Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Rebels in Literature

Hope everyone had a great holiday! I came home last night, after a relaxing weekend on the beach, to start working on Top Ten Tuesday for today and my computer was acting all wonky..thus I could not get on it to get this ready for today.

So there will be no list from us today but I'm dropping by on my lunch break to put up the Mr. Linky real quick so you all can enjoy each other's lists!

To see upcoming Top Ten Tuesday's, please click HERE!


  1. Thanks for offering this Top 10: I've enjoyed it especially, because each person's list is SO different from the others. And thanks for making sure the link got up, despite obstacles!

  2. I loved this top ten. So fun to think about.

  3. I LOVE this top ten! I had such fun choosing! :D

  4. This is such a great idea! But it's so hard to only choose 10 sometimes!


  5. I missed your list this week, but I had a late night too so I understand.

  6. This was a great topic! http://wp.me/pzUn5-uf

  7. Amazing topic! My brain had to chew on this one all day!

  8. Loved this week's theme.. I tend to like the rebels in the stories! :)


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