Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Back To School Freebie

For future Top Ten Tuesday topics & info on how to participate, click here!

This week's topic: Back To School Freebie -- anything "back to school" related like 10 favorite books I read in school, books I think should be required reading, Required Reading For All Fantasy Fans, required reading for every college freshman, Books to Pair With Classics or Books To Complement A History Lesson, books that would be on my classroom shelf if I were a teacher

Required Reading For All Science Fiction Fans

Our resident sci-fi lover, Lauren, picked "Required Reading For All Science Fiction Fans" as our spin on this topic...we'd love to see what science fiction books you'd add to this "curriculum"!

Lauren's Picks

In a perfect world, I'd teach a class solely about the evolution of the science fiction genre over the years, so it is only fitting that I make a list of Required Reading for all Science Fiction Fans. :)

1 -- Pure by Julianna Baggott: This was one of my first YA sci-fi favorites and marked the beginning of my lifelong love of all things dystopian.

2 -- Ready Player One by Ernest Cline: This may not be a YA novel, but it is easy on the eyes. I believe it calls not only to the men (video games, of course), but to us gamer girls out there, as well as those of us who just enjoy reading what the future may very well hold for us.

3 -- The Fold by Peter Clines: The genre is not called sci-fi for nothing! This book was full of all the science... the kind that would make most of our brains implode, but it was written to understand, but also so that we would be on the edge of our seats... waiting for what would happen next.

4 -- Dark Matter by Blake Crouch: Another non-YA sci-fi book, Lauren? Why yes. Any book lover has always found a way to read banned books throughout history, so why stop because a book isn't stocked in your high school library? And every sci-fi lover knows there's got to be at least one Blake Crouch novel in this section.

5 -- Beacon 23 by Hugh Howey: If you've been here at TB&TB before, then you know of my love of Hugh Howey, so any book by him on my list will not be of any surprise. BUT... he did it again with this one. All alone in space, manning a beacon to keep others safe, a main character struggles with reality as well as with himself. This novel trumps some of the best and I know I'd end my school year with this book.

Jamie's Picks 

6. Saga by Brian K. Vaughn: I would definitely add Saga to this curriculum to explore sci-fi in the comics world because Saga is literally the only comic I have managed to be up-to-date with. It's such a great sci-fi space opera series...I cannot recommend it enough!

7. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: I feel like a classic sci-fi book needs to be on the list and this would be my choice because it's excellent and honestly really funny!

8.  A Wrinkle In Time by Madeline L'Engle: Oh man, one of my favorite books as a kid! I feel like any science fiction required reading list would be remiss if it didn't include this children's classic in the science fiction realm. 

9. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer:  If we were going to explore some modern YA science fiction I would certainly add this series! 

10. The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey: I'd add in another YA science fiction in modern pop culture with The 5th Wave! 

Tell us what science fiction reads would be on YOUR list!!


  1. Yay! I have Cinder on my TTT list as well! I just checked out Dark Matter from the Library and am looking forward to reading it even more now :D I need to step up my Sci-Fi game!

  2. Ursula Le Guin needs to be included! My favorite is Left Hand of Darkness. I'm glad to see Saga on here--I just picked up the latest installment from my library yesterday, and can't wait to get to it. Due to the visual nature, I prefer to read it when my kids aren't around...

  3. I still need to read The 5th Wave, Hitchhiker's Guide and Ready Player One, but Cinder and A Wrinkle In Time are great picks! Pure is also really good, but I definitely need to read more sci-fi!

  4. I liked The 5th Wave (movie) and thought about reading the next book but I'm worried that I won't like the next movie, if I do. :( If they decide not to make a sequel in film, I will definitely read it, though!

  5. Oh I love this topic that you chose and I think I actually have all of these on my tbr already. Most of them I actually own. Of course, I read A Wrinkle in Time back in the day.

  6. Ooh nice ones! Not the biggest sci0fi reader but I did enjoy Cinder and The 5th Wave!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  7. I love so many of these!! Saga! A Wrinkle in Time! Cinder! Ready Player One has been on my TBR for a while and I keep forgetting about it. I've also never heard of Pure, so I will be checking that out. Great list!

  8. Nice picks!! I love Cinder and I need to read Dark Matter. I have to say I hated The 5th Wave though.

  9. Oh, I've been trying to read more science fiction so your list is very helpful. I have Dark Matter out from the library and hope to get to it before I have to return it. I also LOVE the Saga series and just picked up Vol. 5 from being on hold last Friday!

  10. I love your list. I just finished reading the Lunar Chronicle series; sci-fi is something I have only come to as an adult, and now it is one of my favorite genres!

    This is my first time participating in a Top Ten Tuesday!

  11. I loved 14 by Peter Clines and have been DYING to read The Fold but somehow haven't managed to fit it in. Too many books!

  12. I don’t read as much sci-fi as I used to, but I love Ready Player One.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  13. I've been wanting to read Saga for so long! Hopefully one day I'll finally have the chance to. :) I love your list, there are a lot of really great books on here. I'm super intrigued by Dark Matter, also! Glad you added The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, it is definitely a classic and so much fun.

    My TTT

  14. The only book on your list that I've read is A Wrinkle in Time. Ha! I don't read a lot of science fiction, but you have some good choices on here. I've wanted to read A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Cinder, The 5th Wave, and Dark Matter.

    Dena @ Batch of Books

  15. I love this list! I want to get started on some of these too - I've heard about Ready Player One

  16. I've been dying to read Saga! I think I might add it to the requests list for my bookcast

  17. I also put Saga and Cinder (the entire Lunar Chronicles) on my list. Another sci-fi book I would put on their is Illuminae :-)

  18. I think there were only 2 on this list that I haven't read. I agree so much with this list.

  19. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy! That's the only book on this list that I've read (#sadface) but I know for a fact that Margaret Atwood is amazing.


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