Thursday, January 11, 2018

All Good Things Come To An End

Hey all! Jamie here! It's that officially turn the page on The Broke and the Bookish after 8 awesome years.

-As a reminder, Top Ten Tuesday is NOT's going to move over to fellow TB&TB contributor Jana's blog so definitely check that out! It's been a JOY doing Top Ten Tuesday with you guys every week for all these years. Thank you for making it such a fun part of this community! I've gotten questions about what will happen about Secret is likely that Jana and I will come back to bring it back for next year...I mean, we are still part of the community and it's such a fun event that it would be just wrong for it not be back!

Now a couple of words from myself and the other ladies....along with where you can find us around the Internet!

Jamie says...

I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little teary thinking about The Broke and the Bookish coming to an end. I started this blog on a whim when I saw that book blogs were a thing and asked a few of my friends in the Goodreads College Students group that I ran if they wanted to start a book blog with me! They were enthusiastic and we spent months planning before we launched in June of 2010. This decision changed my life. I can't even BEGIN to tell you all the ways it did because this post would be ridiculously long but it was the best decision I made in my young adult life. I met some of my best friends and I really found myself in my 20's through this community and writing on my own blog in addition to this blog with these AMAZING ladies. I think about that 23/24 year old girl that started this blog and now I'm like WOW...I'm 32 now, am married, have an almost 6 month old. How life has changed! I'm grateful that I've had these ladies to share this journey with!

Where to find me: 

The Perpetual Page-Turner: In addition to blogging here, I've been blogging at my own blog, The Perpetual Page-Turner, for the past 8 years and will be continuing that. It's evolved from a book blog to more of a lifestyle blog that's heavy on the books (because that's who I am) and I'd love you to come visit me over there and stay in touch!! (Apparently people didn't know I had another blog?? I guess I'm not good at promoting myself lol)

Twitter -- I will still be tweeting @brokeandbookish as I always have (though I might change the handle hard to decide..I've become rather attached to it).

Instagram:  or my personal Insta which is mostly pictures of Riley and my dog, Finn is


Jana says...

I've loved writing with the ladies of The Broke and the Bookish these last 8 years! I didn't even know book blogging was a thing until Jamie posed the idea to a bunch of us college students, and we jumped into this amazing project that turned into something so much bigger than I think any of us imagined. The Broke and the Bookish helped me find my love of reading again, discover genres I never thought I'd read (sci-fi and fantasy, what!?), and make lifelong friends. It made me start up my own blog, and I even went to grad school to get a degree in library science because book blogging made me realize how much I love the world of literature. Recommending books to people brings me so much joy. I never would have known any of this about myself, nor would I have made such life-changing decisions had I not thrown myself into the bookish community.

Where to find me:

That Artsy Reader Girl: Not everyone knows that Jana of TB&TB and Jana of TARG are one and the same person. lol. I started my own book blog about 7 years ago. I write lots of book reviews and put on fun events (sometimes with friends). It's also home of the Debut Author Challenge. I hope you'll come chat books me with there! 

Twitter: I'm @ArtsyReaderGirl, and I'm always up for late night silliness, book chats, fangirling, cat pictures, and commiserating!

Instagram: I love posting pics of books, weather, food, and crazy life things. 

Goodreads: Here lies the longest TBR and most detailed list of shelves in the world. If I ever disappear online, someone please come look at my Goodreads and see if they all fell on me.

Lauren says...

I knew I’d love blogging with these ladies long before I jumped in... back when we were all young hoodlums (ok, maybe just me) in the College Students Goodreads group. TB&TB has given me an amazing outlet to chuck all my book love into, as well as a place to find new bookish friends. I've LOVED reading comments and finding I'm not alone when it comes to the emotional rollercoaster books tend to take me on. Readers of any written word will always have a special place in this world and I'm just happy to be one of them. It's bittersweet to say goodbye, but I'm still here, as are all the lovely TB&TB ladies. If you can't find me, I'll probably be in a corner somewhere, sniffing a book. 

If I'm not napping or watching Netflix, you can probably find me online somewhere...

For hilarious pictures of my wiener dog, you can add me on Snapchat (tattooedbiblio). For more dog pictures with a sprinkle of family and books, I recommend my Instagram. For all things bookish, my Goodreads is a safe bet. And lastly, for deadpan jokes and sarcastic memes, Facebook is where it's at.

Daisy says...

I can't even begin to describe how much this blog and blogging in general has meant to me over the years! And I'm feeling pretty nostalgic and sad to see The Broke and the Bookish end, but I have to admit that it's time. I've loved being a part of this group of wonderful ladies and sharing so much with each other. When we started this I was doing my internships and now I'm a GP, married and have daughter who's almost 10 months old. CRAZY. 

Without Jamie deciding to start this I probably wouldn't have found my way into the blogging world and I'm so thankful for that! I've connected with amazing people and am part of a book club now that meets up monthly (can't imagine not having these girls in my life anymore!) and though I'm not as active in the community as I used to be, I'm very thankful for each and everyone of you that I've gotten to know over the years!

Where to find me:
Twitter | Instagram | My personal blog (that hasn't been updated in almost a year, but maybe soonish)

Julia says...

My heart hurts thinking about the end of The Broke and the Bookish. I fondly remember 8 years ago talking to everyone to figure out a name, direction, the About Me page, coding the first site… We launched the first review the day I started my first job out of college. This blog, these ladies and all you were so instrumental in keeping me sane during those crazy years of travel and figuring out adulthood. I will always cherish the time we had here – all the good reviews, all the amazing recommendations, all of the ways to read out of my comfort zone. I love you guys and I loved this. Now onto the next big adventure, once I figure out what it is. If I do anything else, I'll make sure to let Twitter and Instagram know :)

Where to find me:
Goodreads | Twitter | Instagram 

Lori says...

It has been an absolute pleasure to contribute to this blog over the years. I have met a lot of wonderful people that I call friends through book blogging. I have had great conversations about books and life with people far and wide. My TBR has grown at an exponential rate and my bookshelves overfloweth. It's been fun to see everyone transition from carefree college student through our late 20s and into our 30s. This blog and the connections I've made here have been a great comfort in the storms of my late 20s when I just didn't know which way was up. I am sad to see this blog shut down, but I can't wait to see what everyone takes on next.

Where to find me:

An Irreverent Escapade: I'm reviving my personal blog. I've missed having a space to go write about whatever. Look for posts about books, cooking, yoga, clothes, and life--basically, whatever I feel like tackling on a given day.

Twitter: CoffeeGirl217

Instagram: LLindsey217

Kimberly says...

In the time since we started The Broke and the Bookish I graduated with my Bachelor’s degree, got married, adopted a dog, and had a baby. The one constant? This blog and these incredible ladies. We were just a group of college students who wanted to talk about what we loved, who knew it would be such a big part of our lives? Because of this blog I have formed friendships, discovered amazing books, and found the community that has helped me become a better person.  I’m sad to see an end to an era, but excited to see what comes next.

Please come find me on any of these sites! 

Bridget says...

Joining up with TBTB was one of the best things I ever did during my blogging life! It was such a pleasure working with these ladies. I’ve fallen off the blogging train in the past couple years, but it’s been so lovely having this great group of women to talk books with. I so appreciate all the readers for helping make this blog what it is. Thanks, TBTB, for giving me so many fun years ♥️


  1. Aww.. we will surely miss you beautiful ladies. though I am particularly new in this blogging world (it's like 6 months, I guess), I was in love with Top ten Tuesday. Though the meme is still there, but surely Broke and the Bookish will be missed. And the story that all of you shared about starting this blog, was beautiful :) It is always incredible to find such beautiful friendships over the blogosphere.

    I wish you all luck for your future endeavors :)

  2. The Broke and the Bookish is one of the blogs that inspired me to start my own blog almost 2 years ago. This blog will be missed. But - thank you and congratulations on 8 years of blogging and best wishes for wherever you ladies decide to go in the future!

  3. Awwww I will miss the blog and all of your wonderful posts <3 It's one of the first blogs I started following when I joined the bookish twitter world 5 years ago! Good luck with all your future reading/blogs/everything else :)

  4. It's always sad to say goodbye, but I look forward to seeing you all around the internet. Good luck with your future endeavors!

  5. I'm so sad to see you all go! It certainly does feel like an end of an era; your blog inspired me to start mine almost four years ago. You've become a staple in the book blogging community and I can't imagine it without you. I'll be following all of you ladies and I wish the best for you all in the future!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

  6. Congrats on such a brilliant achievement. When I began by blog 6 years ago, I found a second home on the College group on goodreads. I enjoyed participating in the group reads and interacting group. Thanks for all the years of reviews and fun. Best of luck to each of you!

  7. I got a little teary-eyed reading everyone's goodbyes. I stumbled into the book blogging world about 2 years ago, first as a reader, then as a blogger; and this was one of the first blogs I started following. I have faithfully participated in TTT since starting my book blog and look forward to continuing with Jana. For the last 2 years I've participated in the Secret Santa and had some amazing experiences with it. Thank you so much for sharing your love of books with all of us... I will miss you all (though I do follow Jamie and Jana already) and will look for you in the social realms.

  8. We'll miss you so much - I'm pretty teary reading all your goodbyes! Thank you so much for this wonderful blog; it was one of the first book blogs I started following and it's opened up a whole new world for me. I'm very sad, but most of all very thankful to all of you for the immense amount of work you've put into this blog - TTT, Secret Santa, reviews... everything.

    Good luck to you all - and happy reading!

  9. Thank you for all you have done for the blogging community through this blog, and thank you for sharing your personal stories and goodbyes with us today!

  10. Thank you to ALL of you for starting The Broke and the Bookish - and for Top Ten Tuesday. You'll be missed as a collective book community, but I'm glad to see so many of you still on the bookish webs with your individual profiles/blogs. Thanks for making this such a fun place to hang out these past many years.

    ...and thank you to Jana for taking on Top Ten Tuesday. :)

    Wishing you all the best as you pursue your next adventures.

  11. 8 years ago I followed an amazing blog which I found just by google. I spent six months watching and figuring out how a book blog could be created. Now 7 years later I have closed by first blog and recently started another. This will always be my favorite place to visit. I`m excited for each and everyone of you for your new adventures.

  12. I'm going to miss this blog so much! Thank you for all of the fun Top Ten Tuesdays, and for creating one of the only book blogs which I still check on a daily basis. Good luck with all of your individual endeavours <3

  13. Thank you so much ladies for hosting this site, a personal favorite, for eight years. You all deserve a huge hug and a big pat on the back. Thank you.

  14. Wishing you ladies the best in all you decide to do. May you fulfill all your dreams and be blessed more than you could ever hope for. Thanks for all you've done for the blogging community. I'll miss TB&TB, but I'll be sure to check out you ladies at your online homes.

  15. I am so happy to see most of you will be continuing your personal blogs at least! You would be too missed otherwise. Glad to see That Artsy Reader Girl will be continuing the Top Ten Tradition.

  16. I'll miss seeing you all in one place, but I understand that all good things much come to an end. Good luck going your separate ways!

  17. I'm one of the old, old bloggers so it's really sad to see so many of the bookish family part ways or leave blogging! Hopefully like me, most have changed their blogs and are still around.


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