Wednesday, March 28, 2012

When Someecards Say It Best....

Today I was in an epically bad mood at work today which resulted in indulging in my favorite past time....scouring Someecards for funny things. Thus, this post and my Wedding Wednesday post on my personal book blog are all about the Someecards.

Some of my favorite bookish Someecards...for shits and giggles today.

THIS IS TRUE. This is a very important skill when you are almost done with an epic book and NEEEED to finish it and waiting until work is over will not cut it!

 Best kind of book club :P

I have so many people I'd kill off in a book...not just past relationships!


 And this is when the book blogging community makes me feel sane..


Here's to hoping for a better day tomorrow...and if that doesn't help I'll probably hide under my desk and read a book.


  1. The drinking club one is hilarious! Hope you have a better day tomorrow :)

  2. I can relate to a good portion of those - is that bad? LOL

  3. Love it. I hope tomorrow goes better for you!

  4. Hope tomorrow is better for you! I love someecards. It's kind of ridiculous how they are perfect for every occasion.

  5. I totally relate to these. I must go to their site and have a look. Is there a copyright issue with reposting the pictures?

  6. Talking while reading and fictional boyfriends are the truth, yo! I love someecards. It always brightens my worst work days!

  7. Love these (and they are so TRUE!). What fun.

  8. Thanks for the laugh. This is great!

  9. My fiance, basically ALWAYS interrupts me during my reading, I don't understand, why he does this.

  10. This is pure awesomeness!
    It's so annoying when people talk when you're reading. Just stop it?!

  11. These are amazing! I especially love the one about obsessions with fictional men. My bookish friends and I often lament that our love for 'real' men doesn't measure up to our long-standing attachments to fictional men. Maybe we just need to find similarly bookish males?

    Thanks for sharing. :)

  12. Ah! Love! I want to steal all of these, print them out, and hang them everywhere!

  13. I love Someecards. These are the best and gave me a laugh, especially the book club one!

  14. My book club really does meet in a bar haha! Thanks for sharing, and I hope you are having a much better day today.

  15. I love these! Especially the one about concealing a book at the office ... I've done that! Some books just *have* to be read ...

  16. Ugh, I hate when people sit next to me and start talking when I want to read a book. Biggest Pet Peeve Ever.

    I hope your day goes better.

  17. I love them - especially the yellow one. It´s a complete mystery! Why do people do it? Even my husband, even after the clear instructions I give him not to... ;-)


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