Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Top Ten Sequels We're Dying To Read

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.

So this week, we here at The Broke and the Bookish, had a bit of a scheduling meltdown and nobody to do a Top Ten Tuesday list. However, have no fear, the people of Twitter totally were down for playing my game of "give me one sequel you are dying to read & I'll link you"...so here are some sequels from some lovely lovely people!

ON THE PLUS SIDE...in a rare occurrence (the cause of which is not known) I have the Top Ten Tuesday schedule up....through JANUARY. Yep, I'll allow you a moment to remove your jaws from the ground. 

ALSOOOO. We made it on the shortlist for BBAW. If you love Top Ten Tuesday and think it is worthy of winning Best Meme/Feature on a Book Blog...please go vote! :)

 And we are off....

1. Insurgent by Veronica Roth- "because Divergent WAS SO DAMN GOOD and holy cow, Four! And THE ENDING."  -- Tara from Hobbitsies

2. Dust and Decay by Jonathan Maberry- " because Rot and Ruin was so good and I want to find out more about The Lost Girl" -- Joli from Acting Up With Books

3. PURE by Jennifer L. Armentrout "because Half-Blood was an extremely awesome book and I can't wait for more!" -- Mickey From I'm A Book Shark

4. Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver - This one was said by three different people (Shannon & Bree ) in a matter of a minute!  "Lena is a spirited and clever character, Alex is true and devoted to what's right" -- Angel from Mermaid Visions Books 

5. Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare -  Mostly because Cassandra Clare is genius and I find steampunk to be really fascinating.  - Jayme from Horribly Bookish

6. THE LIES THAT BIND by Lisa and Laura Roecker "SUCH fantastic authors. Can't wait to see what happens next."  -- Jess from Cover to Cover

7. Pandemic by Scott Sigler - "It's the 3rd one, but still... So good, plenty of action & entertaining" - Bonnie from Bookish Ardour

8.  The Weed that Strings the Hangman's Bag by  Alan Bradley -- Dorothy from The  Kindred Scholar's pick

9. ENSHADOWED by Kelly Creag - "AHHHHHH!!!" -- Jen from Makeshift Bookmark

10. Breakdown by Sara Paretsky (new VI Warshawski novel "because it's my favorite mystery series and  because VI Warshawski has shaped me as a person. She's shaped my politics and my social conscience. Also, the mysteries are really, REALLY well-written and very smart page-turners. --Kelly from Kelly Vision

Special thanks to Anna from Anna Reads for letting us use this topic from her Freebie post!


  1. I am still yet to read Divergent and Delirium. I shall get to them both this month!

  2. So many of these are on my list as well! I loooove the Divergent, Infernal Devices and Delirium series! I seriously need to get around to reading Half-Blood -- everyone says it's so amazing!

  3. Pandemonium for sure! That cliffhanger was crazy! I haven't actually read any of these other series yet, but some of them look really great :0)

    Sarah @ The Book Life

  4. Yes to Pandemonium- on my list this week as well! Same with The Liar Society. As always, great topic :)

  5. As I generally don't read books that need sequels, or else I try to pick up books to which I have easy and immediate access to sequels, I think I'll be out of today's post. The only series whose sequel I can think of that I would really like to read when it gets out is Heroes of Olymbus: The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan. I've been enjoying these fast paced books meant solely for racy enjoyment.

    Oh, and I really like the lists you have up right until January! I'm really looking forward to making those (or most of those)!:D

  6. I haven't read Half-Blood yet, but I'm really excited for it after reading Daimon!

  7. I can't wait for Insurgent and Pandemonium! The first books were so amazing that it has me giddy over waiting for the next installment.

    Great topic! Thanks! ^_^

    Janus @ The Blair Book Project

  8. I have 2 of the same on my list! As soon as I'd finished Divergent I was like "okay, when is the next one out, what's it going to be called...need it now!"

  9. I wasn't a big fan of delirium if I'm honest, I'm planning to read divergent next, so many of my friends have said it's amazing so I'm looking forward to getting into it :)

  10. I can't wait to read INSURGENT, too! Sooo good....

  11. I totally forgot about Enshadowed, but am dying to read it too, and it looks like I have a few first books I need to add t my list of series I need to read. Great list

  12. Pandemonium and Enshadowed are the ones I'm dying to read too. I see I need to read Divergent soon.

  13. I also have Enshadowed and Insergent on my list! Can't wait for those two books. AHHH!!!!

  14. This reminded me of how many series I need to catch up on! I think I might start doing this meme every week...

    Awesome topic!

  15. Great list! I've got Insurgent, Clockwork Prince, and Pandemonium on my list too. Lots of great books to look forward to...

  16. LOL this was a hard one for me...


  17. '9. ENSHADOWED by Kelly Creag - "AHHHHHH!!!" -- Jen from Makeshift Bookmark'

    Yep. That about sums it up! :D

  18. Yay for Insurgent!! I can't wait to read it!

  19. Oooh - found some new books to add to my list!

  20. My questions is how we're meant to wait another whole year for Enshadowed! I mean really, that is FAR too long! lol Great picks, just joined up this week, but I think I'll be sticking around =)

  21. I have a few of these on my list, too! #4, #5, & #9!! W00T!

  22. I'm excited for this one!!!! Definitely gonna see some awesome answers today! : )

  23. I haven't read any of the first books on this list but I might give some a go :-)

  24. Nice picks! I don't know most of those, but I have Clockwork Prince and Pandemonium on my list too! :)

  25. This totally made me realize that I am in the middle of way to many series! (And of course, reading everyone else's lists makes me realize how many more I'm eager to start too!)

  26. Great topic. It made me look at all the series I've fallen behind on.

  27. Thanks for the list until January! Looks like we are in for some wonderful Top Tens!

  28. That was a very cool way to get a bunch of different choices. I haven't heard of some of these series and am definitely going to check those out. You should do this more often!

  29. I'm also looking forward to Clockwork Prince! :)

  30. I can't believe I forgot Insurgent, SO I added an 11th to my top ten.. :)

  31. I have the strange feeling that my TBR mountain of books is about to topple over. :)

    I added two more to my own list, couldn't keep it to just 10.

  32. I've got a lot of similar books on my list! It's so hard to be patient for these books.

  33. Great list! I haven't read any of these yet!

  34. Dust & Decay was amazing, too :) I have the 3rd book on my list ;)

  35. My son just finished Divergent and can't WAIT to read the sequel!!


  36. I love that you left this weeks list up to your readers.


  37. Hehe I put Insurgent on my list too.. even tho I still have to read Divergent! :P

  38. I can't believe this is the first time I've come across "Top Ten Tuesday"! I'm a person that enjoy writing lists so I'm stoked to find this meme :D

  39. I just discovered Top Ten Tuesday and this topic was PERFECT for me!


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