Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists! Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists.
This week we have Pam of Bookalicious here as a special Top Ten Tuesday guest! Here are her top ten books she's lied about. Oh, and don't forget to visit her at her blog and say hello! And click here to see future Top Ten Tuesday topics. And now without further ado!
We all have done it. Lied about reading a book in some way. I would love to tell the world I never read Twilight, or that I didn’t enjoy the first book in the Saga (LOL Saga) at all, however that is not the case. I kind of liked the first book, but don’t tell anyone. It’s kind of my little literary secret.
So here are my Top Ten Books I have Lied About:
10: Crime and Punishment: There was a boy in the lit department at college, he talked about the work all the time. I read the Cliff’s Notes and faked it.
9. Romance novels: yes all of them. I would never admit to reading Ten Ways to Be Adored When Landing a Lord. (You should totes read this)
8. Ranger’s Apprentice: I am a 31 year old woman, wth am I doing reading MG boy books? So yeah I lie.
7. Sookie Stackhouse: No one knows I am up to date on this series. NO ONE!
6. Cather in the Rye: yup I never read it. I didn’t do required reading and this book still sticks out in my head as DANGER DANGER YOU MIGHT LEARN SOMETHING. If you ask I read it and loved it though.
5. To Kill a Mockingbird: Same as Catcher, no teacher will make me learn something DAMNIT.
4. Matthew Shardlake Series. These are my dirty little secret. Sherlokian type mystery set in Tudor times with Cromwell pulling the strings. Oh yeah baby.
3. The Sisters Grim: Again what am I doing at my age reading this?
2. Decision Points: Yes my fair weather friends I read former President George W. Bush’s work. I even preordered it to my Nook. Please don’t tell anyone.
1. Darcy Fiction: I know for sure none of you have ever heard of my latest obsession. Darcy literature. Please don’t tell anyone.
So that was my favorite books to lie about. What are yours?
That list made me laugh! I'm looking forward to reading everyone's lists and see what dirty little secrets they all dish!
ReplyDelete1)The People's History of the United States Howard Zinn. I have tried, but its just so big.
ReplyDelete2)From Beirut to Jerusalem Thomas Friedman. I did a heavy skim.
3)Skinnygirl something or other by Bethenny Frankel- I read it, I cooked a few things. I was curious.
4)The Rules. I actually did read this. A friend found it hidden in my bathroom and teased me endlessly.
5)The Anthology of Rap. It just sits there on my bookshelf untouched
6)Almost everything assigned to me, I will do extensive reading outside of it, but like the poster- I will not be forced to learn your crap.
This is an interesting topic. Can't wait to see what people have come up with.
ReplyDeleteI too lied about Twilight for a while until my seven year old "outed" me to all the other dance moms at rehearsal one night.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree about Catcher in the Rye. I read it a long time ago, and it left absolutely no impression on me, so I read it again recently. Ugghhh. But, I recently read To Kill a Mockingbird, and it enjoyed that story (without all the class discussions and essay writing...) So, you may want to try that one some day.
ReplyDeleteLove the Darcy fiction one!
ReplyDeleteThis is the first time actually participating and I just couldn't pass it up. It was pretty fun and I loved reading some of the answers.
ReplyDeleteI love Rangers Apprentice--you should never feel like you have to lie abut reading such a fun work. I don't know anyone who at one time or another wished they could be Will and have the same kind of adventures. Great stories. Loved your list.
ReplyDeleteGreat list!! :)
ReplyDeleteOh goodness. Thanks for the early morning laugh.
ReplyDeleteLOL! I refused to read To Kill A Mocking Bird my whole life, and then my book club decided to read it. Sigh, and I was doing so well. I hate admitting I kinda liked it.
ReplyDeleteSIgh. I am also caught up on Stookie Stackhouse... just reviewed the last one on my blog ( They do keep you interested!
ReplyDeleteRanger's Apprentice is AWESOME! I love Halt :)
ReplyDeleteThis was a hard list.
ReplyDeleteI loved reading this list and wish I could join this week, but there's no way I could come up with ten! =/
Yes, I've read about Romance novels, too . . . and I'm sure I said I bragged about having read a ton of Shakespeare as a kid when I didn't get around to them until I was much older . . . and there was that complex novel I deceptively implied I had understood when I wrote my end-of-year essay on it. But that's about it! My problem is that I have too little shame, not too much. LOL!
Aside from relating about "twilight" LOLSAGA, I honestly couldn't think of any other books I've blatantly lied about.
ReplyDeleteTo Kill a Mockingbird is so good. Give it a try!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't resist. Everyone looked like they were having so much fun. =P So I made a list, too, and it's linked up at #46.
Thanks for hosting the linky! =)
Unfortunately, I couldn't come up with anything for this week's topic. I have no guilty secrets when it comes to books. HA! No, really. I read pretty much whatever I please and talk about it, if I feel like it, on my blog. So instead I went back into the TOP TUESDAY Archives and chose another topic. Top Ten Book to Film Adaptations.
ReplyDeleteTough list! I choose Twilight too. And a lot of books I had to read in English! (
ReplyDeleteBased on this list, I'm trying to imagine what books you admit to reading without lying and I can't fathom it (other than Pride and Prejudice. Maybe.)! Eclectic tastes are the best!
ReplyDeleteIt was had to come up with 10, but I did my best. I'm new to blogging and I love this meme.
ReplyDeleteOoh, Darcy fiction — nice. :) Doesn't it feel good to air all that dirty laundry?
ReplyDeleteOh, I had such a giggle reading this!
ReplyDeleteI'm secretly dying to read the new Sweet Valley High reboot, but don't tell anyone!
Oh, and one of my majors at uni was Russian, but I've never read Tolstoy (although I have read more than my fair share of Dostoyevsky).
I totally got a kick out of this post! It almost got me to confess my love of **&)^*% books. Oh, wait, that's a secret I cannot share.... ;)
ReplyDeleteHah! Great topic! Really made me think of the 10 that I picked... (and link added to the list!)
ReplyDeleteLOVE LOVE THIS and Pam too!
ReplyDeleteHa! You guys are sooo funny :D I am glad you liked my list. I am going to visit all your blogs and comment now :D
ReplyDeleteI just reread To Kill a Mockingbird for the first time since becoming a parent and I think it means more to me now. Atticus Finch is a great parent role model. I highly suggest you read it because the absolute beauty of the books is easier to appreciate when you read it for pleasure and not for an assignment. (ps...I hated required reading too)
ReplyDeleteTruly great topic!! Oh my gosh I thought of another one for my list... I would life if anyone asked me if I'd ever read a biography from a wrestler...I'm talkin WWF or E or whatever...but I did.
ReplyDeleteI love Sookie!
ReplyDeleteI love your To Kill a Mockingbird one. And do NOT feel bad about Ranger's Apprentice. I've seen a full grown man asking for them while I was at the library (for himself, not his son).
ReplyDeleteI will be participating for the first time next week!
ReplyDeletenew follower
XOXO Angela's Anxious Life
Lol, I have to admit to reading the Sisters Grimm as well... whoops