
Saturday, February 20, 2016

Why I've Embraced My eReader

Surprisingly, I was a fairly early adopter of the eReader concept.  I got my first one for my college graduation back in 2010.  I loved the idea of being able to carry hundreds of books with me at once because that meant carrying fewer books whenever I'd leave my apartment.  I loved having options.  Granted, I still packed physical books, but I had hundreds on reserve.  Despite this, I rarely used my eReader.  I'd bring it with me, but typically wind up reading one of the physical books I brought or nothing at all.

I bought a second generation eReader.

I bought an iPad and downloaded the reading apps--Kindle, Nook, Oyster (R.I.P).  Still--I rarely really used my eReader.

Until recently.

Now I can't seem to get enough of it.  My iPad is a constant companion whenever I leave the house.

Here are a few reasons why I've suddenly embraced my eReader...

1.  No one knows what I am reading.  I really like this aspect of it.  I have hardly read any books to completion since starting law school because I hardly have any time to read for fun.  I've been doing better about making time at night before bed.  But still, I can't really count on having the time to truly sink into a book, so I flit around quite a lot.  I used to agonize about this.  Now I'm totally cool with it because I'm reading what I need to read when I need to read it.  Anyway, the eReader allows me some anonymity so that people can't tell how many books I've started and abandoned in a given hour, day, or week.

2.  Takes up way less space in my bag.  I hate feeling like a bag lady.  I have always loved big purses.  But I really don't want back problems later on (and I refuse to get a wheely bag like some of my fellow classmates) so I limit myself to one bag for all of my stuff, which mostly consists of school stuff.  That little iPad mini takes up way less space than a paperback, let alone a massive hardcover tome.

3.  Allows me to do side research if I have any questions.  I am in full-on research mode.  Everything I see leads to questions, which leads to research.  I love being able to flip from my book to Wikipedia or the internet to find out a little bit more about what I'm reading.  Yes, I could flip from a physical book to my iPhone, but this is much easier and I won't lose my place.

4.  Greater variety.  Yes, this is still a factor for me.  I have a variety of novels, non-fiction, short stories, and essays on my eReader.  I can find something to fit my mood whenever I have time to read.  And I love that.  Plus I have synched my New Yorker, Atlantic, and New York Times accounts so I have even more variety available.  Further, I can buy something any time with just one click...which can also be dangerous, yes.

5.  I feel like I read faster on my screen.  I don't know why this is, but I feel like I read the pages much faster when it's from the screen.  Maybe it has something to do with the font size I use.  I don't know.  But I like feeling like I'm taking in more.

6.  No one knows what I am reading.  This is such an important factor that I'm listing it again.  Seriously!  No one know how many books I abandon!  I don't have to feel guilty.  I know I shouldn't feel guilty in the first place, but I do.  Or maybe it's that I feel awkward when someone asks whether I finished such and such book that I was reading last time they saw me and inevitably I have just stopped reading it.  NO QUESTIONS!  I love it!

Basically, my eReader has come to be a slice of freedom for me.  I can read what I want, when I want, with fewer questions.  And that is just what I need right now.


  1. I love my Kindle! I go through phases where I only read on my kindle for awhile, then phases where I just want physical books. Depends on my mood. But they are so great because of all the reasons you listed! I love them for travel!!

  2. I feel like I read pretty evenly between my kindle and physical books, but I definitely agree with everything you said about the kindle. Especially the one about reading faster. I feel like the main reason is it's kind of like having food cut down into smaller portions. It's easier to take in and less overwhelming when it's all this text in front of you at one time.

  3. I totally agree with your views. The best thing I like about an ereader is to carry several books at a time without making my bag heavy. For more than two years I read all my books on my ipad and ereader. But, now I maintain a good mix of both physical and electronic books.

  4. I embraced e-reading quite recently too, and it was one of my best decisions. Of course, it's not the same thing like reading a pyshical book, but, like you said, the fact you can keep you anonimity, and able to carry 200 books with the same weight as one makes up for everything. And I also have that feeling that I read faster an ebook rather a physical one (I wonder). Xo

  5. I totally agree with you! I'm a huge proponent of Kindles. My Paperwhite is amazing--and it fits in my coat pocket! It's wonderful.

  6. A few years ago, I was very much against ereaders and never thought it could replace a real book, but now... Yeah. I agree with everything you said. I love my little Kobo for all the same reasons. :)

  7. ereaders are the best ! I'm glad you are embracing yours. For me I like that with my iPad I can read in the dark.

  8. I've recently taken up reading on a Kindle Voyage. (Got one for Christmas) Before I would try reading Kindle books on my phone and hated it, now I'm absolutely in love with reading on my Kindle! Like you I really like the idea of no one knowing what I'm reading. My #1 reason for loving my Kindle is I can read in the dark and not wake my husband up with a pesky lamp! Great post! :0)

  9. I was a pretty early adopter of ebooks, too -- I started out with a Sony, which wasn't so good, then moved to Kindle for quite a while. I've had a Kobo, too, I liked the stats and the size, but they stopped doing the one I really liked, and now I'm back with Kindle. It is so convenient sometimes! But I really started to test them for my mum (she's going blind, and I wanted to figure out a viable way for her to keep reading as long as possible!), and they've been really awesome for her.

    It kind of annoys me when people talk about how ~real~ books are better. Geez, guys. It just depends!

  10. I also came to love ebooks at an early age. There was this one phase of mine where I read nothing but ebooks for a year or two, which is the reason why I only have a few physical books than other bookworms out there.

    Still though, I agree that ebooks are really convenient. I also like the feeling of people not knowing what I'm reading - heck, people don't even know that I'm reading. I tend to read ebooks on my phone, so 90% of the time, people think I'm texting or scrolling through Facebook or something when in reality, I'm reading about aliens and fairies and planets taking over other planets. It's kind of funny, really, seeing their reactions when they say "Stop texting!" and I face my screen towards them and say "I'm not texting" with that aha-fooled-you look. xD

  11. I was anti e-reader for many years. My aunt gave me a hand me down and it sat in a box, unused. In recent years, I have traveled a lot more, and you really can't spare the room in your bag sometimes. Now I bring a paperback or two and my kindle (second generation, another hand me down). I will always prefer to hold a book, but I can't deny the convenience of the e-reader.

    Plus if you want to read ARCs from Netgalley, you don't really have a choice! They're mostly electronic.

  12. It took me awhile to embrace mine as well. I had to find the right reading app and I'm sharing that on Friday! :)

  13. I love your post! At first I wasn't a fan of e-readers, my mom got me one 2 years ago and at first it was sitting on my night table but a year ago I become obsess with my kindle.
    Being a teacher I have to carry a lot on my bag and my kindle allows me to carry tons of books and like you I don't have to feel guilty for my books... unlike you my reason is that I love romance books and I teach 1st graders (can you imagine a 6 year- old face when he-she sees the men on my covers, talk about embarrassing)
    Ruty @Reading…Dreaming

  14. I love my Kindle and am now using the latest Paperwhite. I used to be anti e reader but now I find reading a paper book almost annoying and inconvenient. I love throwing my kindle in my bag and it's so much easier to read and eat lunch or breakfast. I rarely buy paper books nowadays, unless it's collectible or has pictures like a graphic novel. I too like that people don't always see what I'm reading.

  15. I love my ereader! Lately, Iʻve been trying to read an equal amount of physical books and e-reader books, but I tend to gravitate toward my e-reader more just because of how convenient it is. I donʻt want to break my back carrying around a ton of hardcovers all the time, but I always want to have a book or two with me, which is where my e-reader comes in handy.

    I also find myself reading from my Nook a lot at night after my daughter goes to bed. We co-sleep and she doesnʻt stay asleep unless Iʻm right next to her with the lights off. Thankfully, I can still read from my Nook or on my Nook app without bothering her.

    I also love that many libraries are embracing ereaders and letting patrons borrow ebooks via Overdrive or other book borrowing apps. It saves me the trip of having to drag a 7 month old out to the library, but I still get a huge variety of books to choose from.

  16. I could not agree with you more. Especially being able to lonk to dictionaries and maps and Wikipedia.

  17. Great post and points. I love my kindle, I too find that I read faster on my kindle than I do a physical book also not having people know what you are reading is a major plus. I myself commute to university I don't know what it is about a girl reading a book on a train but people always stare and try to read over your shoulder haha.

    Also the space thing is a major plus,I only want to take one bag with me because it's so difficult to lug around more than one when your on a train then walking to uni so I have everything in one bag. My kindle fits perfectly.

  18. While I'll always love physical books I have come to love my Kindle too - it is easy to carry around, pack, gives me loads of choice and I feel less guilty if I don't finish a book (as its not physically taking up any space in my house).

  19. I've been ereading for a long time. Not that I don't read paper books, but I find myself getting annoyed if I come to a word I don't understand and can't look it up! Spoiled! And the ability to get access to more ARCs in ebook format has pushed my reading in that direction. Still LOVE the smell of a brand new paper book.

  20. Sounds like great reasons and I highly approve of the Office and Adventure Time gifs ;) I've recently become more of an ereader and I'm really enjoying it! It's easier to read on the go (or on my lunchbreaks at work) and I like being able to use it for e-arcs too. Plus the no one can see what you're reading thing: I've gotten VERY into NA sports romances, who's covers are very... abtastic hahah. Much easier to read on my kindle! I actually used the kindle app on my iPad so much last year that my husband bought me a kindle before I trip I was taking, since he noticed I was reading more ebooks. And as is the problem with most bookworms, I'm running out of room for books. I still love physical books but I'm trying to feel less guilty about paying $5-$10 for an ebook if I want it- it's still the same story after all!
