
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Jen's Top Ten Books She Recommends The Most

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Book recommendations. They can be a scary, scary thing. I always feel stressed when someone asks to to recommend a book they might like. So. Much. Pressure. What if they HATE a book that I LOVE?! These are the books I find myself recommending over and over again.

Top Ten Books I Recommend The Most

(and the brief commentary I usually add with it): 

  1. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak: AMAZING. Warning, don't read this book in public. There is a good chance you'll cry.
  2. Amy and Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson: A story about a cross-country road trip and the pages of the book are filled like a scrapbook.
  3. To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee: I usually recommend this book when I find out someone has never read it. I'm always shocked by people who have never read this book.
  4. The Fault in our Stars by John Green: Another AMAZING book you shouldn't read in public because you're going to cry.
  5. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer: I actually read this book because Jamie used to rave about it all the time. It's been a few years since I read it but I still find myself recommending it to other people.
  6. Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler: Because you should always read banned books/challenged books.
  7. Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher: A great book that makes you think how you treat others and the potential consequences of those actions.
  8. The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen: *Sa-woon* This was the first Sarah Dessen book I read and it began my love for her books!
  9. If I Stay/Where She Went by Gayle Forman: Just read these two books. You'll love them, I promise!
  10. Trafficked by Kim Purcell: It's scary and sad that things like this still happen.

What are the top ten books that you recommend the most? I'm looking forward to finding new books to add to my to-read list!


  1. Oh, good choices! I especially like The Book Thief & To Kill A Mockingbird on your list - those are ones everyone should read.

  2. Awesome recommendations this week! The Book Thief is <333

    My TTT

  3. I LOVE that your list is full of books I haven't read...yet. So many of them are on my to-reads list so this makes me even more excited to get to them

    Marissa @ Rae Gun Ramblings

  4. I see The Book Thief raved about everywhere, but I haven't even felt the urge to purchase it yet!! I should though... my pattern tends to be avoiding all the good books and then kicking myself for it later. :)

  5. I adore To Kill a Mockingbird! The Truth About Forever is one of my favorite Sarah Dessen books, along with This Lullaby and Along for the Ride! :) My TTT list: http://aliceinreaderland.com/2013/03/25/mostrecommended/

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  6. I would warn you to never make a promise you can't keep, but promising that people will love If I Stay and Where She Went is a very safe bet! Love them. Great recommendation.

    Nikki @ Imaginative Adventure

    “There is no friend as loyal as a book.”
    ― Ernest Hemingway

  7. Thanks for the awesome recommendations, i need to try The Book Thief ! and 13 Reasons Why is amazing! - Katie @ Inkk

  8. The Book Thief is a good one. It's a great "gateway" book for adults who want to give YA books a try. Although, that particular book really is cross-generational and would be just as comfortable on an adult bookshelf.

  9. Oh I LOVE The Book Thief, and The Fault In Our Stars is also on my list! To Kill A Mockingbird is one of those classics that everyone should read at least once in their lives. I'm also shocked when I come across the rare person who hasn't read it.

    I haven't read any of the others yet, though I have If I Stay sitting on my nightstand just waiting to be read and The Truth About Forever is on my TBR list. I'll have to check those others out!

  10. Great list. To Kill a Mockingbird is definitely a must read! I have heard alot about The Fault in Our Stars. I really need to read that one.

    Chelsea @ Starbucks & Books Obsession

  11. Great list! I still need to read The Book Thief.

  12. This is such a good list! Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman and Going Bovine by Libba Bray are always on my list!

  13. I just finished To Kill A Mockingbird a few days ago. I don't know why it took me so long especially since it is my sisters favorite book.

  14. I have not read To Kill a Mockingbird!! I know I really should it just never seems to happen!! Great list though!

  15. Ah, The Truth about Forever! Best Dessen-boy EVER. I studied To Kill A Mockingbird at school, and it's one of the very few books that I still loved, even after analysing it to death.

  16. To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my favorite books of all time. (I don't recommend it often though because everyone I know has to read it in high school.) TFIOS, The Truth About Forever, Gayle Forman's books, and Thirteen Reasons Why are all on my list as well. I've had so many people recommend Amy and Roger's Epic Detour to me over the last few years. I can't wait to finally read it! Great list!

    Aimee @ Penmanship Smitten | My TTT

  17. To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my favorite books of all time. (I don't recommend it often though because everyone I know has to read it in high school.) TFIOS, The Truth About Forever, Gayle Forman's books, and Thirteen Reasons Why are all on my list as well. I've had so many people recommend Amy and Roger's Epic Detour to me over the last few years. I can't wait to finally read it! Great list!

    Aimee @ Penmanship Smitten | My TTT

  18. To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my favorite books of all time. (I don't recommend it often though because everyone I know has to read it in high school.) TFIOS, The Truth About Forever, Gayle Forman's books, and Thirteen Reasons Why are all on my list as well. I've had so many people recommend Amy and Roger's Epic Detour to me over the last few years. I can't wait to finally read it! Great list!

    Aimee @ Penmanship Smitten | My TTT

  19. What a great topic and what a great list of recommended books. I guess I'm going to have to reading To Kill a Mockingbird. I don't know why I've never read it -- I just haven't.

    Happy Tuesday!

  20. I was so excited about this week's TTT I first posted it yesterday before I realized it was only Monday - took it back off and scheduled it of today!

    Can't wait to read everybody's most recommended. Have a terrific Tuesday :)

  21. I agree with 13RW and Where She Went! I just finished The Book Thief, and I don't know how to review it :( it's so sad.

    my TTT

  22. I can't believe I forgot to put The Book Thief on my list! I recommend it all the time -- what an amazing book.

  23. The Book Thief and TFIOS are both very, very high on my tbr list. Great list, I agree with loads of them especially To Kill A Mockingbird - that made my list too.

  24. These are all such great choices! Three of yours are on my list, too!

  25. Thirteen reasons why - check, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close - check. The rest are now on my TBR cos yeah I haven't read To Kill A Mocking Bird.

  26. Thirteen Reasons Why is the only one I read in your list and I also loved it! It's actually on my list, too. :)

    Julie @ Books and Insomnia

  27. Awesome list as usual! You know you can trust the person recommending when you have similar books on your list =) but I've been seeing "The Truth About Forever" all over the place, so I'll definitely pick it up now, thank you!

  28. Thirteen Reasons Why is a very powerful book. It certainly makes you think.

  29. The Truth About Forever was the first Sarah Dessen book I read as well! It's still my favourite one of hers. Thirteen Reasons Why is amazing as well. I have the rest of these books on my TBR list and I can't wait to read them all now!
    Samantha @ The Secret Life of a Bookworm

  30. YES YES YES to The book thief. It's one of my all time favorites. This is one of the books I keep re-reading, because it's an amazing story. Not to mention his beautiful writing-style. I'm going to take a look at some of the other books you've mentioned. The fault in our stars is definitely on my TBR pile for his year.


  31. The Truth About Forever is on my list too! I am just about to start Thirteen Reasons Why, tonight! I linked you to my blog <3

  32. I have only read one of those books, so I guess I have a lot of books to read, haha.

  33. I really need to read The Book Thief! I purchased this for my book club's holiday book exchange last year but I should have got myself a copy as well. This is definitely going on my list to read. Great list!
    Happy Reading,
    Rebecca @ The Key to the Gate

  34. Our lists both have The Fault in Our Stars! And To Kill a Mockingbird was the runner-up of my list. There are so many wonderful books; the whole world must read them all! :D

  35. The only book I've actually read on your list is To Kill A Mockingbird. I think I need to check some of those books, especially Trafficked. A little over a year ago human trafficking came on my radar and became a major focus of my job for several months, and it continues to terrify me and blow me away.
    -Amy, odetojoandkatniss.wordpress.com

  36. I agree The Book Thief and To Kill a Mockingbird are excellent and well worth recommending. I have the John Green book on my to read list and am looking forward to it.

  37. I recently found out my husband never read To Kill a Mockingbird! Married ten years, and I never knew. After the revelation, I expected him to drop everything and correct the glaring oversight, but it's been months. Hmmmm.

  38. omg okay.. I really need to read Book Thief.. SO MANY PEOPLE have recommended this one.. :P I haven't read Where She Went yet but I really enjoyed If I Stay!

    Michele | TTT

  39. Okay, I really need to read Book Thief... SO many people have recommended this one!! :) I haven't read Where She Went yet but I really enjoyed If I Stay! :)

    Michele | TTT

  40. I recommend Sarah Dessen's book a lot in my Media Center. They're long, so I have to know which of my students won't be intimidated but they're usually always a win! :)

  41. Trafficked and The Book Thief are great choices. I love your list!

  42. I just joined in today! I had fun! Until next week! :)

  43. I feel the same way. Books are so subjective that it's just hard to know what one person will/will not like. You can't go wrong with THE BOOK THIEF, though!

  44. I totally agree about To Kill a Mockingbird, such a great book and I can't believe when people have made it to adulthood without reading it.

    I put Where She Went on my TTT list, too. And I've had Amy and Roger's Epic Detour and Twenty Boy Summer on my TBR list forever, I have to pick them up!

  45. You are right...To Kill a Mockingbird is a great book. I forgot about it. Another book I didn't think of when I did my list was The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. I've been reading genre books for so long I forgot these very good books.

  46. Very much agree with To Kill a Mockingbird, near the top of my list too. Also I feel like I really should read the Book Thief, everyone says it's good.

  47. I shamefully have not made it to Book Thief yet...maybe I will do it this week?

    TFIOS made my list too!

    Katie at Writing with Cats

  48. To Kill a Mockingbird is a great shout! I tried to read it when I was in school and didn't get on with it but it was definitely worth revisiting because it's one of fmy favourite books now :) The Fault in Our Stars made my list too. I still need to read The Book Theif - must get on that!

  49. I am terrible at compiling these lists. It never fails that as soon as I see someone else's, I wind up saying, "Of course! How could I forgot THOSE!"

  50. These are awesome! 13 Reasons Why and TFioS are such nice books. I will try to read Trafficked, it sounds gooooood.

  51. gotta disagree with #7... i hated that book that you love ;) sorry!

  52. Gosh, so many books I still need to read. Including the Book Thief. I know, I know. I've heard it all before. lol I have read Gayle Forman's series and To Kill a Mockingbird, although I would really love to do a re-read of the latter because I'm not sure I was able to fully appreciate it the first time around. Great list!
    Bonnie @ Sweet Tidbits

  53. Great picks! I just read my first Gayle Forman and loved it! Also To Kill a Mockingbird is definitely a book everyone should read!!

    My TTT

    Eva @ All Books Considered

  54. The Book Thief, Looking for Alaska, and The Hunger Games are the three I recommend the most!

  55. Yes! The Book Thief!! I actually did a book presentation for this novel in my second year of library school. Couldn't recommend it more!

  56. I have Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close on my TBR shelf, and hope to read it soon. I've heard great things about it, but haven't pulled it down to read yet. Thanks for the thumbs up on it.

    My kids keep telling me that I must read The Book Thief--sounds intriguing.

    John Green is on my short list of authors I want to read this year--I may start with the one you recommended.

  57. I love your list! The Book Thief is amazing and I definitely sobbed when I read it. (Thankfully, though, I wasn't in public.) TFIOS is incredible, as is 13 Reasons Why and To Kill a Mockingbird. I've been dying to read Twenty Boy Summer, especially since it was banned in that school district a year or so ago.

  58. I want to read the Fault in Your Stars but I am so afraid I will become a blubbering mess that I haven't picked it up yet!

  59. I heard so many good things about The Book Thief *adds to to-read shelf*. And you've intrigued me with Twenty Boy Summer! Great list!

    Hannah (My TTT)

  60. Can't blame you for including "To Kill a Mockingbird"!

  61. I want to read #5, but I'm so scared of crying! lol

  62. The Truth About Forever was awesome, and I aboslutely adore John Green :)

    Here's my top 10

  63. To kill a Mockingbird is absolutely amazing :)

  64. Great list! I had a few of these on my list. Plus, you reminded me to read "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close."

  65. This is my first time participating - a lot of great reads out there.

    Thanks guys!

  66. I recommend 1 and 3 to everyone as well! I love those books!

  67. Joining a bit late! I am always shocked when people haven't read To Kill a Mockingbird too.

  68. I loved Thirteen Reasons Why as well. I love your list! I still need to read a few of these. :)

    ~Sabrina@iheart y.a.fiction

  69. I sobbed my eyes out reading The Book Thief. It was an incredible reading experience although admittedly not a re-readable book for me. Still powerful though!

  70. To Kill A Mockingbird is absolutely one of my favorite books. I am so excited to read Amy and Roger. I have heard excellent things!

  71. The Book Thief and The Fault in Our Stars are already on my to-read list. I may take a look at the Forman books, too; my niece really loved them.

  72. Great choices. The Book Thief is on my list too... I definitely cried like a baby when I read it (thankfully my husband was the only one there to see). I didn't even think of To Kill a Mockingbird because I just assume (which is mostly just dumb to do) that people have read it.

  73. Ha! Too funny we both put Thirteen Reasons Why in the #7 spot

    Anyway great list. I've only read 2 and 7 and loved them both. A few of the others are on my TBR list! :)

    Sheri @ Perks of Being a Bookworm

  74. Aaagh!! I can't believe I left To Kill a Mockingbird off my list! It's one of my favorites. Senior moments....

  75. The Book Thief is still sitting on my bookshelf unread. I haven't gotten into because the writing style is so much different than I'm used to, but I plan on getting to it someday.

  76. The Book Thief and Th1rteen R3asons Why made my list too! I cried so much reading both! I own The Fault in Our Stars and To Kill a Mockingbird, but have never read them. Need to get on that stat!

  77. Very nice choices. I keep meaning to check out The Fault in Our Stars, but I'm afraid of the tears :)

  78. Oooohhhh!!! I really need to read The Book Thief and The Fault in Our Stars :)

  79. Hello, I just linked my blog! I'm kind of new in this hehe. Great choices, I hope you like mine. x

  80. Oliver Wood was totally on my list as well!

  81. Great recommendations! I've read about half of these (the fault in our stars...amazeballs) I'm off to start adding some more books to me 'want to read' list on Goodreads now :P
    - Annette

  82. What a creative top ten! I just linked my blog btw.
