
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Broke and Bookish Book Haul for 8/17 - 8/30

Daisy's Book Haul

-Tarnish by Katherine Longshore: I already owned the paperback, but I LOVE this cover and I adored the book, so I had to have this edition.
-The Espressologist by Kristina Springer: I've been eyeing this for years and it sounds really cute!
-The Revenge of Seven by Pittacus Lore: I've read the first 3 books in this series and I can't help but want to know how it will all end even though I know there's a lot of controversy about said series. It was also a total steal, 7 euros for the hardcover!
-Gilt by Katherine Longshore: so this is actually one cover redesign that I love. I would have loved it even better if they'd also have this cover in a hardback version, but oh well. Loved the book as well!
-The Gospel of Loki by Joanne M. Harris: this was an impulse buy, I love Joanne Harris' writing and I love Loki, seems like a perfect combination to me!
-The Fall of Five by Pittacus Lore: the same thing goes for this one as for The Revenge of Seven, I'm curious.

So I got these two from my friend Debby cause she's awesome, thanks again!
-Blonde Ops by Charlotte Bennardo and Natalie Zaman: I really enjoyed the books in their Sirenz series and this just sounds like all kinds of awesome.
-These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner: I ADORE this book! It was just awesome. And now I can stare at the gorgeousness that is the cover anytime :) And also reread it before the release of This Shattered World.

Egalleys for review:
-The Orphan Queen by Jodi Meadows: HOLY MOLY EXCITEMENT!!! I seriously flailed when I saw The Orphan Queen pop up on Edelweiss, I cannot wait to read this!!
-Love and Other Theories by Alexis Bass: I'm expecting a cute contemporary and I love those!
-The Memory Key by Liana Liu: I'm always intrigued by things to do with memory loss because it's really scary, so I'm fascinated by this premise!
-The Viscount Who Lived Down the Lane by Elizabeth Boyle: this is sort of the boy next door in historical romance, and I love a good boy next door story.
-Talk Sweetly To Me by Courtney Milan: I like Courtney Milan's writing and she's basically the only exception I make in reading selfpublished novels, cause she rocks them.
-Twisted Fate by Norah Olson (not pictured cause sadly Goodreads didn't have a cover and neither did Google): this sounds like it could be either completely amazing or a dud, I'm really hoping it's the first.


  1. Nice haul. You got some great books. These Broken Stars was very good.

    Books of Love

    1. Thanks! I totally loved These Broken Stars :)

  2. I got Brazen this week and can't wait to read it and hopefully I will love it enough to read Gilt and Tarnish. You got a lot of other good ones, too! Would love to read These Broken Stars soon, as well.

    1. I still need to read Brazen, I do have it sitting on my shelves, hope you enjoy it!!

  3. Hope you enjoy your books!
    I'd like to read These Broken Stars, the cover is wonderful :)


  5. NICE HAUL! Eeeek how I want enough books at once to do a book haul xD I have never heard of Tarnishes but I want to look it up, that edition is sooo pretty. I'm such a sucker for nice covers.

    1. Me too ;)
      I think my boyfriend wishes I didn't have enough books to do a book haul ;)

  6. I really need to read on in the Pittacus Lore series. Great haul this week!
    Check out my STS

    1. Thanks! Me too, I really need to catch up on a lot of series..

  7. The Memory Key sounds really good!!

  8. I need to read those Tarnish books - the series anyway! I haven't heard anything about the other books in your book haul.

    1. I hope you end up reading and enjoying them!
