and The Fault in Our Stars made my list as well.

    Sharon – Obsession with Books

  31. I've read The Jungle, and I think it ruined any kind of processed/tinned meat for me. I couldn't get through Outlander either.

  32. I agree with many of your choices, including no. 1 and also Outlander. I also read the first in the series and don't care to read any more.


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