Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This meme was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!
Each week we will post a new Top Ten list complete with one of our bloggers answers. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND post a comment on our post with a link to your Top Ten Tuesday post to share with us and all those who are participating. If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. If you can't come up with ten, don't worry about it---post as many as you can!
Each week we will post a new Top Ten list complete with one of our bloggers answers. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND post a comment on our post with a link to your Top Ten Tuesday post to share with us and all those who are participating. If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. If you can't come up with ten, don't worry about it---post as many as you can!
This week's topic:
Top Ten Bookish Resolutions
We're already in the new year and we want to know what your bookish resolutions are. They can be book-blog related, reading related, writing related and/or book related! If you've already posted your own resolution list on your blog feel free to link it below and let us know how you're doing with your resolutions!
- Use the library more often: I’m out of room on my front of my bookcase I have two (tall) piles of books. Plus, I really should be saving money and my student loans are in repayment.
- Try to review every book I read: Even if it is just a couple of sentences on Goodreads or a quote I liked.
- Review books as soon as I finish them: When I do this my reviews come out so much better. When I wait a couple days or a week I never like how the review comes out.
- Read more classics: I don’t feel well-read enough in the world of classic literature! I’ve been reading a ton of young-adult books lately – don’t get me wrong I LOVE YA, but sometimes I need to be challenged a little.
- Read at least 52 books this year: I think I can do it, it’s a book a week. I read 56 books in 2010.
- Use my nook more: I feel like I’ve been neglecting it lately and reading physical books. I’ll definitely use it to read classics (unless I already own it) since most of them are free or inexpensive.
- Read books I own: I currently have way too many unread books sitting on my bookshelves (or in piles on the floor). I love having a few unread books hanging around but I feel like the amount I have right now is embarrassing!
- Try not to buy books: I know it will be impossible for me to go on a book ban. Instead I’ll allow myself to buy two books a month. Honestly, between my physical unread books and all of the unread books on my nook I don’t have to buy one book this that would happen.
- I will not let my to-read shelf on Goodreads exceed 300 books: I am dangerously close to this right now. I want the shelf to stay somewhat manageable. It’s just too easy to add books!
- Read Pride and Prejudice
and Little Women
: I know last week’s list was ‘Books I Resolve to Read In 2011’ but I just wanted to reiterate this. I have seen both books and their characters on countless top ten Tuesday lists over the past six months. I keep saying I will read both books and I WILL read both this year.
*Next week Anna shares her Top Ten Inspirational Characters with us! Here is a list of future Top Ten Tuesday topics through the end of March!
Ahh I should have had "use my library more" to my list!
ReplyDeleteYou definitely MUST read Pride & Prejudice and Little Women. Oh, and if case you haven't, check out the Bronte sisters as well. You can never read too many Bronte novels.
ReplyDeleteI've read Pride and Prejudice, but not Little Women. Maybe I'll try to read that as well.
ReplyDeleteI understand your desire to use the nook more. I need to start using my kindle more, which is why I've been buying more books on it. They're cheaper, and I can carry them all around with me, which has been really nice.
Good luck with all of your goals!
- Chelsea
I concur! Great list all around!
ReplyDeleteI'm only letting myself buy books that are required for school or my book club this year - so I'm forcing myself to use the library and read the unread books on my shelf - it will definitely be a challenge!
I also really liked your resolution to review every book (and to do it right away) I resolved to post at least once a week this year, and to really focus on improving my reviews :-)
I liked your resolutions. I am going to try to review every book I read as soon as I finish it as well, so we'll see.
ReplyDeleteThe most challenging on for me will be to blindly buy one book this year or to read something despite the hype.
Little Women was one of my favorites as a child. I think you'll enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteGreat list!
ReplyDeleteLove it
I am really looking forward to next week's answers!
ReplyDeleteI can actually identify with most of your resolutions, Jen! Especially 7 and 8... But a part of me always feels like one can never have too many books.
ReplyDeleteI've self-published a book and its a lot of work. I know you will be able to reach that goal.
If you need any tips on publishing or blogs to follow please let me know.
Great website. I am a new follower.
I've read Little Women but it was so long ago I couldn't tell you more than there are four sisters. Right?
ReplyDeleteNever did read Pride & Prejudice
I've only got 157 TBR in my LibraryThing library but I'm no where close to entering all my books.
Thank you for this Top Ten subject, it forced me to really think about what I wanted to do this year.
I definitely need to use my Nook more too and stop myself from buying books too much since I have a really big pile of TBR. Here my Resolution for this year.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I'm not the only book junkie with too many unread books! Good luck!
ReplyDeleteNice job! Your list is so much more thorough than mine... Netflix is to blame. Good luck with number 10 – I really enjoyed little women.
ReplyDeleteGreat list of resolutions. Mine are quite Lite this year.
ReplyDeleteHere's my list of Top Ten Bookish, Bloggish Resolutions.
Nice list ! Good courage....
ReplyDeleteI want to review everything I read too, as well as review a book as soon as I finish. I don't want the reviews to pile up this year.
ReplyDeleteThe library can quickly become an addiction! Just like buying books. I put so many books on hold and then never have time to read them. So I'm trying to use my library less! I try and only check out books I'm pretty sure I'll be able to read in the next two weeks without renewing. At one point I had renewed a book 50 times!!!
ReplyDeleteI empathize with number 8 especially. It's so tempting...! But having an e-book must be good for you, since books are often cheaper on those devices. I still haven't decided how I feel about e-readers, though. Good luck on keeping resolutions, everyone!
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure that I can relate the nearly everything on this list!
ReplyDeleteEspecially using my library more.
"I will not let my to-read shelf on Goodreads exceed 300 books."
ReplyDeleteOh, boy - really!? How can you limit yourself? My shelf is up around 1500 or so, I think. =/
I love this topic. I also like the idea of using the library more. I should have put "get a library card" on mine.
ReplyDeleteI love using the library, but then I tend not to read the books I already have at home! It's hard to find a good balance between the two.
ReplyDeleteI want to read Pride and Prejudice this year too. I also need to use the library more often. I used to use it all the time, but then all the books I wanted to read were new releases and I didn't want to wait on the wait list.
ReplyDeleteI forgot to add to my list to use my e-reader. I have the IPad that I haven't even opened yet. I love reading everyone's lists!
ReplyDeleteGood luck on your resolutions! Pride & Prejudice and Little Women are both delightful :)
ReplyDeleteOh, what a wonderful topic. It's so nice to see what everyone is up to this year, and to get ideas for how to improve myself. Good luck on your resolutions everybody!
ReplyDeleteOooh, I love Pride and Prejudice and Little Women! Enjoy them. I'm doing something similar with those classics. I have read P & P, and Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen. I'd like to read her other novels this year. And forgive me, I do enjoy them, I'm going to read Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters. lol.
ReplyDeleteWow, we have several of the "same" resolutions. 2,4,5,7 & 8 - or their variations - are all on my list as well.
ReplyDeleteThanks again for hosting Top Ten Tuesday. It's always a lot of fun reading everyone's lists.
Solid resolutions! I wish you luck on all of them.
ReplyDeleteI am with you all the way on #7. I feel a lot of guilt for acquiring books over the years, which I have yet to read. All I need is one protracted illness, and I might get to them. Then again, I love catching up on sleep, too.
Good luck with your resolutions! :")
ReplyDeleteI am so behind on reviewing my books that it'll take a week or 2 to post my reviews. It's on my to do list!
ReplyDelete"Read books I own"... hummm... I should have put this one on my list too!
ReplyDeleteI also urge you to read Pride and Prejudice and Little Women. They're definitely worthwhile!
ReplyDeleteAnd your nook sounds like the perfect way of getting your classics read and for free!
i'm planning to read Pride and Prejudice too. Glad to know there are quite a few other people who haven't read it before now. i love Little Women, hope you enjoy it, i can't wait to read your review.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I'll EVER have my TBR list on Goodreads under control!
ReplyDeleteMore classics is a good thing! I've sortof got the same resolution...although I just said "read more books that are not mysteries." I tend to be a mystery-holic and I love other genres. Need to read more of them.
ReplyDelete@ Jen,
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for stoppping by the blog! The Vespertine is wonderful isn't it? I finished it two/three days ago and I'm in love, let me tell you. I can't wait for SPRINGSWEET. I'm grateful to Saundra as well, as she's stopping by the blog on Thursday. I hope you still love The Vespertine by the time you're done!
I know what you mean about commenting. I want to make more friends with similar passions as me, you know. Books and reading being one of them. So, hopefully I do a better job with getting around the blogosphere.
Asher K.
Thanks for doing this. It really gets me thinking about what I am doing - blogwise.
ReplyDeleteWow! Almost all of these are my bookish resolutions too. Last year I bought more books than I borrowed from library, and many of those I still haven't read yet. (it's cheaper to get it from the library if I'm not going to read it. plus I can make sure I really enjoy it before I buy it.) And I need to actually write reviews rather than just think them :) I've made a goal of reading two books per week (I doubt they'll all get reviewed.)
ReplyDeleteMy goodreads to-read bookshelf has 301 books on it because I just added 11 more today. I MUST get reading. I, too, haven't read Little Women, but Pride & Prejudice is one of my favorite books.
Great TTT post!
Very worthy resolutions! Funny, I am a library girl so I have buy more books on my list!