
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Top Ten Favorite Secondary Characters

 For a list of past and future Top Ten Tuesday topics and to find out more about Top Ten Tuesday, click here!

Tahleen's pick: There are so many wonderful secondary characters all over the place, but I'm going to go with one of my favorite books (as I usually do, but whatever). Calvin O'Keefe from A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle. Calvin is definitely not the main character, but he is an integral part of the journey across space that he, Meg, and Charles Wallace take. He is a sport, and I love him for using that word in that way and for not taking the Murrays at face value; he is trust but discerning, and fiercely loyal and protective.

Lori's pick:  The secondary character that keeps popping up in my mind is Dill from To Kill a Mockingbird.  He is hilarious, but he's also kind of tragic in that he's been totally abandoned by his parents and doesn't really realize that.  He's also the impetus behind getting Boo Radley to come outside, which is a huge part of the story.  I think that everyone had that neighbor kid who was like Dill.  Harper Lee did-- she had Truman Capote.

Jamie's Pick: Cinna from The Hunger Games was such a favorite secondary character of mine! While I loved the movie so much I hate how you didn't just how special Cinna was like in the book. He was just so vibrant and really supported Katniss well.

Kimberly's Pick: Neville Longbottom from Harry Potter. I adore him. He goes from the forgetful boy who is constantly bullied, to an absolutely amazing person. He becomes as important as any of the leads. We see him grow even in just the first book, he not only stands up to his bullies, but to his friends as well. As Dumbledore said. 'It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.'

Kimberly's Second Pick: (This could also be "Kimberly's Mother's Pick" as she is the one who inspired it. I asked her who she'd pick and she immediately responded with "Diana Barry". Sweet, loyal, earnest Diana Barry. Best friend to Anne (with an 'E') of Green Gables. Whether she is standing by the side of her bosom friend, getting accidentally drunk off of what she believed to be Raspberry Cordial (it was currant wine, oops), or being her sweet, day dreaming self, she is ever so lovable. She is the best friend anyone could ask for, and is the perfect companion for Anne.

Paula's Pick: Spader and Loor from the Pendragon series. I'm not sure what all to say about Spader. He joins Bobby Pendragon in the second book and is such a loyal companion who is always upbeat and looking on the bright side even when things are not looking good for our characters. The only thing to say about Loor is that she is so incredibly B.A. - I would have loved for the whole series to revolve around her.

Jamie's Pick: Finnick from The Hunger Games: AHHHHH FINNICK <33

Jamie's Pick: Phoebe from The Catcher in the Rye: Phoebe is Holden's 10 year old sister and I loved her so much! Wise beyond her years but not annoyingly so IMO.

Kelly's Pick: Brienne of Tarth from A Song of Fire and Ice series is an amazing character who embraces her quirks and disadvantages to become perhaps the strongest and most loyal character in the entire series.

Kelly's Pick: The Weasley twins from Harry Potter: Almost more than anything, I wish we could read through this series from the viewpoint of Fred and George Weasley. They are the two wittiest and most hilarious characters I think I've ever come across!

Who are YOUR favorite secondary characters?


  1. Aggghhhhhh

    I was flailing around fangirling at every single one of your choices. Doing this list made me think that I don't love main characters as much as the rest of the cast. (Point in case, if you asked me my favourite Harry Potter character, would I say Harry Potter? No it would be Hermione or the twins or Sirius or Snape or...well I'm not actually sure at what point I would think to say Harry haha)

  2. I so should have included Matthew Cuthbert! I need to reread Anne of Green Gables!

  3. Diana was the best friend Anne with an E could have had! I remember when they got into Diana's mother's wine... :P She's the best friend I would have wanted.

    Kate @ whYAnot

  4. I love Diana from Anne of Green Gables. So many wonderful character choices!

  5. Ahh, Calvin! I thought about including him, but I kind of think of him as a main character...

    I love Cinna and I contemplated including him, too.

    I went with Phil from the Anne series...because I feel like she has more personality than Diana, who really is just loyal. =P

    Awesome picks, ladies! Here's my TTT!

  6. Oh I forgot how much I love Phoebe! And Neville and the Weasley twins, of course!

    My TTT

  7. Two Harry Potter characters made our list too!! We chose Sirius Black and Albus Dumbledore, but share your love for the Weasley Twins and Neville (You get that sword, Neville!)

    Finnick also made our list...mostly for the same reason you stated (fangirl screaming ensues).

    Axie & Kat @ Books Are Bread

  8. Neville Longbottom is at the top of my list

  9. I alternated between the weasley twins and dumbledore .... it was so hard deciding who counted as a secondary character!

  10. Great list. I have some Harry Potter characters on my list too - how could you not pick someone from that series? And I also have a character from Anne of Green Gables.

    I forgot about Finnick. How could I forget Finnick? I love him!


  11. Calvin! and Cinna! Cannot believe I forgot about them! There were just too many to list haha! LOVE THIS TOPIC, and love your list!

    Jennifer @ A Librarian's Library

  12. Finnick made my list, too. I also mentioned an Anne of Green Gables character, though I went with enemy instead of friend. Great list.

  13. Now I'm sad! Because I didn't think of Cinna, but he's one of my favorite characters ever! Great list!

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  14. Brienne of Tarth! GREAT CHOICE. She is one of my favorite characters in that incredible series!

  15. Neville and the Weasley twins are definitely memorable but I went with Snape.
    Vilia @ Backchatting Books

  16. Weasley twins, Finnick, and Cinna were on my list also. ;) But so was Snape and Draco. Haha... This was a hard list to make because I adore so many characters. :P
    Have a great week!

    The Bookaholic

  17. Nooo, I forgot about Brienne of Tarth! She's a great character!

    My Top Ten Tuesday.

  18. I really wish I'd put the Weasley twins on my list now. Although I did put Neville on, seeing as he's awesome.

  19. The Weasley twins provided much needed comic relief, especially in the darker books later in the series. I can't believe I left them off my list! Hermione made mine though.

  20. OH NO how did I miss Cinna, Finnick and the Weasley twins!? :O Holee crap. 10 was not enough for this week!

    My TTT

  21. I, too, have a Harry Potter character and an Anne of Green Gables character. My whole list could have come from those series but I felt that would be cheating. =) I also included Rudy from The Book Thief and a Pride and Prejudice character.

  22. Your Linky won't accept my URL. I've never had this problem before.

  23. I love Cinna! He made my list too.

  24. HA I was trying to think of a secondary character from GoT and I'm like, "THEY'RE ALL MAIN CHARACTERS!" I love Brienne :)
    I can't believe I forgot Cinna in my list of Hunger Games characters!!
    Loved this topic :)

  25. oh my gosh, yes to Neville. His whole story is just heartbreaking alone. I love how J.K. Rowling can manage to make every character grow, even if they're in the background.

  26. Diana Barry is an awesome bosom friend - great choice! And you can't go wrong with the Weasley twins - they made my list too!

    TTT @ Krista's Dust Jacket

  27. Good choices...and, of course, I didn't even think of them!

  28. Both Cinna and Finnick are amazing characters! I can't believe i forgot to mention them

  29. http://wensend.com/2013/08/27/secondary-characters-ttt/
    Great topic! I have listed my top ten on my blog :)

  30. The Cuthberts are on my list, but I love Diana Barry, too. Such a loyal friend!

  31. Ooooh Neville! I forgot all about Neville ... might need to get my own Rememberall :)

    Allie @ Little Birdie Books

  32. Great list - I love that you included Cinna from Hunger Games - he is one of my favorite too!! Great topic this week! Happy Tuesday!

  33. I love the Weasley twins! I can't believe I didn't think of Cinna, and I ended up going with the Mrs. W's from A Wrinkle In Time. Great list!

  34. Aww, Dill! For some reason I always forget about Dill until I come across him in the book.

    Neville is an amazing character from Harry Potter, but I went with a different chioce from that series with my TTT.​​

  35. I love this topic! So many great characters to choose from. So glad Neville showed up on this list :)

  36. Great choices, and I love seeing love for Brienne of Tarth especially.

  37. I also have the Weasley twins on my list.

  38. I'm bummed that I just remembered this meme late in the morning here and on my way out to boot! I could've done this up to 50 if not rushed, however I only came up with 5 but I think they are good ones! I also cited To Kill A Mockingbird and The Hunger Games, but I picked a different supporting character in both my choices. Thanks for the fun topic this week!

  39. Oh God. So many good characters. So many good books.
    It's the paradox of choice - the more choices you have the more likely you're going to make no decision at all.
    I choose you, Chocolate Bar Sitting on My Desk! You shall be MY most memorable character!

  40. I had a hard time recalling those characters that reside in the "wings" of the story. Looks like you guys came up with a pretty good list today. Kelley at the road goes ever ever on

  41. Excellent list. I have the Weasley Twins on my list too. Neville is excellent also! A couple of these I don't know. Great choices!

  42. I totally didn't think of Neville or the Weasley Boys.. Now I'm sad my list isn't longer!

    I thought of modifying the theme to do top villains instead, but hopefully that will show up eventually!

    Great list :)

  43. I totally agree with the weasley twins and Neville.

  44. I think almost any secondary character from Harry Potter series rocks.
    Loved Cinna! Wish I thought of him for my list.

  45. I'm glad to see Tahleen also chose Calvin O'Keefe...and I had a hard time choosing who to pick from HP, the Weasley twins and Neville are both excellent choices! Brienne of Tarth also might be the only Song of Ice and Fire character I like at this point!

  46. Great list! I especially agree with Neville and the summary that you created for him. He started off as the boy who lost his remembrall during flying lessons, and ended up the hero. Although Harry was the one to defeat Voldemort, Neville was leading the Battle of Hogwarts the entire time!
    Check out my TTT list: http://booksavvyblog.blogspot.com/

  47. Great choices! I too love Finnick!! :-)

  48. Neville and the Weasley twins were both on my list as well. :)

  49. Aw I love the Anne of Green Gables series! Good choices :) and good/hard topic this week!

  50. Finally finished this. I didn't expect this would be so hard. http://dreams-dragons.blogspot.com/2013/08/top-ten-tuesday-favorite-secondary.html

    Calvin and Cinna are both awesome. Most of the rest I don't actually know.

  51. I included characters from some of the same books as you: Harry Potter, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Hunger Games.

  52. I loved Dill and Neville too. good choices.

  53. Great Choices! I love Neville too!
