
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Top Ten Characters Who Would Have Sat At Jamie's Lunch Table In High School

For future Top Ten Tuesday topics & info on how to participate, click here!

A while ago on my blog I introduced you to YA Jamie -- in all of her awkward glory! One of the things we talked about was my high school social status so to speak. I was the girl who was kind of friends with everyone. I didn't really have a GROUP and I kind of just talked to mostly everyone. Honestly most of my closest friends weren't in my class at school. I was kind of a little more quiet in general but still pretty friendly and would talk your ear off when I felt comfortable around you. Despite kind of being friends with a lot of different people, I definitely had one group I sat with at lunch. It was a group of girls and guys who were a lot like me (it's kind of funny because outside of school all my best friends were guys and in college it was pretty much ALL guys I was friends with..but DURING school I really did try to fit in with the girls). They were kind of friends with a lot of people. They weren't identified as "the popular ones" but were often times friends with that group. Some of them were quiet and some of them were outgoing and we were just a good mix of different personalities and interests.

I always talk about the guys in YA that I love so I'm just going to focus on the ladies who would have totally fit in at my lunch table!

1. Anna from Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins: She is funny and friendly and just a really down-to-earth girl! Every time I read this book I'm more convinced we would have been best friends!

2. Amy from Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson: There's just something about Amy as the novel progressed that have always made me really feel like I KNOW her. She would have definitely fit in at my lunch table from what I can tell!

4. Allyson from Just One Day by Gayle Forman: I think Allyson was me. I'm not sure. Just something about her just makes me know we would have gravitated to the same lunch table.

5. Parker from Golden by Jessi Kirby: Our table didn't include the valedictorian but we definitely had a good mix of smart ladies at the table. The Parker that comes out in the novel is the Parker who would have sat at my lunch table. She had that spark in her but she was always too afraid to take risks. Especially looking back now, I see a lot of those girls who I was friends with were holding back in high school. Not taking risks to be who they were. I WAS THAT GIRL. Sometimes I still AM that girl.

6. Cricket from Nantucket Blue by Leila Howland: Well, I played lacrosse in high school (wasn't that good) and a few of the lacrosse girls did sit at my table so she would have probably fit right in!

7. Frankie from The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart: I think my table would have totally been down with her stick it to the man attitude and, with a little persuading, would have pulled off an epic prank with her.

8. Audrey from Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway: Audrey and I, man. We would have had good times. Watching the way she dealt with becoming the object of a popular song made me know we would have good friends. Plus we kind of cursed like sailors so she'd fit right in.

9. Natalie from Not That Kind of Girl by Siobhan Vivian: I think a lot of the girls at my lunch table could have identified with Natalie from what I remember of our talks about sex and such. We all pretty "good reputations" and we kind of judged "those girls." But, like Natalie, I think we were all trying to figure out the sexuality thing. I remember some of the girls were starting to casually have sex and the rest of us were all wide-eyed like WHAT NOT READY I DON'T THINK.

10. Jessica Darling from The Jessica Darling series: I would have MADE her sit at my lunch table, okay. I don't care if she didn't fit in or WANT to sit with me...in my dream land she WOULD.

So tell me...which characters would have sat at YOUR lunch table?


  1. I love your list! Anna and Amy are both such good picks I can't believe I didn't think of them. =)

  2. Some of mine seem so boring next to your list. :)

  3. Okay, I feel somewhat embarrassed to say I don't recognise any of your characters or books! (Am a heathen!!!)

  4. Anna made my list too, but I don't recognize anyone else from your list.
    My TTT

  5. I haven' heard of most of these but I love your reasons! Some of these sound like great books too, nice choices :)

    Check out my TTT!

    Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination

  6. I haven't heard of any of these characters except for Anna. Great list! Would love to read them too.

    Here's my TTT

    Blessie @ Mischievous Reads

  7. Oh my gosh, I haven't read about ANY of these characters! Might need to change that. I love that you said you'd strongarm your last pick into sitting with you... I did the same with one of mine, haha.

  8. I've yet to read Anna and the French Kiss! I'm even more compelled to read it now since you've placed Anna as your first pick :)

    Sparrow's Top Ten

  9. Loved Anna and Frankie! I'll have to read some of the others to find some new book friends!

  10. I have Audrey at my table too! Does this mean that we are at the same table?!

  11. Ack! I really could have put Audrey at my table too...didn't think of her somehow! I DID think of Jessica Darling, but eventually decided she'd probably be too cool for me when I was narrowing donw. :P

  12. ! This reminded me I need to read the Jessica Darling books, still. I put Cricket at my table, too, and of course Anna. Love your list!

  13. Jessica Darling! That's a great one! Wonderful list, Jamie, and, as always, thanks so much for hosting this wonderful link-up! Hope you have a great week!

  14. I really liked Allyson from Just One Day! But I think she wouldn't really have fit in at my table, so in the end I didn't list her. I've seen Amy on so many lists today, I think I'll finally have to pick up my copy of Epic Detour and read it... ^^'

    Thanks for hosting!

    My list

  15. I had Anna on my list as well. :) I almost added Jessica Darling too, but in the end decided she was a little too overwhelming and would probably stress me out more than anything haha!

  16. Jessica Darling is at my table too!

  17. Frankie would definitely mix things up! I would love to have a conversation with many of these characters, especially Audrey and Amy. Terrific choices!

    Bella @ Ciao Bella

  18. Well that doesn't happen to me often -- I don't know any of these! Sounds like fun, anyway.

  19. I haven't read any of those! I haven't read much contemporary YA, in fact, so I picked characters from classic children's books and YA fantasy, mostly. And one historical mystery. Fun topic - thanks!

  20. Great choices. I love seeing Jessica Darling on other lists.
