Monday, March 10, 2014

A Cocktail And Conversation: Reading Slumps

Every other Thursday (errrr we missed last Thursday---so MONDAY this week) here at the Broke & The Bookish is  A Cocktail & Conversation time. One of the TBTB members will pose a question to 2-3 of the other members of TB&TB crew about books, life, music, etc and then they'll answer and we can converse about it. So grab a cocktail & cozy up for some conversation. It's 5 o'clock somewhere, friends.

Jamie asks: What's your method to getting out of a reading slump?

Julia says: When I am in reading slump, I mope about on the internet reading things about books. I read a lot of publishing news in general and all the stories about badly behaving authors entertain me like a sad reality show. I keep my pulse on the reading world and usually something comes up that makes me want to read something again. I've been known to switch genres a bit too when one burns me out. Right now I am in a mini-slump because I was riding high and then got about 100 books out from the library at the same time (by accident) and about 100 arcs came in the mail. There are worse problems to have ;)

Bridget says: Ugh, I feel like I've been in a reading slump for a year! Usually, reading one of my "comfort books" (aka books I reread probably once a year or so) like Ender's Game or It or Sense & Sensibility will remind me why I like reading and why I should do it more! I blame the internet--it's so easy to just come home, get on the couch, and zone out in front of my laptop, mindlessly browsing through Reddit. I need to get back in the habit of zoning out with a book!


What about you guys? How do YOU get out of a reading slump? Tell us your tricks!


  1. If I get in a reading slump, I switch to nonfiction for awhile. Eventually, something will catch my eye or my mood will turn, and I'll get back to fiction.

  2. I'm in a bit of a reading slump right now. I bought Rome by Jay Crownover which is a book I was very excited about and never got around to reading. Hopefully, starting that book today will zap me. I also switch to TV for a while to give my brain a break and remember how reading is so much better than TV. That usually does it.

  3. I'm also in the midst of a reading slump at the moment, so I re-read a few of my favorite books to try and break myself out of it. Time will tell. :)

  4. Yeah, when I'm in a reading slump, I just go back to one of my favorites for motivation. Great post ladies! :)

  5. When I'm in a reading slump I either avoid reading altogether until a book is released that I've been anticipating and thus I'm forced to read. Or, my more likely decision, is to read some fluffy easy book where everything is predictable. It's not necessarily one I've read before, but books I've previously read are always best because they are comforting, I'm not gripped and unsure about what's going to happen, and it sort of feels like coming home when you read an old favourite. It all depends what kind of slump I'm in really, and why.

  6. It's great to hear that other people suffer from reading slumps. When you choose to immerse yourself so much into the book world and then don't feel like reading, it can feel a bit like a failure. It's no good but it will generally go away with some time and rest.

  7. When I'm in a slump, I clean out my shelves for the resale/donation bin. Then I borrow some friends kids to read to. Nothing will encourage your reading, like a little kid just figuring out C-A-T spells cat. I'm also a book hopper... which means it may take a year to finish a novel, but I was reading a dozen of them, so it all averages out!

  8. When I am in a slump, I do something else, like watch stuff off my PVR and videos from the library. I also try to read something, but sometimes you can't force it. It may mean that more books come in from the library as a result, but something catches my fancy and I am off reading again.

  9. March has been a slump for me with reading. I have lots of books to read, just other things keep pushing my reading to the bottom of the pile.

  10. The past few weeks have definitely been slump-y for me but I think I'm getting back into the groove again.
    Like Julia said, maybe roaming the internet is the best way to beat it? Also maybe a Teen Wolf marathon will help? ;)

  11. I think this time of year is prime time for a reading slump... I've been feeling it a little myself... So this is a very appropriate post.
    Rereading comfort reads is a great way to get out of a reading slump, or even just your go to authors.
    Bits & Bobs

  12. I read something completely different from what I have been trying to read. If I was reading a lot of depressing fantasy books, I read a contemporary romance, for example.

  13. Usually I put that book down that isn't working for me and try a different book. I usually keep doing that until I can get interested in a book even if I started and put down 10 books to get there.
    Also trying a different genre or just walking away from reading for a few days can sometimes help.


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