Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Daisy's Top Ten Books On The Summer TBR List!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.

For future Top Ten Tuesday topics, check them out here!

It's time for another of those Top Ten Seasonal Lists, this time we're talking books you have on your Summer TBR lists! As always, it can be either books you're dying to read now it's starting to get warm or anticipated new releases.

I picked the option where I tell you which 10 books have got me most excited that will be released between June 21st and September 20th 2012!

1. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas: I don't know if I've ever talked about this book on The Broke and the Bookish before, but I'm one of those Fictionpress fans and I cannot wait to get my hands on a shiny finished copy! I think I pre-ordered this about six months ago and the wait has been excruciating! I am beyond jealous of everyone who managed to get their hands on an ARC ;) Be on the look out for some gushing when it's finally released!

2. The Crown of Embers by Rae Carson: So I gushed about the first book in this series in my review and it made my Top Ten Books of 2011. You better believe I'm excited about the sequel!! I'm dying to find out what will happen next and if it will leave me as heartbroken The Girl of Fire and Thorns!

3. The Diviners by Libba Bray: I adored Libba Bray's Gemma Doyle series and I cannot wait to start this one! It sounds fascinating, but mostly I'd pretty much read anything by this author!

4. Burn for Burn by Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian: I still need to work on getting my hands on Siobhan Vivian's debut, but I've heard really good things about it and really enjoyed the Summer series by Jenny Han, so this sounds like a VERY promising co-authorship! Also: YES REVENGE AND GIRLS GETTING EVEN!

5. Shadowfell by Juliet Marillier: I'm a really bad fantasy-fan for not having read anything by Juliet Marillier before. I do own at least one of her novels. This is the first book in her new series and it sounds AMAZING! Can't wait to delve in!

6. Origin by Jessica Khoury: I am fascinated by anything that has to do with finding a way to live forever! Also, the cover is beyond gorgeous!

7. Defiance by C.J. Redwine: This one sounds like it will be an EPIC fantasy! And YES to girls wielding swords and basically being kickass! Also, I'm in love with this cover, it'll look so good on my shelve :)

8. Lessons From A Scandalous Bride by Sophie Jordan: For those of you who didn't know: Sophie Jordan writes amazing adult historical romance. I just auto-pre-order whatever she and Sarah MacLean come up with because they haven't disappointed me so far!

9. The Thing About the Truth by Lauren Barnholdt: I have read 2 books by Lauren Barnholdt and loved both, so I'm expecting this one won't be any different!

10. The Prisoner of Heaven by Carlos Ruiz Zafon: I am in love with his writing! I just ate The Shadow of the Wind and The Angel's Game right up and of course I HAVE to read this third installment!

For those of you going: HUH? She usually cheats on these lists! Don't worry, I'm totally cheating, I'll have a whole extra set of Top Ten books up on my personal blog ;)

So what do you have on your TBR list for Summer? Any of the ones I have listed? Maybe you were lucky enough to get an ARC of and have read already? If so, TELL ME what you though of them! Books I definitely need to add? Ones that I need to put on my 'grabby-hands-pre-order' list? :)


  1. YES to all of these books, but an especially huge YESSS to Throne of Glass! I read the book last week and absolutely adored it! :D

    1. YAY! I'm hearing so many amazing things about it! And I remember it being awesome before all those rounds of edits, so it should be even better now :)

  2. I was fortunate enough to get my hands on an ARC of Defiance, and it is Uh-MAZING. You'll love it.

    And I have Girl of Fire and Thorns on my summer TBR list! I also really want to read Origin, although I didn't list it. Great picks!

    1. I pre-ordered Defiance, I can't wait till it gets here! Glad you enjoyed it!!

  3. OMG! Throne of Glass is my first book as well. I am one of the people who have an ARC and 4% in and loving it. Seriously it is awesome. The beginning feels a little like Poison Study but for me that's good b/c I loved that book. The Diviners sounds good as well. I am trying to get my hands on an ARC of Defiance. I hear it is amazing.
    Great List Daisy.
    My Top 10 Summer Reads

    Amanda the Book Slayer

    1. I hear good things about Defiance as well! And am SO jealous at you already reading Throne of Glass!! I loved Poison Study as well :)

  4. So this is one of those times when my TBR will grow faster than I can type :D I need to add a few of those to the list! Thanks for the tips!

    1. LOL! Yes, my TBR always grows exponentionally after one of these TTT ;)

  5. So I really need to read Girl of Fire and Thorns! And Throne of Glass looks so good, too! Many of these I haven't heard of, but I am going to look them up right now! Thanks for sharing!

    1. The Girl of Fire and Thorns is AMAZING! One of my favourites of 2011! Hope you enjoy it!!

  6. Oh I forgot Throne of Glass! So keen for that one...and the buzz on Burn For Burn is huge so I'll be looking for that one too.

    1. I know! So much buzz for Burn for Burn! I've heard good things about it from the people reading the ARC so far :)

  7. Replies
    1. I needed The Crown of Embers yesterday! (or last year, but that's beside the point)
      Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Oh man, I am definitely excited for the new Zafron novel! xD Great list =)

    1. Oops, typo, meant to say Zafon *was channeling some other language there for a moment*

    2. Lol! :) I read the first two in Dutch, will be interesting to read The Prisoner of Heaven in English :)

  9. Burn for Burn is SO good! It's insane but I love it. I'm also way excited for The Diviners and Defiance. Hopefully I can get to them soon.

    1. YAY! I love hearing books I'm excited for are awesome! :D

  10. I loved Shadow of the Wind too! Devoured the entire thing on a beach last summer, while on my honeymoon. Totally not the right kind of summer read, but it was perfect anyways. I bought Angel's Game, but still haven't read it -- gotta get to that one soon too!

    1. Oh, I KNOW! I read it while on a summer vacation too! And while it was a bit heavier than my usual summer reads, it was just too amazing to not continue reading it right there and then! :) Hope you enjoy The Angel's Game as well!

  11. I am super excited for Crown of Embers and The Thing About the Truth. Fire and Thorns was one of my absolute favorites last year and Lauren Barnholdt is one of my favorite contemporary authors.

    Throne of Glass is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G so I hope you enjoy it when you get to it!!

    1. YAY for another The Girl of Fire and Thorns fan!! :D SO GOOD right? :) Lauren Barnholdt is awesome and I'm glad you enjoyed Throne of Glass!!

  12. Throne of Glass and Shadowfell both look great. I own a copy of The Shadow of the Wind but still haven't read it yet- I probably should have put it on my list, lol.

    1. YES, put it on the list!! It's SO GOOD! :)

  13. My list could have been sixty books long and now, reading others lists, I'll be adding more! http://booksaremyfavouriteandbest.wordpress.com/2012/06/19/top-ten-tuesday-tbr-list/

    1. Lol, yes, that always happens to me too ;)

  14. I'm so thrilled about Crown of Embers, Throne of Glass, and Shadowfell, too! The books that make up my list are ones that I have sitting on my bookshelf awaiting me to read them, some from this year and some from past years. Here's hoping that we can read all of our summer reads by September!

    1. Yes! Let's hope so! Yay for another fantasy fan :)

  15. Love, love Sophie Jordan and Sarah McLean…. Eloisa James is another auto-buy for me.
    Origin and Burn for Burn are getting lots of love these days and I definitely want to read them! Thanks for teh reminder…..

    1. I should read more by Eloisa James, I read one of her books and it only worked till about the halfway point, but I've heard her earlier books are better, so I'll check those out soon :)
      They are getting a lot of love and I hope to check them out for myself and find out if they live up to the buzz! :)

  16. Somehow I posted my site twice! So sorry!

  17. I think it MAY be time for me to give fantasy a try.. I feel like I'm missing out!

    1. YES! Fantasy is amazing and has SO MANY books that make me fangirl over them! If you need a recommendation for where to start, let me know!

  18. Throne of Glass made my list as well. I also want to read Origin and the Diviners. You can see my list here

    1. A lot of people are excited about those 3 books :) Makes my heart very happy!

  19. great list! both throne of glass and shadowfell are on my to read list=)

    1. Yay! I just love starting new fantasy series! :)

  20. Awesome top ten list Daisy! I started Throne of Glass yesterday and I am absolutely loving it! Can't wait for you to get your hands on a copy! I also can't wait for Defiance and Burn for Burn (I totally forgot to add these to my list!):)

    1. Glad you're enjoying it!! :D I will wait not-so-patiently for my pretty copy to arrive :)

  21. Defiance sounds awesome! I'm gonna have to keep an eye out for that one!

    1. Doesn't it?? After reading the summary I was immediately going LET ME HAVE IT!!

  22. Throne of Glass sounds so awesome, I will have to check it out when it's released in Australia :D

    1. :) I'm so thankful for the Book Depository, cause if I'd have to wait for it to be released in Holland, I'd go crazy ;)

  23. Great books on you list, and I hope you'll enjoy them all! I still haven't read The Shadow of the Wind & The Angel's Game (another books that sit on my shelves unread) although I'm already planning to but The Prisoner of heaven :)

    1. lol I meant to buy The Prisoner of Heaven - lately I never check before publishing a comment & almost always I've misspelled something :)

    2. Happens to me all the time! :) These books make my heart happy, hope you enjoy them as well! :)

  24. I also feel terrible for not having read Juliet Marillier yet, and I'm looking forward to Burn for Burn--b/c I've never read either of those authors either, so I can cross off two at once!

    1. I sometimes question if I can call myself a fantasy fan when I haven't read so many of the big authors in the genre ;) But I'm definitely going to do something about it!! :)

  25. This is the first week that I have not even heard of any of your books.

    1. Hope you find some to add to your TBR pile through all the lists :)

  26. I hear a lot about Throne of Glass lately, it's not on my list now, but maybe it should be.

    1. From all the people loving it so far, I think it should be on your list :) Let me know if you end up reading it!

  27. LOVE Juliet marillier! Although sometimes there is too much healing healing healing forever and I am sometimes a little concerned by the Stockholm Syndrome elements... I do appreciate how she's able to tackle (and tastefully!) tough topics like rape.

    1. Sounds really interesting!! I'm excited to read something by her, I'll probably kick myself for not doing it sooner ;)

  28. It's my first time to join Top Ten Tuesdays and it's fun! I will definitely try my best to post every week. :D

    1. It's always nice to see new people joining in! Hope you enjoy thinking up your lists! :)

  29. :( Oh well, we can't all like the same thing right?

  30. Ahh I totally forgot about Zafon's new book coming out soon! Really need to get on and read Angel's Game.

    1. I LOVED The Angel's Game! Hope you enjoy it as well! :) I stumbled across The Prisoner of Heaven by accident when I was browsing through The Book Depository looking for books to add to my wishlist, SO glad I did!

  31. Yes, yes, Throne of glass is on my list, too! I can't believe I forgot The Diviners, though - there are just so many good books!

    1. Yes, SO MANY! I keep kicking myself for not adding all of them and I did a double list ;)

  32. I cannot wait to read The Crown of Embers! It's books like The Girl of Fire and Thorns that make me feel okay about reading not-so-good books in my quest to find books like that!

    1. Isn't it wonderful when you stumble across a gem that reminds you why you love reading so much in the first place? :)

    2. I feel the same way! I can't believe that book didn't get more buzz. And it ABSOLUTELY broke my heart, too. Great pick.

    3. Mine too! I was crying so hard! I love it when that happens!

  33. I've been hearing so much about The Diviners. Must check it out soon!

  34. Throne of Glass looks so good! And YOU MUST READ JULIET MARILLIER RIGHT NOW! :) She's my absolute favorite! I've read almost every single thing she's written and loved them all! I'm beyond excited about Shadowfell!

    1. You're making me even more excited to read something by her!!! :D I have the e-ARC, YAY! Seems like I need to bump it up on the list :)

  35. I didn't know Carlos Ruiz Zafon had a 3rd book out! I am going to have to add it to my TBR list. I LOVED The Shadow of the Wind!

    1. ME TOO! :D I haven't seen it around the blogosphere either, but I stumbled across it on The Book Depository and immediately clicked PRE-ORDER! :)

  36. Nice list. Carlos Ruiz Zafon sounds intriguing. I'll have to check out Prisoner of Heaven.

  37. I haven't read The Angels Game yet and didn't know there was a third installment. Thanks for letting me know. I truly LOVED The Shadow of the Wind. Incredible!!

    1. Yay! The Angel's Game was amazing as well! :)

  38. Great list! I'll have to check some of these out :)

    1. Hope you find some more to add to your TBR list :)

  39. Replies
    1. Yes! I love discovering new authors to love :)

  40. That's a great list!! So many awesome books coming out this summer. The Diviners sounds so good.

    1. I know, SO MANY! I wish I could just buy them all... ;)

  41. I didn't know Carlos Ruiz Zafon had a new book coming out! Yay!

    1. YES! It hasn't gotten much buzz so far, which is kinda weird...

  42. Aaagh... so many good books, and not enough time!

  43. Plenty of books for me to check out. Great list. The Prisoner of Heaven is a great title.

  44. I like Juliet Marillier, and I'm excited about her new book too! Great list!

    1. Yay! I've heard so many good things about her writing! :)

  45. There are so many amazing books releasing this summer, so I'm thrilled about this weeks Top Ten List!(: In fact, Defiance is up on my list as well! ;)

    1. Yay for Defiance! And yes, there are SO many books I want to gush about being released this summer! :)

  46. Yessssss to Defiance. I tried to get approved on Edelweiss but wasn't lucky. Oh well, the release date isn't too far away. Same with Throne of Glass... I am exciiiiiited.

    1. I didn't even try with Defiance, I just pre-ordered it :) I'm SO excited as well!!

  47. First, how have you not read any Marillier?!?! She is my all time FAVORITE!! Also I rec'd an ARC of Shadowfell and LOVED it. I am a little biased..but it was awesome!

    1. I know! I SUCK! I have the e-ARC, am dying to read it and remedy this shortcoming in my character ;)

  48. Some of these look great! I am looking forward to The Thing About the Truth for sure. I am going to need to look in to a few of the others too! Great list!

    1. I just love Lauren Barnholdt's novels! :) She's my go-to author for cute contemporary :)

  49. I keep hearing about Shafowfell. I can't wait to see what you think of it.

    1. I'll let you know when I finish it! :)

    2. Eek! I just saw my spelling mistake.

    3. Don't worry, always happens to me as well when I get excited over something ;)

  50. This was a fun topic and I loved reading other people's responses, including yours.

    1. I just love doing our seasonal TBR lists :)

  51. I'm unfamiliar with every single one of these titles :( I hate to feel left out ;) Which one of these would you recommend if you could only recommend one?

    1. Only one? Oh gosh... I think The Crown of Embers, provided you can get your hands on The Girl of Fire and Thorns first! :)

  52. somehow i posted my link to the wrong list. sorry about that! I got arcs for a couple that you have listed and want to read pretty much everything on your list too! I hadn't heard of Shadowfell before but I'm gonna add it now :) Thanks xo

    1. No problem! I only have 2 of these as ARCs, I've pretty much pre-ordered the rest. And the ones I have as ARCs ;)

  53. I've got the ARCs for Throne of Glass and Burn for Burn and I am SO excited to read them both. The other books on your list sound fantastic as well, so hopefully, I get around to reading them too!

    1. I can't wait to hear what you think of them!! I hope you'll love them, cause if you do I know I will too :) So hurry up and read them already ;) Especially Throne of Glass! :)

  54. I've heard The Diviners is great! I have Beauty Queens by Libba Bray on my own list. (:

    1. I haven't read Beauty Queens yet, but I've heard it's REALLY good, it's one of those sitting on my shelf staring me down ;)

  55. Shadowfell and Throne of Glass are DEFINITELY on mine!! :D Great list!! :D

    Sierra @ Yearning to Read

  56. I didn't know Jenny Han was co-authoring a book. I LOVED the Summer series too, so I will have to check out her other stuff!

    1. The Summer series were just such wonderful reads! :)

  57. I totally share your feelings about being a bad fantasy fan for not having read certain people. Marillier is one of several people on my list whom I must read this year, or else. ;)

    Great list!

  58. I have not read any of these but Origin sounds like something I would really like to read. Hope you enjoy them.

    Nancy @ The Avid Reader

    1. I'm so hoping to love Origin! It sounds amazing! :)

  59. The Girl of Fire and Thorns has been sitting on my table for months! I really need to read it if it was one of your favorites of 2011. Defiance and Throne of Glass are both ones I am excited to read too! Enjoy your summer reading! :)

    1. Oh, DO read The Girl of Fire and Thorns soon!! It's SO good! :)

  60. Awesome list! Crown of Embers and Defiance are ones I definitely want to read :)

    1. Yay for so many fantasy fans! :) It's my favourite genre :) And so many awesome releases for it this summer!

  61. Awesome list of books on your tbr. There are so many amazing books coming out this summer. All of us will have our hands full reading. =]
    Here is my list

    1. I don't think I'll ever fully catch up on all the books I want to read ;)

  62. My first time doing the top ten and I just had to pick a hard one LOL. I have been wanting to read Sophie Jordan for awhile now. Adding her to my neverending pile as we speak.

    1. Her historical romance novels are SO good! Am ashamed to admit I haven't read her YA series yet... Hope you enjoy!

  63. Wow, a lot of books for me to look into! I'd love to read Crown of Embers too!

    1. I'm DYING for The Crown of Embers! It cannot get here soon enough!

  64. I've got Throne of Glass and Defiance on my TBR list too! I need to look into your other books listed, as you've mentioned some really good books! Maybe new wish-list additions?

    1. These lists always make me add a ton of books to my TBR list ;)

  65. First time here.

    1. Welcome! Hope you enjoy joining in on the fun! :)

  66. Great list. Added myself to the Linky list.

  67. Hello there!!!
    I've chosen to do a winter list once here, in Brazil, the weather is the opposite.
    I hope that is no problem... =)

    1. Of course not! As long as it's what you're planning to read :)

  68. Looking good, can't wait to read what you think of these! I didn't know Zafon was coming out with a new book.

    1. Seems like almost noone did! It's so weird that it hasn't gotten more buzz, seeing as both The Shadow of the Wind and the Angel's Game are pretty popular books!

  69. I just learned that Zafon has a new book coming out, I am so excited!

  70. This week was harder than I thought it would be. I only got to pick 10 from my mile-long list :)

    1. Lol, yes, that's the hard part ;) So many good books coming out this summer!

  71. This was a fun one! It also helps me figure out which book I may want to buy with a gift card I got for my birthday! Looking forward to checking out all the other lists later tonight :)

  72. Love this one! I keep browsing through other people's summer reading lists to add to mine.

    1. I love looking at all the lists! It makes my TBR list that much longer, but it's worth it :)

  73. Ohhh I can't wait until Burn for Burn is published! I've been itching for some new Jenny Han and love that her and Siobhan are co-writing, eek!

    1. Me too! I've been waiting to see her publish something since I finished the Summer series last year!! :D SO EXCITED!

  74. Hermione seems to be a common one! This was a tough topic for me! But still a good one ;)


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