
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Top Ten Books That Should Be In Your Beach Bag - Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists! Each week we will post a new Top Ten list  that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists.

Click here to see the upcoming topics! 
This week we are talking about the top ten books that should be in your beach bag. The beauty of a beach read is that it is different for every one. I personally like mine light and fluffy but with some substance....not too light and fluffy. It needs to have good movement and hold my attention pretty well or else I'll end up people watching.

1.  Moonglass - Jessi Kirby: The setting and feel of this novel is incredible. This isn't that light and fluffy with the subject matter but the characters and the beach setting make this a great summer read for teens. 

2. The Peach Keeper -  Sarah Addison Allen:  This one just came out within the past few months and I highly recommend it be put in your beach bag! Great writing, a tiny bit of magic and a powerful story of friendship makes this a must for the beach bag of lovers of adult fiction that is a little bit lighter. 

3.  Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen: I could read this book in the winter next to a fire or laying on the beach. While the language might be hard to get used to, it really is a light read.  You'll find yourself not sure if you are melting from the hot summer sun or Mr. Darcy's HOTNESS.

4. Ten Things We Did (And Probably Shouldn't Have) - Sarah  Mylnowski: This book comes out on June 7th and is a must for lovers of fun, contemporary YA! It's the perfect balance of light and "real life" and I could NOT put it down. It would certainly hold my attention on a beach...so put this one on your list of beach reads for 2011!

5.  Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson:  Two words... ROAD TRIP.  This makes for good beach reading for me along with a super sweet romance. 

6. Anything by Sarah Dessen -- Enough said.

7. The Bird Sisters by Rebecca Rasmussen: I looooved this book and it just seriously was a beautiful book that I could see myself being so entranced by the story that I end up frying and becoming a little lobster. It's not really a super light read but it's not uber heavy either but I find it the perfect blend to be a great read to take with you to the beach. 

8. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins:  PARIS! ROMANCE! LOVED this book and think it's a great beach read. Your attention will certainly be on the pages of the book so you won't have time to people watch and see things you don't want to see. I'm looking at YOU, man in a speedo and lady with your goodies showing. 

9. I Love Everybody (And Other Atrocious Lies) by Laurie Notaro: I love reading humor on the beach and THIS BOOK. OH GOSH. Made my sides hurt. Beware...people on the beach might think you've gone a little nutso.

10. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins: This one is for the people who want their beach read to be brimming with action. Killing and action aren't typically my ideal read for the beach but sometimes I just need something really intense that I can't put down. I think I'm going to try to put this in my boyfriend's hands this summer to see if it makes a good beach read for reluctant readers.  OK and I'm just really excited with all The Hunger Games casting news and want my boyfriend to have read it before the movie comes out because he WILL watch it with me :P


  1. My top 10 beach reads are usually pretty light. I'm looking forward to reading some Amanda Hocking and HP Mallory.

  2. Making this list was so much fun! I agree with Dana: light reads are perfect for the beach, and I'm excited to check out others' suggestions for this summer...

  3. I loved making this list. i look for quick reads when I'm heading for a beach day but sometimes I just like to re-read old favorites. Great theme this week :)

  4. I was looking for a reason to post some fun beach/summer reads. Great topic this week. :)

  5. I agree with Kathy--great topic! Can't wait to read your list.

    Of course, now I really, really want to go to the beach. :)

  6. Great topic! This is my first week participating. I'll be back later to see what your top 10 are!

  7. Loved the idea for the beach reading list! Really got me thinking, and excited about my TBR pile!

  8. Fun topic. Just posted my Top Ten Beach Books with link. I do enjoy this meme a helluva lot.

  9. Oh, now I really want to go to the beach. Can't wait to see your list! Most of mine are young adult books about teeny boppers in young love. Or I usually reread the Harry Potter series :)

  10. The Peach Keeper sounds good- I'm glad I read Mockingjay in the privacy of my own home after the way I freaked out at the end. Kind of embarrassing.

  11. I'd love to read something cute/funny/light-hearted, but at the same time, I'd also read something that's somewhat the opposite. :) This is the first meme I've done on my blog, too, and it was fun picking the books!

  12. If I were recommending books that I have already read, I would definitely say anything Sarah Addison Allen, Anna and the French Kiss, and Amy and Roger's Epic Detour. Great summer reads!
    Here's what I would take to the beach with me: http://wp.me/pzUn5-rt

  13. I have Anna and the French Kiss on my list too.

  14. I really enjoyed making my list this week. Thanks Broke and Bookish.

  15. Awesome list idea- I love reading on the beach!

  16. I had Amy & Roger on mine and def agree with The Peach Keeper and P&P. I've never read a Sarah Dessen, I'm really going to have to give her a go sometime soon!

  17. I need really light stuff on the beach...I thought about Hunger Games but it was pretty intense. There are lots of books this week that I'll be adding to my summer reading list! :)

  18. Love Top Ten Tuesday... And I've decided to participate. This is a great way to keep my blog fresh and my typing fingers busy.

  19. Love this week's topic! It was lots of fun to write this list.

  20. It was hard to limit to just 10!
