
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Do You Love Top Ten Tuesday?

We've been nominated for Best Meme for Book Blogger Appreciation Week! If you have enjoyed Top Ten Tuesday by either participating in it or just think it is fantastical bookish meme, please consider voting for us! We've had such a good time tackling a multitude of bookish top tens for the past year and are so honored to be nominated!

You can vote here. You'll need either a Google or Twitter account to do so and we'd really appreciate it if you took the time to do so should you think that Top Ten Tuesday deserves it! To see the rest of the nominees, you can go here to the BBAW site. There are a lot of memes nominated so good luck to everyone. Y'all pretty much rock!

Also, while I have you here. I've had the list for future TTT on my computer since Julyyyy and haven't put the whole thing up but I will be doing so this week!

And, if you remember, try to put either YA, Adult, Classics or Eclectic after your name on Mr. Linky. We have SUCH a variety of blogs who participate that I know some people have asked if we could do this. If you don't remember, no biggie, but some have asked for it! :)

As always, if you have any TTT suggestions...please email us at brokeandbookish (at) gmail (dot) com


  1. OH I totally voted for top ten tuesday! It's my favorite meme for sure, I always look forward to reading everyone's answers.

  2. Definitely hope Top Ten Tuesday wins! You all do a spectacular job bringing bloggers together with it each week!

  3. I will definitely vote for Top Ten Tuesday! The Blue Bookcase has been participating for over a year now I think, and its definitely our favorite meme!

  4. Nominated and voted for TTT! I don't participate (yet), but I love reading everyone's posts each week! Hope you get a nice shiny award!

  5. Awww thanks guys! You are the best!! :)

  6. Congrats on the nomination. Tried to vote but had some problems, will keep trying.
