Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Top Ten Best/Worst Series Endings -- Top Ten Tuesday

More information about Top Ten Tuesday and future topics can be found here.

Best Series Endings

Jana says:

Into the Still Blue by Veronica Rossi: Have no fear! This book could not have wrapped up the series any better. I just loved it so much.

Jamie says:

Boundless by Cynthia Hand: This was one of the best last books ever! Always kept me guessing and it was just SO GOOD. I will say that a certain part of how the love triangle wrapped up made me sad but overall this was such a great series ending!
Seconded by Daisy!

Julia says:

Shades of Earth by Beth Revis: This series was great and the ending sure did not disappoint! It took quite a turn from the other books, but I didn't mind at all. Across the Universe in general is one of my favorite YA series. If you like space and dystopian drama, definitely check this series out! It won't waste your time.
Julia says:

A Duke of Her Own by Eloisa James: I loved this six book romance series set in Georgian England. The ending book was especially lovely because it gave us a conclusion for a specific character we had been following all series. Technically there is another book coming out that is tangentially related to this series, so this may not be considered the end, but I still loved how it tied up the overall story line of the first six.

Daisy says

The Bitter Kingdom by Rae Carson: I cannot even begin to describe my love for this series and this book in particular! It was everything I could have wanted from the last novel in a series and though I'm still heartbroken I won't be going on adventures with Elisa and Hector (HECTOR!!) anymore, I still love this book. It was the perfect ending to an epic series!

Kimberly says

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: There may be many who will disagree with me, but to me, the final Harry Potter book was perfect. It tied everything together. The characters were wonderful from the beginning, but it here that we saw how incredible they could be. (Neville anyone???) I cried over the characters I lost, and cried for the characters that found happiness. Actually, I spent a lot of time crying over this book. But only the best books do that to me, the ones that impact me the most and the ones I care about. I could not have asked for a better ending for this series.... Except, perhaps, MORE books. ;)

Worst Series Endings

Jamie says:

Requiem by Lauren Oliver
: I HATE THAT THIS HAPPENED FOR ME. It's funny because her last paragraph is one of the most beautiful, strong last paragraphs ever but I really didn't like this book at all. I just didn't feel satisfied and I promise you I'm NOT a person who has to have neat, happy endings. You can read my full review of Requiem by Lauren Oliver here to find out why it disappointed me.

Jana says:

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins: I closed this book and went, "well... that sucked." I loved The Hunger Games, and I was even invested in Catching Fire because I was so intrigued to find out what happened! And THEN Mockingjay came along and I had so many feelings of rage and frustration by the end of it, because I honestly no longer knew what the point was anymore. It was so hard for me to read that I didn't even review it. Haha.  <Jamie says...I actually loved this one!! *runs away* >

Daisy says:

We'll Always Have Summer by Jenny Han: I'm probably going to be voicing and unpopular opinion here, but UGH! I am still so mad at this book! I mean, I was LOVING this series and it was so good and cute and had real issues and I was digging the lovestory and though I was still annoyed by the name 'Belly' (because seriously, worst name ever), I was willing to overlook this. And then this book happened. And I was like WTF??? What is going on? I lost some of the respect I had for Belly and I just... I'm just still disappointed by the the events in this book.

Julia Says:

The latest books in the Dark Hunters Series.. for like by Sherrilyn Kenyon: Oh, how obsessed with this series I was in the beginning! I had plans to go to the convention. The first six or so books just ripped my soul, but then as book 10... 14... 16 came out, I realized that every single book was the same. Bad boy and a girl whom he would never consider before have wild sexytime and save the world. It gets old fast. It's a shame because I really liked the concept and the characters, but it got tedious. The series is still going on... on book like 26 or something.

Which series had the best and worst endings in your opinion? Do you disagree/agree with any of our choices??


  1. Harry Potter and Mockingjay made my list in the same way that they did on yours - good call!

  2. Agreed on Harry Potter and Mockingjay. I need to read The Bitter Kingdom, I'm glad it was a favorite.

  3. I loved Mockingjay too. But I HATED Boundless. That's on my worst ever list. Love Into the Still Blue and the Bitter Kingdom too. But I'm just not even going to read Requiem. Great topic!

  4. I am relieved for Into the Still Blue and agree with Requiem, Shades of Earth and Boundless (almost made my list).

  5. I couldn't agree more about Requiem. Requiem was so bad that I get so scared for every other book series ending.

  6. Agreed to the Dark Hunters. They used to be AWESOME! but after Acheron - I haven't liked them as much as I used to. Retribution was awful. I'll still read the first ten or so every now and then because I think they were more original. The most recent ones are just the EXACT SAME THING.It's sad. She should have ended things on top.

    1. I know. I think Retribution is the last one I "read" too. I am pretty sure after a while I just started skimming. I really wanted to see Nick's character develop and eventually get his own HEA, but I feel like that is years off... I need to just find a wiki summary page to get his story or something...

  7. Oh gosh. Bitter Kingdom looks so good. I have to start on that series, and I am glad the last book is good. Thank you for the post!

  8. I totally agree that Harry Potter had such a fantastic and satisfying ending, although I was of course devastated by the losses of some of the characters. I think it would be so cool if JK Rowling did a little follow-up story about Harry and Ginny's and Hermione and Ron's kids at Hogwarts though!

    1. I think I would just cry if she wrote more about them! The epilogue gave us a tiny little peek at what his life is like, and I want to know more! :)

  9. I loved Mockingjay and the Deathly Hallows! I think they had perfect endings. I need to read The Bitter Kingdom and Into the Still Blue soon, to see how these series' end! But I'm actually terrible at reading sequels and finishing series, so I won't have a TTT post today.. I suck and I want to go sob in the corner.

    1. I thought Mockingjay was an alright ending, too. I think I deviate from my fellow TBTBs here. I wouldnt have put it on my best list, but I was satisfied with the ending.

    2. I liked it too Julia! DItto with not sure it would make a BEST list but I was fine with it!

    3. I really liked Mockingjay as well!! I thought it was a fitting ending.

  10. I'm totally with you about Requiem. Ugh!

  11. I am so glad to read that Into The Still Blue is a good series ender. I love that series and have really high expectations for book three.

  12. Maybe another topic could be Series we're still reading and loving

  13. It looks like I'm with the majority. HP as the best and Mockingjay as the worst. When I read the last chapter of Mockingjay, I was like, "That's it. Boo." I can't wait to see how Veronica Roth ends the Divergent series.

  14. I was disappointed with Requiem and Mockingjay too. I actually appreciated Mockingjay so much more the second time around though! I still really enjoy both, but the way they ended the series just didn't quite sit right with me!

  15. Requiem and Mockingjay were the only two books to make my worst endings list. I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt this way :)

    Here is my TTT: http://jacquesbooknook.blogspot.com/2013/10/top-ten-tuesday-bestworst-series-endings.html

  16. Admitteldy only know (and read) Harry Potter from your choices but that made my list, too.

  17. I was pretty okay with Mockingjay and actually happy about the unexpected ending >.> But I must admit that I was really disappointed with Into the Still Blue. I found it very predictable and we never actually found anything out about how the Still Blue worked or what was up with Cinder.... I need answers D:

  18. I totally forgot about Shades of Earth! *shakes head at self*
    And I agree about Sherrilyn Kenyon's neverending Dark Hunter series. The first few were great, but then she started retconning some of the earlier endings to make the protagonists live forever. Though, Dance with the Devil was awesome.

    1. Oh Dance with the Devil! I loved Zarek! Still do. I was trying to figure out where it just stopped working for me and I think it was around Acheron. That book was insane. After that it was same old same old over and over again. I just want to find out about Nick damn it. Give me his HEA! lol

  19. Ugh, how many UF/PNR series have I given up for the same reason you gave up on Dark Hunter? Immortals After Dark and Lords of the Underworld for sure. There are probably others as well.

  20. I completely understand where you are coming from with Dark Hunters. I have started losing interest as well though I did enjoy the latest one, Styxx. I've heard people talk about Requiem and that is what makes me hesitate about starting the trilogy. Great topic this week!

  21. Not a big series reader but I found a few.

    Marianne from Let's Read

  22. Boundless and HP are great endings, and I totally agree about Requiem being a not-so-good ending. I didn't mind Mockingjay, which made my best ending list, but I think I'm in the minority for that one. :) Great list!

    1. Then we're in the minority together! I actually felt like Mockingjay fit. I was satisfied with it.

  23. Can I add Ally Condie's Matched trilogy to best wrap-ups? It wasn't what I would have chosen, but it was immensely satisfying.

    And I absolutely agree with Mockingjay. That series had potential to be great, and then it just...ughhhhh.

  24. Across the Universe and Harry Potter both did have great endings. I haven't finished or started these other series though. Great list!

  25. The Summer books are on my list for worst, too. But I have Mockingjay with my best. :) So fun to see how differently books affect people!

  26. Glad to hear Into the Still Blue was good. Can't wait to get to it! And HP was, of course, amazing. I didn't mind Mockingjay myself, but I have a feeling we'll see it on a lot of worst lists this week. Happy Tuesday!

    My TTT

  27. nice list--I actually liked the whole catching fire series, even Mockingjay. After all there is seldom any point to political aggression. I just like that Katniss and Peeta had the courage to stay true to who they were and in the end and were given a chance to begin again. I thought the ending very fitting. Kelley at the road goes ever ever on

  28. I am really loving your answers today ladies. Where do I start:
    Jamie and Jana I pick the same books as worst ending also, I don't have to have a perfect ending either but those 2 books the end were just butchered after loving every single minute before the ending. Its like they ran out of time or something and The End. I was pained to have to review them because the series in whole I still LOVED, but those ending I hated. What I did was divide the review. I rated the book until the ending a high rating then the ending got a 1.

    Julia Im there with you also with the Dark Hunter series. I stop reading at ACHERON book because I was left in a happy place and didn't want it to be ruined after that. It was becoming very repetitive just like you described.

    Again ladies, great post!

  29. Both Requiem and We'll Always Have Summer made my worst list also.
    The Bitter Kingdom made my best one!

  30. Harry Potter made my--and I bet a bunch of other--list, too. Even the people who didn't like the epilogue have to agree the book as a whole was great. Well, they don't *have* to. But they should. :)

  31. I'm worried about finishing Jenny Han's series now!!

  32. Thanks for these fun memes, ladies! Joined in the fun for the first time. :)

  33. I had REQUIEM, MOCKINGJAY, and DEATHLY HALLOWS on my list too (for worst, worst, and best). Great list!

  34. I totally agree about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - it was perfect. I have to disagree about Mockingjay though - I really liked it.

  35. Aww, Mockingjay is on my best endings list. I love seeing how it's on every one's lists one way or another. I forgot Boundless! That was a great ending.

    My Friends Are Fiction's TTT

  36. Mockingjay is on my worst endings list too. That book drove me halfway to insanity, and not in a good way. And yet part of me still liked it. WHAT.

  37. I kind of loved Mockingjay, but also hated it! So conflicted! Great list ;)
    -Scott Reads It!

  38. Yes yes yes to Deathly Hallows. I loved it! Plowed through it and promptly turned around and read it again.

    Now I have to confess that I haven't read any of your other series!

  39. Great list. LOVED Deathly Hallows! :D And I'm reading Into the Still Blue now. :)

  40. I hated Jenny Han's Summer series and part of the reason is that I couldn't get past the name Belly. I didn't like the character either and her name certainly didn't help.

  41. There are some series on this list I've never heard of before! I've been trying to stay away from new series, but I may have to look into a few of these!

  42. Although the final Harry Potter book is not my favorite. It was definitely a strong series throughout.

  43. I am always so impressed by people who can finish series. I always get so caught up in everything else I could be reading that I never end up finishing series. I did make an effort though and came up with a few (and some that I probably should finish).

  44. This was my first top ten tuesday! What a fun weekly project!

    Had to put HP7 on my worst series end list though :l (Despite my love of the series overall)

  45. I want to get into more series after this!

  46. I missed TTT this week, but Mockingjay totally would have been my top "worst ending" choice!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  47. I was also sorely disappointed by Mockingjay. Catching Fire was definitely my favorite of the trilogy.

  48. Can I make a Top 10 Tuesday suggestion?
    Top 10 funny books
    I can never seem to find any lighthearted books that are just pure comedy! I could really use some suggestions xx

  49. For me young samurai is the worst ending


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