Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Top Ten Things On Our Reading Wishlist

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Today's topic: Top Ten Things On My Reading Wishlist (if you could make authors write about these things you would. Could be a specific type of character, an issue tackled, a time period, a certain plot, etc.)

Jamie Wants To See...

1. A YA Oregon Trail story. I mean, that's interesting as crap to me. I would accept historical BUT it would be also wickedly cool to have a paranormal/supernatural twist on it which explains why people were dying...aside from like dysentery. I would also take a YA Little House on the Prairie.

2. Books set on different planets. I want something that is SO unlike Earth -- totally different society/laws/ways of life.

3. More alternate history type novels: I would love to see important events in history and have one small thing change in how everything unfolded which then alters the course of history. It just would be so different to see how a world could be imagined if someone in history didn't get assassinated or DID or if the other side won the war and how life would be different, etc.

4. YA characters who are famous actresses or singers or models or something. I just have always been enamored by the lifestyle of the rich and famous and would love a novel that really gets into it.

Come check out 10 other picks on my blog!

Julia Wants To See

5. Historical Romances not set in England/during the regency: History is a rich place. There area TON of time periods that I wish to read romances in. I read one set in Tang dynasty China recently and want more like that. What about frontier America? Ancient Rome? URGH the possibilities are endless! Take my money!

Jen Wants To See

6. More books set during the 1920's: I've come across a handful but I feel like it's such a unique decade...I want to read more!

7.  More road trip books: I love living vicariously through the characters being able to take a journey with them.

Tahleen Wants To See

8. More books set in Hawaii: I know I am continually talking about this, but I'm always on the lookout for books set in Hawaii. If I could have more books that showcase that setting and culture, I would be very happy.

 Jana Wants To See

9. Books about bookish people. I want to read a YA book about a book blogger (like what if two book bloggers fell in love in the blogosphere?), or a librarian, or even if the people were just bookish and talked books and had clubs and went to author events. I think it would be fun.

Bridget Wants To See

10. More books from A. S. A. Harrison: I just read The Silent Wife by A. S. A. Harrison, who sadly passed away a few months before it was published. This was her first and, unfortunately, last novel, and I wish the world hadn't lost this amazing author even before she could see the popularity of her first novel. I want more :(

What's on YOUR reading wishlist?


  1. Your list is so fun! Hawaii made my list too, but I also love your ideas of alternate history, the 1920s, roadtrips, and books about bookish people! :) My TTT list: http://aliceinreaderland.com/2014/01/20/wishlist/

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  2. Oh wow there are some great things on this list. I would love to have an Oregon Trail book and I definitely want some historical romance outside of England! Great picks!

  3. Great lists! I would love the crap out of a YA Oregon Trail story! Someone needs to write that! Also love the idea of a story about a book blogger. And I agree, I loved The Silent Wife and I'm sad that there won't be more to come from her.

  4. I'm in love with so many of these ideas. YA Oregon Trail? Book Blogger Love? More books in hawaii or about road trips? Yes, yes, and yes.

  5. Books set on a different planet with completely different laws and customs sounds awesome!I am sick of the sane old setting for every book, want something different!

  6. Alternative history! Yes!

    And a YA Oregon Trail story? That's just waiting to be written!

  7. Yes to different planets and interesting alternate history plots and more books about bookish people!

    @Julia. I also love historical romances that are not set in Europe. Have you read Pearl S. Buck's books? They are mostly set in China, India or Korea and are simply wonderful. My rec would be for 'East Wind: West Wind' or 'Mandala'.

    1. No I havent! Totally looking them up now! Thanks for the rec. I read a short story by Jeannie Lin set in Tang China and I know she has more, so I am going to be checking her out as well.

  8. Wow. those are some great ideas. Lots of them I'd never even thought of. I know there's a Dear America book about the Oregon Trail that I read when I was younger but YA was different then. And I LOVE alternate history.

  9. So after a year of reading half a dozen Top Ten Tuesdays every week, I finally hopped on the bandwagon with the cool kids. I have lots of feelings about books that need to happen.

  10. YA Oregon Trail YES!! Oooh, and alt history is a great idea. Have you read PLUS ONE by Elizabeth Fama? That has some cool alt hist.

  11. Lovely lists. I think I'd definitely consider reading many of these. One thing I never thought about was Tahleen's pick for more books set in Hawaii. Being born and raised in Hawaii, I always thought there was a lack of books set in Hawaii. I'd LOVE to read more!

    1. Amy, I'd love to hear which ones you've come across. I fell in love with the islands when I went there on my honeymoon, and I've loved learning about the people who live there and the history of the islands.

  12. I really like #2 and #4! I think all these ideas could definitely be great though!

  13. I love all your suggestions. Thank you for the great idea and the opportunity to share and find other readers with lots of reading suggestions.

    Marianne from Let's Read

  14. Yes to #3 (Alternate History) - have you read Inceptio by Alison Morton? What if the Roman Empire didn't fall… My thoughts on it are at:

  15. I love this list! Thanks so much for the fun topic. It's always great to see where people go with this. Just did a tour on a cross country travel book you may like Chasing Forever Down by Nikki Godwin. Loved it!

    Kristalyn @ The Sarcastic Palmtree


  16. I love this list! Thanks so much for the fun topic. It's always great to see where people go with this. Just did a tour on a cross country travel book you may like Chasing Forever Down by Nikki Godwin. Loved it!

    Kristalyn @ The Sarcastic Palmtree


  17. Love the idea about books about bookish people :)

  18. I love seeing what everyone else wants from books, it's so intriguing, so great pick for this week! And I like your choices, they really relate to you all and your type of reading material, great picks!

    Top Ten Tuesdays: Reading Wishlist

  19. Julia - It's not technically a romance (though there is a really great central romance) but I recently loved The Native Star by M.K. Hobson which is set in a slightly altered-history American West. Have you read that one?

    Great List topic - Thank you!

    1. I have not but my mouth is watering. Altered history western with a central romance. I'm totally looking it up! Thanks!

  20. I too want more books in Hawaii! That's only like my favorite place on the planet! Also I love the idea of two book bloggers finding each other and falling in love. They could meet in person for the first time at BEA! lol

  21. I wish I had seen your list before coming up with mine. I got a little stuck on things like #10 wanting to bring authors back to life so that they could write more books for me! or somehow making living authors more prolific.

    The Bridge of Birds series by Barry Hughart is about an ancient China that never was - they are not romance but are a great deal of fun to read.

    And I am totally on board with "2. Books set on different planets. I want something that is SO unlike Earth -- totally different society/laws/ways of life." I think this is why I have been on such a scifi slump. The stuff I keep finding all seems samey-samey and space opera is not my thing.

  22. This started out being really difficult but I ended up being able to come up with ten things I want to read about! I also included bookish heroines...why aren't there more like that?

  23. Historical romance is always good. I put space opera on my list, but in my book, that includes other planets. As for books set in Hawaii, you should check out Lehua Parker's One Boy No Water. It's actually middle grade, but it's fabulous. I don't usually read middle grade at all, but I love this series! Great picks!

    My TTT

  24. Jana - If I remember right, I think Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout features a main character who is a book blogger. I haven't finished the book, so I'm not sure how much that detail plays into the story, but I do remember it being talked about quite a lot in the first few chapters. And then of course there's the wonderful Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, which is all about a girl obsessed with a Harry Potter-ish book series. :)

    1. Oh, thank you Alex! I've been curious about Obsidian, and everyone has been telling me I MUST read Fangirl. Now I've got some extra reasons to bump them up on my TBR!

  25. I'm with you ladies on more alternative history, uniquely set historical romances, and road trip books. Thanks for sharing your wishlists with me.

  26. @Julia, Lindsey Davis's "The Course of Honor" is an AWESOME historical romance set in Ancient Rome. :-)

    1. My TBR is growing insanely! I am totally looking this up! I've read historical fiction set in Rome, but not with any good romance. Thanks for the rec!!

  27. 2. I would LOVE to see more books set on different planets. My favourite parts of sci-fi books are checking out the different societies and ways of life the humans (or other creatures) are living in.

    3. YES. I forgot this initially, but I had to put it on my list after I saw it here.

    4. Are you me?

    5. Yesssssss! I love historical novels, but I've said time and time again that I'm getting bored with all the ones set in England. I want some ancient history novels, novels set at the dawn of a new world, epic caveman romance... Okay, maybe not that last one, but still.

  28. Great list! I love reading what people want to read..I find I agree with a lot of it..and it's like oh yeah I wish I thought of that..cause I was having a hard time thinking of stuff..lol.

  29. I forgot about alternate history/reality! And I LOVE road trip books so much. I had not thought of a YA Little House, but I would totally read that if it was thing. Great topic! ~Megan

  30. Great list! I think this is one of my favorite Top Ten Tuesday's until now. It was a hard list to make, but definitely very fun :)

    Road Trip books are a definite Yes for me. I love roadtrips and I wouldnt mind reading a very very good book about roadtrips <#

  31. I'd love to see more WWII historicals set outside of Europe and the American homefront. Places like China, Japan, Iran, India, Australia, Turkey. Even a lesser-represented place in Europe, like Greece, Bulgaria, or Albania.

    I'd love to see more serious YA historicals, period, where the focus is on a young person fully experiencing history, not a teen who just happens to be living through history. I'd also love to see more Bildungsromans, taking a character from childhood to adulthood, instead of only a few months or a year in someone's life.

  32. I don't think there can ever be too many road trip books. I LOVE them ... they always make me want to hop in the car and just drive! Or even just travel books, hopping on a plane ...

    And I would love books about bookish people! I think that's why I'm always drawn to books about librarians ...

  33. I didn't see mine add it's at http://perspectiveofawriter.wordpress.com/2014/01/21/top-10-reading-wishlist/

    Love the lists! It's my first time participating. Cheers.

  34. I love the idea of books about book bloggers! :)

  35. Man, I'd love a YA version of Little House on the Prairie.

  36. Jamie-
    Jo Walton has a great alt history trilogy that was really interesting.


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