Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Ten Characters Who Are Fellow Book Nerds

For future Top Ten Tuesday topics & info on how to participate, click here!

This week's topic is inspired by Jamie's Top Ten Characters Who Love Words.

Lauren's Picks

The main character, Diana, in this book has centered her entire life around books. Albeit old ones, but fascinating books none the less. She studies them for a living and loves her job. Actually, I'm kind of jealous. 

Tyrion Lannister from this series is the witty, mostly drunken, bookish man with smarts. He just may be one of the smartest characters in the series and he credits his intelligence to books often. 

Jamie's Picks

3. Celaena from the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas

There are MANY things I love about Celaena but I freaking loved that she was a reader. She feels sad that nobody reads the books in the library and uses her charm to get Dorian to allow her to read them (he gives her his favorite and wants to discuss them!!). She stays up too late reading and devours books left and right…all while waking up the next morning and being a badass.

4. Paige from Emery Lord’s The Start Of Me & You
She’s a writer and has aspirations to go to a summer screen writing program. She’s been dubbed “Grammar Girl” (a nickname she isn’t too fond of). She’s a bookworm who love to reread and when she was younger would sneak off to read at slumber parties (I FEEL YOU GIRL)! And she won’t back down from a debate about Jane Austen.

5. Liesel from Markus Zusack’s The Book Thief
Liesel is a voracious reader who even did some breaking and entering to get some reading material.

Julia's Picks

6. Hermione from Harry Potter
How can we make a list of book nerds and not include Hermione who is almost literally always reading? I loved that she was a reader and could relate a lot to her bookish tendencies as I grew up reading Harry Potter. Book nerds unite!

7. Isaac Vainio from Libriomancer
Isaac is a Libriomancer which means he is entrusted with the sacred art of being able to pull things out of books and use them in life. There are of course strict rules, but the rules are meant to be... bent right? By nature of his job, Isaac would have to be a reader if only to catalog all of the cool shit you could pull from stories, or the things that should be avoided.

Bridget's Picks

8. Quentin from The Magicians
Quentin is an Ivy League-bound high school senior who discovers, much to his surprise, that he is a magician, and is admitted to a secret college of magic in upstate New York called Brakebills. Since childhood, he's been obsessed with a Narnia-like series that takes place in a land called Fillory—but after graduating from Brakebills, he and his friends discover that Fillory is real, and it's in trouble.

9. Madeleine Hanna from The Marriage Plot
An English major in her senior year of college, Madeleine is writing her thesis on Jane Austen and George Eliot, purveyors of the marriage plot that is the central conceit of many of the greatest English novels. So—English major, loves Austen and Eliot...how could she not be a book nerd?!

Kimberly's Picks
10. Jess from Ink and Bone
In a world where owning books is illegal, Jess knows the true value of the printed word. To him, a book is almost literally priceless. (His father has a different opinion.) I've only just started this book, but it is already a love story to book nerds.

Who are some of your favorite book nerds in fiction??


  1. I read a quote from the Marriage Plot and decided I'd best read that book...Onto the TBR it goes. I have The Book Thief on my list too.

  2. I finished 'Ink and Bone' just yesterday. Jess was pretty awesome. He LOVED books.

    Also...where's the linky?

    My list:

  3. How could I have forgotten Calaena? And Diana.. and Tyrion?! Such a great list you have here :)

  4. Hermione, Isaac Vainio and Diana made my list! Most of your others I haven't read - yet.

  5. Great list. I just read The Book Thief for the first time and I loved it. It was such a beautiful and heartbreaking book.

  6. Hemione and Tyrion were both on my list too :) Unfortunately I haven't read any of the other titles on your list </3 Great list!

  7. Liesel, Hermione, Tyrion AND Diana all made my list too! They are such great examples, and I'm loving the other picks you have here too, I need to check some of these books out!

    Check out my Top Ten Tuesday list!

    Also, why not enter my giveaway!

    Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination

  8. Hermione made my list this week, too, and I'm still so annoyed that I forgot about Liesel! I still need to read A Discovery of Witches. Who am I kidding? There's a lot I still need to read...

  9. Tyrion, Hermione and Liesel were on my list too, though I had to stretch it a little to include one anime and one tv character. But that character was Giles from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, so it's got to be allowed right?

    Here's my top ten.

  10. Great list, I have a few of them on mine too :D you can't leave Tyrion off ha ha. He's the omega.
    Have a great day,
    Amy x

  11. Hermione was one of mine too. So was Celaena! I <3 those two!!!

  12. Hermione and Liesel are popular choices this week. They both made my list as well. Several of these books are still on my TBR list, but I can't wait to meet some other Book Nerds. Great list!!

    Here is my TTT: http://www.jacquesbooknook.blogspot.com/2015/07/top-ten-tuesday-characters-who-are.html

  13. Great list! I have a lot of these as well but I flailed so hard when I saw that Bridget picked Quentin from The Magicians. He made my list too but he's such an unlikable character I didn't expect to see him on many lists.
    Cassi @ MyThoughts Literally

  14. I absolutely love Tyrion and Hermione!

  15. You easily added everyone I could've added to my list. If google had not been such a brat last night, I probably would have had so many more to talk about or come up with a way to put them on my list. You could definitely have villains and heroes separated out. Of course, Hermione made my list though... the ultimate bookworm for book nerds everywhere, right?

    My Top Ten List ~ Happy Reading!

  16. I have a feeling that Hermione will be on everyone’s list. She’s on mine. :)

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  17. Hermione and Jess are both on my list. I love how Jess's dad tells him he has ink in his blood. I'm pretty sure I do, too!

  18. Yes! I forgot all about Hermione. She is a terrific book nerd. I had Tyrion on my list too! He is absolutely amazing! Great list!

  19. Love this list! Here's mine: https://readingismysuperpower.wordpress.com/2015/07/28/top-ten-tuesday-ten-characters-who-are-fellow-book-nerds/

  20. These are some excellent choices! I picked Celaena, too, but I went with Sam Tarly as my ASOIF character :) Tyrion is a great pick, too, his is one of my favourite POVs in the series.

  21. How could I not put Hermione on my list!?! ... Wow. That's like walking right into a closed door. lol

  22. Does Cather from Fangirl count? She's writing fanfic about a book series. So... She's my favorite.

  23. i like your web design and your articles too .
    the top ten articles on your site are good and knowledgeable

  24. These top ten lists look like so much fun! I'd never heard of some of these books but have already put some on my list. (How could I not be interested in a book called Libriomancer?) The first bookworms that come to mind for me are Simon from In Darkness Bound and Peter from The Noctalis Chronicles.


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