
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Jamie & Julia's Top 10 Favorite AWW Moments In Books

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This meme was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists! Each week we will post a new Top Ten list complete with one of our bloggers’ answers. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND fill out Mr. Linky  . I
If you can't come up with ten, don't worry about it---post as many as you can!

Today we decided to do a collaborative Top Ten Tuesday! Click HERE for future Top Ten Tuesday topics. Next week is really exciting for us because it is our 1 YEAR BLOGOVERSARY!!

Jamie's Picks:

1. When Anna and St. Clair's knees touch in the movies (Anna and the French Kiss)

2. SO many parts betweens Elizabeth and Mr. Darcey. When they meet at Pemberly when she thinks he's supposed to be away. But this part got me: "In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you." (Pride & Prejudice)

3. When Katniss holds Rue while she is dying and sings to her. This probably would compete for time I cried the hardest while reading a book BUT I did say "aww" because it was just so sweet and I totally knew how much I liked Katniss at that point. (The Hunger Games)

4. *spoiler for The Bird Sisters* When Milly turns down the love of her life for Cousin Bett. I cried so hard at this but it was such a sweet and loving gesture even though I didn't want her to do it. (The Bird Sisters)

5. "If you stay, I'll do whatever you want. I'll quit the band, go with you to New York. But if you need me to go away, I'll do that, too. Maybe coming back to your old life would just be too painful, maybe it'd be easier for you to erase us. And that would suck, but I'd do it. I can lose you like that if I don't lose you today. I'll let you go. If you stay." (Adam in Where She Went)

Julia's picks:

6.      The beginning of On the Way to the Wedding by Julia Quinn where Geoffery runs to interrupt the wedding of the girl he loves. And thus you know it through the book. Makes everything more… aww–ful?

7.      The ending of The Amber Spyglass with Will and Lyra… I don’t want to say any more. You know what I am talking about :) Actually, that whole book makes me go aww and emote quite a bit as well.

8.      The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie: Lord Ian makes me go aww. To see him, who it an autistic man in the 1800s, learn to cope (and love! This is a romance novel) is just made of aww. It's really written quite brilliantly!

9.      The text in The Name of the Wind, a lot of time moved me to feel that “aww.” Maybe not in that cute puppy kind of way, but in that omg wow how moving sort of way. Here is an example:
When she smiled at me, i felt...

I honestly cannot think of how i could describe it. Lying would be easier. I could steal from a hundred stories and tell you a lie so familiar you would swallow it whole. I could say my knees went to rubber. That my breath came hard in my chest. But that would not be the truth. My heart did not pound or stop of stutter. That is the sort of thing they say happens in stories. Foolishness. Hyperbole. Tripe. But still...

10.      In The Art of Racing in the Rain, when the dog (whose name escapes me…) got to ride in the racecar! It just screamed of cute internet picture. I am pretty sure I awed out loud.


  1. Hey guys, this being so late is completely my fault!! I wanted to give a HUGE thank you to Jamie for jumping in at the very last minute to help me out! I'll have to make it up to ya'll with something awesome :)

  2. Great quote from Pride and Prejudice and great topic this week!

  3. We picked the same quote from P&P!! I love that quote soooo much :o)

    Mickey @ imabookshark

  4. I picked Lyra and Will, too! Sooo romantic.

    Jenna @ thebookelement

  5. The quotes are a great accent to the list. I also have to get to reading The Amber Spyglass.

  6. I tried not to read the quotes of books I haven't read yet, but OMG that one for If I Stay was amazing. WHY haven't I read this yet?

  7. Awww Katniss holding Rue! I totally forgot about that one, definitely an awww moment.

  8. 1, 3, and 7 also made my list! Such great moments! :)

  9. There are a few books here that I haven't read yet and it';s definitely made me add them to my "list!

    And I picked the exact same scene with Lyra and Will! His Dark Materials is one of my all time favorites, it's amazingly good!

  10. Love the list! I see some old favorites made the list!

  11. I am loving all the Will and Lyra love! I just started a reread of HDM so they were at the forfront!

  12. I cried when Katniss held Rue too. There are some books here I'm going to look into--especially that last one.

  13. You just sold me on Where She Went! Such a great topic this week.

  14. Tons of awesome moments! Way too many to touch on!

  15. I wrote you an e-mail as answer for your comment


  16. Yeah, gotta love the ending for The Amber Spyglass. So heartbreaking but hopeful at the same time.

  17. I'm so with you on Name of the Wind, the writing in that book constantly gives me chills.

  18. I put when Enzo rides in the racecar too! I cried so hard because it was such an "awww" moment.

  19. Hi! I really loved the list topic this week and it was great to participate. Thank you!

  20. I also cried ridiculously hard as Katniss sang to Rue...killer moment :(

  21. Great topic this week, so many moments to remember from books!

  22. Oh the part where Katniss sings to Rue. It gives me chills remembering it. Good one Jamie!

  23. Yay! First time I've participated. ^_^ Great top ten!

  24. Great list, as usual, and great topic! I'm totally in on the Mr. Darcy moments. And I really want to read The Art of Racing in the Rain. :)

  25. There were so many Aww moments in Anna. I like your pick.

    The Bird Sisters. Oh man. I cried. I still cannot believe she did that. And the ending outside the store. The tears were still flowing.

    Great list. :)

  26. Congrats on the Blogoversary! Great topic. Can't wait for y'all to keep it up for another year!

  27. Congrats on the Blogoversary! Great topic. Can't wait for y'all to keep it up for another year!

  28. "I get to be bookish" that's the bestthing of all. Happy Anniversary! and thanks for hosting this great meme. I love participating each week.
