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Daisy's Picks
Basically, I'd just buy all the books, but I'm particularly wanting these:
SO much love for this book!! I'd love to own a pretty hardcover, but it's kinda expensive at the moment, but I'd buy it in a second with a gift card :)
Cinda Williams Chima is AMAZING and I LOVE that she wrote another book set in this world even though part of it broke my heart in tiny tiny pieces, but I NEED THIS PRETTY COVER IN MY LIFE!
Of course I already own a pretty hardcover of this book, but the illustrated edition is perfection and is sadly not sitting on my shelf yet.
Jamie's Picks
And I Darken by Kiersten White
This came out this summer and I really want to check out this YA fantasy! I've heard great things.
A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara
I was number like 1 billion on the library holds for this one and it FINALLY came in and then I didn't have time the week I had it for to actually get to it so I'd buy it so I wouldn't have to wait for the hold to come in again.
Julia's Picks
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by J.K. Rowling
I completely forgot this was a thing that was happening. And now I want to read it. Like yesterday.
Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein
I loved this book when I was little and I have always wanted to own it to read at my leisure as an adult, and hopefully one day share with my family.
All of the London Steampunk Books by Bec McMaster
I've loved this series, but most of the books I took out from the library. I'd love to have these at least as ebooks to reread at will!
The last few Maiden Lane series books by Elizabeth Hoyt
Apparently I am more behind in that series than I thought... oh well! Binge reading a series is just as good as binge watching a Netflix show.
A really nice annotated version of Paradise Lost by John Milton
I don't know which version really, but I know I want to read this, and I know I want to be able to understand the allusions and literary mythological references that he weaves into the story, hence needing a good foot-note laden copy.
What books would be on your top priority list of books to buy?
Jamie's Picks
And I Darken by Kiersten White
This came out this summer and I really want to check out this YA fantasy! I've heard great things.
A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara
I was number like 1 billion on the library holds for this one and it FINALLY came in and then I didn't have time the week I had it for to actually get to it so I'd buy it so I wouldn't have to wait for the hold to come in again.
Julia's Picks
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by J.K. Rowling
I completely forgot this was a thing that was happening. And now I want to read it. Like yesterday.
Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein
I loved this book when I was little and I have always wanted to own it to read at my leisure as an adult, and hopefully one day share with my family.
All of the London Steampunk Books by Bec McMaster
I've loved this series, but most of the books I took out from the library. I'd love to have these at least as ebooks to reread at will!
The last few Maiden Lane series books by Elizabeth Hoyt
Apparently I am more behind in that series than I thought... oh well! Binge reading a series is just as good as binge watching a Netflix show.
A really nice annotated version of Paradise Lost by John Milton
I don't know which version really, but I know I want to read this, and I know I want to be able to understand the allusions and literary mythological references that he weaves into the story, hence needing a good foot-note laden copy.
What books would be on your top priority list of books to buy?
You are going to crack up when you read my list. I was thinking WAY more expensive.
ReplyDeleteThe second book in the HP illustrated releases will be on my Christmas list for sure. I mean, on my daughter's. Which I will then read aloud to her and enjoy every page of,just like I did with the first. And yes, I hate it when I finally get a book through the library and then don't actually read it.
ReplyDeleteJane Steele made my list too!! I have a A Little Life on there, but I was actually able to buy it the other day because the Kindle price dropped from $12.99 to $4.99. Yay!
ReplyDeleteAwesome picks. Our Harry Potter book just arrived today!
ReplyDeleteOOh nice ones! I still need to read And I Darken as well!
ReplyDeleteHere's my Tuesday Post
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower :)
I love Where the Sidewalk Ends!!
ReplyDeleteI own all of Silverstein's books, still love them! And I Darken almost ended up on my list, but I'm still not sure. ;)
ReplyDeleteThe illustrated version of Sorcerer's Stone is such a good choice! I've had my eye on it for a while. And the books with the new covers, where the spines look like Hogwarts when you have them on your shelf. And I Darken is one of my favorites!
ReplyDeleteThe Cursed Child is also on my list! I'm a little nervous about reading it because I really don't want to be disappointed.
ReplyDeleteJane Steele is incredible - I also wouldn't mind owning a beautiful hardcover copy <3
As for And I Darken, I have also heard excellent things. I have an ARC which I can't wait to get into so I hope it's good :)
Harry Potter, A Little Life & And I Darken are on my list! Great picks <3
Jane Steele is on my list too! It sounds so dark and awesome. ^.^
ReplyDeleteI really love the illustrated Harry Potters. Most of the others are new to me.
ReplyDeleteGreat list!! And I Darken is #1 one on my list. I want Jane Steele and The illustrated Harry Potter as well, but they didn't make the cut for my list. It was so hard to narrow it down! lol.
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting that we don't have any books in common. I put some old books on my list - books I've read but don't own and would love to have in my collection. Does anyone else do that?
ReplyDeleteOoh, a nice annotated version of Paradise Lost would be perfect! I really want to check out Cinda Williams Chima books also. :)
ReplyDeleteI need to own my own copies of the illustrated Harry Potter books as well!
I feel the same way with Jane Steele, I loved it, and a hardcover version would be so pretty to own!
ReplyDeleteI have the first HP illustrated edition and have the 2nd one pre-ordered. I also have my HP and the Cursed Child! And I Darken was really good so I hope you love it when you get it.
ReplyDeleteOhhhh those are good ones! Here's my Top Ten Tuesday post for today! :D
ReplyDeleteI am psyched to finally get to participate in this one! I mostly read non-fiction, so some of the Top Tens are hard to do because some are geared toward fiction. I have found so many new and great blogs today to read, this is great!
Ack, how did I forget "And I Darken?" I am DYING to read that one!
ReplyDeleteI've grabbed a few off of your list to add to my "check out" books. :D I had a lot of fun making this list, cause I always have books that get shoved down the priority list, due to time or budget.
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling the new Harry Potter book is going to be on a lot of lists today . . .
ReplyDeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
Jane Steele and the illustrated HP = yes please! This is probably one of my favourite Top Ten Tuesday topics yet!
ReplyDeleteI would also like Jane Steele! A Little Life I have read, but it was a big, heavy book to hold. Buy it as an ebook. (My advice)
ReplyDeleteThere are so many on this list I want to read! Great list, I might have to make my own.