Tuesday, May 2, 2017

10 Books With Food Or Drinks On the Cover

Sometimes I have these things that instantly catch my eye when I'm browsing book covers. One of those things is FOOD. Maybe it's because I am very passionate about food (especially dessert) but my eye is always drawn to covers with food on them.

So I'm going to share 10 books I've read or are on my TBR that have FOOD on the cover. I take no responsibility if your stomachs start grumbling. I'm pregnant so imagine how hard it is for me to put this together! SORRY NOT SORRY.

Also tell me down below what are those things on covers that instantly attract your eye! 

-- Jamie

What food covers did I miss?? Leave em below!


  1. I don't think I've had many covers with food on them! Lol! Nice topic pick!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. These are great, and I love the theme! And 3 of your 10 food posts also have hearts! :)

    Here's my TTT:

  3. Love your list, since I have a lot of the books on it. And now I'm hungry... ;)

  4. I also really love the cover for Love & Gelato and put it on my Top 10 list for favorite summer covers!

  5. Those covers just make me hungry!

  6. I've heard so many great things about " Tell Me Three Things"... It's been on my TBR for a long time!

  7. Love & Gelato was on my list today too! lol! Your list makes me want to go grab a snack. lol

  8. Food covers are always so hunger inducing, but enticing.

  9. I just reviewed Love & Gelato yesterday! I've also read the Lemon Cake book!

  10. I love your choice of food covers! I'm such a foodie, lol. Great choices!

  11. This post is making me so hungry.. Especially Tell Me Three Things! Love a good waffle!

  12. Love them! They're all so pretty, great choice! I've only read The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake.

  13. The Secret to Hummingbird Cake....no excuse me while I run off and make brownies!

  14. Oh, man, now I'm hungry AND thirsty! Fun take on today's topic :)

  15. Eye catching covers for sure :)

  16. Mmmm...I love how so many of these are desserts, so yummy!!


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