Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Jana's Top Ten Series She Has Yet to Finish

Future TTT topics can be found here
This week's topic discusses series that you have not finished for one reason or another. Some of them I just have not gotten around to yet because I have so many other books on my plate, and some of them I really disliked book #1 and chose to not continue. I have this thing about not finishing something I start, so this list might just be the kick I need to keep going on some of them! 

1. The Study Trilogy by Maria V. Snyder
I really liked Poison Study! And I even own the other two books. I'm just a slacker, and now I'm scared I won't remember enough from the first book to be able to understand the others. 

2. The Faeriewalker Trilogy by Jenna Black
I had a thing for fairies at one point, and Glimmerglass did absolutely nothing for me. At all. 

3. The Matched Trilogy by Ally Condie
I own Crossed, but have not gotten to it! And I really loved Matched! I NEED to read this one, and soon. 

4. The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling
I've read part of book #1. Don't hate me! I really think I need to try these books again. I'm probably the only person in the world who has not read them. 

5. The Hush, Hush Trilogy by Becca Fitzpatrick
I actually liked Hush, Hush... and I own Crescendo. I should really get into this trilogy again. 

6. The Halo Trilogy by Alexandra Adornetto
For those of you who read my review on Halo, you already know how much I dislike this series. Not gonna happen.

7. The Maze Runner Trilogy by James Dashner
I've heard awesome things about this, and got partway through book 1 before I realized I was not in the mood for it at the time. I really need to give it another go, though, because it sounds like something I'd love. 

8. FBI Thriller Series by Catherine Coulter
I read a few of these books one summer, and really enjoyed them. I went out and bought the other 8 or 9 that were already released, and have not gotten back to them. I really need to, though, because they were pretty exciting. 

9. The chemical Garden Trilogy by Lauren DeStefano
I really loved Wither, and have GOT to read Fever! It's just not happened yet. 

10. The Shopaholic Series by Sophie Kinsella
I'm cheating with this one, since I've never read any of these books. I do own the entire series, though, so this has to happen! I love Sophie! 

So, which book series have you facepalming because you have not finished them yet? Link up your posts, and I'll start making the rounds! I need some awesome recommendations and possibly some encouraging/discouraging words for the ones I've listed here. Do you hate/love any of the ones I mentioned? Let me know!


  1. My husband and I were obsessed with the Maze Runner books! They're so intense and like nothing I'd ever read before. I hope you get the opportunity to go back and read them because every book in that series is great! :)

  2. You and I both seem to start series and not find time for more. I even forgot to mention The Chemical Garden series as another one I haven't finished. This was a valuable Top Ten. Thanks.

  3. I love Sophie Kinsella as well, but shopaholic is definitely to be taken in small doses! That girl stresses me out. I have Hush Hush on my list too

  4. Like you, it took me a while to get through the Maze Runner series as I wasn't necessarily in the mood for it, but once I did, it was totally worth it. I think that you need to be in a certain state for that one.
    I'd forgotten about the Chemical Garden series - guess I better get on that series too :-)

  5. I have this weird bookish habit where I HAVE to finish any book I start, including series books. There are two exceptions: I've only read the first Harry Potter book and haven't gotten around to starting the series over, and I hated the first Twilight book so much that I refuse to waste my time with the rest of the series. So....I had to make a TTT list of my own this week, sorry I couldn't fill out this week's list prompt!

  6. The Hush Hush and Halo series are both on my list as well. I don't think I am going any further than the first books with those series. Thanks for the topic and I really enjoyed your list.

    My Top Ten Tuesday

  7. Fever's on my list for the SAME reason and I ALMOST put Crossed on there but went with something else ;)
    You really need to get on that Potter thing! hehe

  8. I didn't include them on my list, but I haven't finished some of these series, too! The Chemical Garden, Matched, Hush Hush, and the Halo series ... There is just not enough time, hahah.

    The Maze Runner books are really great, but I can totally get why you'd have to be in a certain mood to read them. I hope when you do try to read the first book again that you enjoy it :)

  9. I have the Faeriewalker series on my list as well.... But I enjoyed that series.... I thought of putting The Halo series on my list as well, but are feelings are about the same on that book so I but you know how I feel about that whole series....

    And don't feel bad. I haven't finished The Harry Potter series either. I am more a fan of the movies then anything else. I have read up to the 4th books and have only read a little bit of it. Maybe I will have to some day finish it like you mentioned. =D

  10. I haven't read Crossed yet, either! But I do have it and hope to get to it this winter because I'm really curious.

  11. I'm totally failing series as well... I've read SO many debuts last year and the second books are just sitting on my shelf...
    I really need to read Fever! And GAH! You never read Harry Potter??? How did I not know this? Also, the Study Trilogy is awesome and I'm with you on Halo ;)

  12. You have a lot of the same series that I have yet to finish but forgot to mention. I totally blocked out Halo and Glimmerglass because they were painful. I forgot about the Chemical Garden and Maze Runner series.

  13. Seriously, keeping it to just 10 was hard! I probably have about 30 series books I haven't finished.

  14. You know, I also used to think that you were the only person who hasn't read HP,but it turns out that my clinical partner hasn't read it either. She claims i's a cultural thing, which made me laugh.
    I haven't actually read any of the other series you mentioned, although Maze Runner, Matched and Poison Study are all on my TBR.

  15. I'm a little surprised you haven't read Harry Potter yet, but it's a huge investment. If you LOVED Wither you won't regret Fever. And I'm still working through the Study trilogy as well.

  16. The Matched series is on my TBR but I don't own any of them, unlike The Chemical Garden where I bought the first book but haven't read it yet.
    I have read all of the Harry Potter series and most of the Shopaholic series, I only have the last two to read, own them both just haven't got around to reading them.

    This is my first time joining in on Top Ten Tuesday! =)

  17. Matched, Hush Hush, Halo, The Maze Runner, and The Chemical Garden are in my TBR. I don't own any of them yet. But I am quite excited to read them all. ^_^

  18. You're not the only one, but you should really read the HP series, because those people who haven't read the complete series, you don't know what you're missing with the books :) so, yeah, I can't recommend enough the Harry Potter series! I'm actually re-reading them, and once again, I can't get enough :D

    I've also read Wither (I might continue the series), The Maze Runner (I probably won't continue the series) and Hush, Hush (I won't continue the series). So, sorry, no help at all, 'cause I haven't read more then you from these series :)

  19. My sister's done the same thing with the Harry Potter series, so you're definitely not alone. And many of your series, I haven't even started yet, so you're doing better than me!

  20. I bought Halo a while back on a book market, afterwards I read some reviews and there are a lot of people who didn't like this book. I wonder if I'll ever read it... Although I think I should just give it a chance...

    My TTT

  21. I read Poison Study and never read the others as well. I don't plan to finish the Wither series or the Hush, Hush series...we had to break up.

    You must finish Harry Potter!! :)

  22. It's okay, it's okay. Not everyone has to read Harry Potter. It's not a requirement for life. (Don't feel alone. Until I finally bowed to intense pressure, I was right there with you!)

  23. You NEED to finish Harry Potter. It's like the defining series of our generation.

    I'm surprised you were able to stop The Maze Runner. That book was like The Hunger Games and it pushed me right through. Book 2 of that series was pretty good, but I wasn't a fan of the third.

  24. I have Harry Potter on my list too, only because they are really long books from 5-7. I tried to read them when they first started coming out and got bored quickly. This last year, after the last one came out, I tried audio,and I liked them so much more. The narrator is just great. You should try them audio, if you like audio,and if you really want to get through them. Sorry for my run on sentences.

    Maze runner gets really good too, again I read the first but listened to the last two on audio and liked the audio much better.

  25. Oh I forgot The Study Trilogy - I loved the first book but didn't care for the others. My Top Ten Tuesday

  26. 1. Darn thing made me link to last week's post first - sorry!
    2. I'm definitely facepalming myself for not finishing the Narnia series. I've owned it for well over a decade. That's just wrong :)
    3. As annoying as Becky Bloomwood can be, I still think you should get around to reading the Shopaholic books! :)

  27. Just yesterday we had a discussion about Crossed! I say nothing happens and read a recap, and get the third book!

  28. The only one of these series I've read is Harry Potter, haha! I read it when I was 11 though, and I worry that the series isn't quite as captivating when you aren't a tween ;-)

  29. Nice topic ... I have way more than 10 to talk about though ;)

  30. The Chemical Garden could have been on my list too! And I just loved the first book!

    I seem to have this problem with getting to the third book in trilogies. I think there might even be a name for that :-)

  31. I manage to read (and love) some from your list like Harry Potter, then Hush Hush and Matched,although I was having very hard time to get into them,especially Hush Hush. You should try to finish Harry Potter though ;)
    I have to add Wither too,just remember while I read your list

    Great list and TTT this week! :D

  32. The Shopaholic Series is hilarious! This is one series I've completed and each time a new book comes out, I HAVE to get it.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. I LOVED the Study books, she's an automatic read for me :)

  35. I know not everybody has read Harry Potter, but it still blows my mind when people say they haven't lol!

  36. You are not the only one who hasn't read the Harry Potter books. Heck I haven't even partially read them, so I'm worse off than you at this point. One day I'll get to them...one day.

  37. My first TTT and such an interesting topic because in the past I've avoided series...I'm a little surprised about #4 but that's not hate-worthy. I'm sure others would be surprised that I have no interest in #3,5 and 7.

  38. I haven't read a ton of what you've read, but Matched made my list too XD


  39. Well, even if it didn't do anything for you, you've reminded me that I need to give The Faeriewalker Trilogy by Jenna Black a try - I own the first book :)

    I worry if I check everyone's list I'm going to grow my 'to-read' list to massively epic proportions as I either remember books I've meant to read or discover new ones!

  40. HARRY POTTER is a MUST finish!! And Poison study is one of my favorites..the second 2 are also great!

  41. Oh--I forgot about The Maze Runner. I'll have to add that to my own list. Thanks for the blog ideas. Love these.

  42. Matched and the Maze Runner are on my list too! Don't feel bad about HP, only 1-4 are any good lol.

  43. I'm new to this weekly post. Discovered it from my friend Anna's blog.

    I bought the Maze Runner for my son a few weeks ago. He hasn't read it yet, not sure if he will, but it sounded good in the store and I thought he might like it.

  44. Oh no! You haven't read HP? I hope you can get to it, because it really is AMAZING! And I have to disagree with Becky, the whole series of HP (books 1-7) are wonderful. They do get darker, especially book 5, which is my least favorite of the series (but still I love it).

    Here's my TTT

  45. My first TTT! Such an interesting topic. Found out about this through Rachel Writes Things and am glad I did.

    And not having read HP is allowed. But you know, should you ever need to borrow them, I have all 7 in US English editions, UK English Editions, Spanish, Mandarin, and the first one in Latin...take your pick. :)

  46. Fever was good, you definitely need to continue with that series! I was a bit disappointed in Crossed and I'm not sure I'm going to finish that series, but I hope you enjoy it!

  47. No, you are not the only one that has not read The Harry Potter series neither have I. My Step-Son has all of them here at our house. See I have no excuses. I also have the first book in the Hush, Hush series but have not read it either.

    Nancy @ The Avid Reader

  48. Jana, no wrries.

    Im with you about the HP series. I read the first because I promised a friend I would but have yet to read the rest. I dont think I will though. Its hard to go back and read something I have seen on TV already.

    I also need to catch up with Hush Hush.

    OUaT's TTT

  49. Hush, Hush is on my list also but for different reasons, my reason being that I really disliked the first one.

  50. I seriously LOVE "Crossed" - I'd love to hear your thoughts on it! Definitely bump it up your TBR cuz it's amazing.

    And obviously, I'm sure you don't need ONE MORE PERSON telling you - but....READ HARRY POTTER!! ;) Seriously, though. It's worth every single second. :D

    Sierra @ Yearning to Read

  51. It's such a crime that you haven't finished Harry Potter yet. I know it's a long one and there are so many books out there, but it's Harry Potter! ;)

  52. I know you must've heard this about 50 times at this point but the HP series is a totally MUST! Drop what you're doing right now and read them all. Trust me, there is nothing more important in the world at this very moment than that. Driving? No worries. It's HP. Traffic stops for our favourite wizard! Working? Just tell your boss HP told you to read and he/she will understand. Promise. JUST DO IT.

    Okay, now that my total fan-crazy rant is over, on to James Dashner. I actually just finished The Maze Runner. It's definitely good and the series has some promise, although, it's not my favourite book in this genre. I had some issue with it but not enough to keep me from picking up book 2. So yeah. There you have it.

  53. This was such a fun list :D
    I just got Maze Runner in the mail yesterday. So excited to read it and find out if the hype is well deserved

  54. Sophie Kinsella's series should have been on my list as well. I've read the first and it was funny! I've heard good things about Maze Runner also.

  55. I have yet to finish HP too. :) I'm afraid to admit it in real life for fear that extreme fans will get mad at me.

  56. Yay I'm not the only one who hasn't finished Harry Potter! I feel like I'm committing a crime with that one by not completing it!

    1. No you're definitely not alone! I'm one of those weird people who haven't read Harry Potter too. :-D

  57. My top ten Tuesday :)http://emilyheartsbooks.blogspot.com/2012/09/top-ten-tuesday-top-ten-series-i-havent.html

  58. love your list! you really do need to finish matched ! its great and book three comes out soon. and maze runner was good, but its on my list too because i don't plan on reading the prequel !

    -Katie @ Inkk

  59. Don't worry! I haven't read the harry potter series either! Lol but I watched all the movies.

    Leigh | Little Book Star

  60. I keep thinking I should get around to finishing Melissa Marr's Wicked Lovely series...

  61. I was looking forward to Wither and thought I would love it...but no. I barely got through the book and don't think I want to pick up the others. The Maze Runner Series is another that I haven't finished either! I loved the first book, but when the second came out, I had already lost interest. Need to go check it out!

  62. I have the Shopaholic and Divergent series on my to be read series list. I haven't heard of a few of the others on your list. Intriguing.

  63. I had two of the same unfinished series- Harry Potter and the FBI one by Catherin Coulter :) Bonding over unfinished reading...how sweet! I loved The Maze and The Cove but just could not read past that. What happened?! I've decided to try again!

  64. I am so very excited for Reached and Sever!! I too have not yet finished the Shopaholic series, but I'm not entirely certain I'm sad about that.

  65. Great list! I bought Halo based on how beautiful the cover was, but it's sat unread on my shelf for a few years now because I've heard such terrible things about it =( The covers are so pretty though!

    You MUST continue on with Harry Potter! Must must!

  66. Left a link:-) Thoroughly enjoyed doing this!

  67. OMG! Shopaholic's are so good! I'm reading the latest one! Read them!!!!

  68. I haven't finished the Shopaholic series either! I read the first one, but I stopped after that...

    I also read Halo and it was just ugh. I totally agree with your opinion!

    Crazy Red Pen

  69. I haven't finished Coulter's FBI series either, not sure why. Isn't funny how we do that.

  70. You haven't read Harry Potter?! Oh my gosh, I love you! I haven't read them either, and after I confessed the truth on my blog ( http://shelversanon.blogspot.com/2012/10/shelvers-confessions.html ), everyone's been kindly treating me like I grew a third eye. You are not alone!

  71. - Harry doesn't die.
    - Snape dies on pg 658.
    - Dobby dies on pg 476.
    - Moody dies sometime before pg 78.
    - Colin Creevey dies sometime before pg 694.
    - Fred dies.
    - Tonks dies.
    - Lupin dies.
    - Neville kills Nagini.
    - Harry marries Ginny.
    - Ron marries Hermione.
    - Hedwig dies
    - Voldemort dies.
    - Bellatrix Lestrange dies.
    - Peter Pettigrew dies.
    - Crabbe dies.


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