Friday, October 18, 2013

We'll miss you, Kelly!

The Broke and the Bookish crew is sad to see our beloved Kelly go, but happy to know she has made the right decision for herself. Kelly has recently taken on a second job, and is one busy little bee these days, both work-wise and life-wise. We hope to continue seeing her lots on twitter, though! We thought we'd show her some love today.

Jana - Kelly, you have done so much for the blog! I just checked, and you contributed 78 posts of fun surveys, historical book reviews and giveaways, and other awesome things. We knew we could always count on you having your posts up way ahead of time, and I know I have loved getting to know you these past couple years! Thanks for being a part of this with us, please stay in touch, and good luck with your crazy busy life!

Julia -  Kelly has been with us since the beginning three years ago. I always loved reading her historical fiction posts; I know I have added a ton to my TBR because of her! I am positive she has brought over 80% of the giveaways on this blog here! Kelly, good luck with everything that life brings! I hope you still have time to continue reading all the books. We'll miss you here. Thanks for everything :)

Jamie - Kelly! Thanks for embarking on this journey with me from day 1 when I had this crazy idea and decided to see if anyone in the College Students group wanted to join. It's been amazing getting to know you more from blogging and I appreciate everything you've done for TBTB. You are our historical fiction expert and I feel like I'm going to have to stalk your Goodreads to make sure I'm getting enough historical fiction in my diet. Best of luck!!

Jen - Kelly, it's been so much fun getting to know you through Goodreads and TBTB! You share my love of books, music, nail polish, cats, and all things sparkly. Thank you for being a great friend! Good luck with everything! We'll miss you on the blog! :)

Tahleen - Not to sound like a broken record (is that phrase still relevant?), but it's been great getting to know you and wonderful working with you on The Broke & the Bookish. I hope we continue to see you on other social networking platforms, and maybe we'll be paired in another Secret Santa somewhere along the way! :) Good luck with everything!

Bridget - Thanks for being awesome :) we'll definitely miss you here on the blog and like Julia said, I hope you still have time to read, even if not enough time to review! Good luck with your new job!

Daisy - Kelly, I'm so glad that we've gotten to know each other better because of this blog! I love geeking out with you over A Song of Ice and Fire and Harry Potter and anything remotely related! I don't think I would have survived the Red Wedding without you! I'm sad you won't have time to be a part of TBTB anymore, but I know you're crazy busy and we'll still talk! And of course we'll always have shirtless Gendry ;)

Farewell to our friend and blogmate, Kelly!! We will miss you! If you loved her historical fiction reviews and great giveaways and awesome TTT picks, give her a nice sendoff with us!! :)


  1. Good luck with your future endeavors, Kelly!

  2. good luck, it's been fun. I enjoy this website very much. You girls have done a good job with it.


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