Every other Thursday here at the Broke & The Bookish is A Cocktail & Conversation time. One of the TB&TB members will pose a question to 2-3 of the other members of TB&TB crew about books, life, music, etc and then they'll answer and we can converse about it. So grab a cocktail & cozy up for some conversation. It's 5 o'clock somewhere, friends.
Tell me one thing on your summer bucket list or something you hope to do or accomplish before Summer 2014 ends! Also, what's one book you hope to read before the end of summer?
Jana says:
I want to edit the video of my European vacation from two years ago, and burn it to DVDs. I still haven't seen it, and want to re-live my dream vacation! It's just a daunting task, and I have no idea where to begin. Ummm. There's so many! I'm REALLY wanting to get to Atlantia by Ally Condie, though.
Bridget says:
We just moved so I want to organize all my books too!! We also need
to buy at least one more bookshelf. So that's definitely a goal for us
to accomplish before the end of the summer!
would like to finish the available books of the GoT series before the
end of the summer, but that's three LOOONG books so we'll see!
Daisy says:
I really want to accomplish convincing the boyfriend that we really need a cat in our lives and then actually getting one. One book I hope to read before the end of summer is A Dance With Dragons by George R.R. Martin.
Jamie says:
I really, really want to go fishing before the summer ends. I haven't been fishing since I was little and I randomly decided one day I'd like to do it this summer so I told Will to which he probably added to his mental "Random Things My Wife Wants To Do" list. I'd really like to read at least the 2nd and 3rd Harry Potter books before the summer ends. I read book 1 last year and I need to get back to trying to read this series. Review books and new books always seem to get in the way.
What about you, dear readers? What is one thing you want to accomplish before the summer ends? A book you want to read before the end of summer?
I would like to redesign my blog or at least move it wordpress. Definitely read more.
ReplyDeleteBlog redesigns are always fun! It always gives me a much needed bump in blogging motivation especially if I've been kind of BLAH or unmotivated with blogging!
DeleteI am currently moving my blog site and doing a MAJOR redesign. It's a lot of work but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! I'm also planning on finishing season 1 for my challenge (only on year 3! LOL!)
ReplyDeleteSummer time is perfect for a blog move and redesign! How fun!! (well, in the end when you have a shiny new site haha)
DeleteI want to make more headway on learning a new language and read the rest of The Chaos Walking trilogy. :)
ReplyDeleteOoh what language are you learning?? That's something I'd like to do next year (or start this year). Are you taking classes/using a program?
DeleteI'm nearly to the end of A Dance with Dragons by George R.R. Martin and it's been a binge read over the last couple of months with all five of them. Determined to be more in the know when the show comes back on.
ReplyDeleteOoo, I hope you can convince your boyfriend to get a cat Daisy! Cats are awesome.
ReplyDeleteAnd Jamie, I hope that that certain.. incident doesn't stop you from trying the other Harry Potter books. They're all so amazing.
I'm also with you guys on reading the GRRM books this summer. I'd also love to finish writing my YA book, but that might be a long shot (:
I guess I just want to read more before the summer ends. I want to get into a work out routine and spend a little more time at the pool before summer ends.
ReplyDeleteDaisy, best of luck with the cat thing. ;)
ReplyDeleteAlso, I thought about organizing my books once. *howls with laughter* that went about as far as a thought. There's just too many!
At any rate, I'm impressed with all your ambitions!